Rage might vs precision?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RlVER, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. RlVER Well-Known Player

    So we were told rage is might based. I was excited about this, I came from fire which is obviously might based. I was fully modded might exp so I thought the transition would be a breeze. But when I changed I quickly realized that even having more than 3x more might than precision all the precision ticks are bigger than the might ticks.

    At 3600 (rounding) might
    and 1100 prec

    all of the moves when you can switch to a prec tick, the prec hits harder.

    Galling eruption for example:
    Might ticks were around 200-250 I beleive
    Prec ticks were 350-400 wtf?

    Dreadful Blast
    Might hit 1500-4000
    Prec hit 3000-6000 wtf?

    Might hit 2x 500-700
    Prec Hit 2x 1000-1500 wtf?

    So I am going to go ahead say Rage is deff a prec power!

    note: these numbers are ball park numbers as I did not write any of this down and am going off the top of my head/from memory. So if my figures seem a little off they may be, as I do not have an eidetic memory.
  2. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    i said this when i found out Rage had a precision buff and no might buff

    The DEVs and Community are WORLDS apart on what a Might Based Power Set should be like

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  3. xxxSDxxx New Player

    I go all might GEAR p&m mods in red and precision mods in everything else. The precision ticks from rage are too good too not combo into them.
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  4. RlVER Well-Known Player

    I changed my whole spec because of this. Rage is my favorite power, I have been a 2years+ subscriber of the Red Lantern comics. So I was excited about Rage, and was going to change to it no matter what. So now I had to change all my mods to be effective at it. (though I didnt think I would need to).
  5. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I recently switched from a celestial DPS to a rage DPS and kept all my gear the same. I have over 1850 precision and was pleased with the numbers I was getting.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Rage is Precision based power. The fact you can switch a lot of the powers to precision is proof of that.

    I am mostly a might based build and was paired with a leaguemate who was also rage and he out damaged me by about 30-50% as he was precision built. He switched from Celestial to Rage. I went from Gadgets to Rage.

    The devs really do need to do something about might. The problem I foresee though is if they buff might, it would just make precision powers even better as they still need to cast might first.