Rage is still looking great

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Yes and how would you clip it when not using Outrage ie a ranged loadout?
  2. Flightboy New Player

    For my ranged example: I'd clip GEwith Bloodlust, I'd jump cancel plasma retch and able to cast two dreadful blasts back to back clipping into itself before reapplying plasma wretch. I get what your saying hopefully this sheds a little more light. Yes, I can weapon combo, use other powers etc, but I guess I didn't understand why the cool down was implemented in the 1st place.
  3. Kristyana New Player

    Jump cancel Plasma Retch, which is pretty much what I've been doing when in fights where I have to hang back. Being Rifle helps a bit in that regard, at least until I get my hands on a DW.
  4. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    HL can't clip the hold claw before the animation comes out into another claw hold claw as a power. Claw has a 3 sec cool down
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  5. Flightboy New Player

    I think were talking on two different wave lengths lol sorry for the confusion. I too jump cancel PR. My point was pre-fix(es) you could jump cancel PR and able to combo two full rotations of DB (combo'ing/clipping into each other) before having to reapply PR again. Post-fix(es) it looks like because of the new cool downs you won't be able to get the 2nd rotation fully off before plasma retch runs it course of dots. It's seriously splitting hairs I know. Hope this makes better sense :)
  6. Kristyana New Player

    Ah, I see the confusion. You can still clip the third hit and be able to get two full rotations before the PI goes away.
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  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Rage DPS is still fine. PVE tanking is still fine.

    But the change of combos going from 8s to 6s in tank role... garbage... simply not enough at all.

    Tank role is still sitting there with 0 viable damage powers. It's so frustrating and just ********.
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  8. Flightboy New Player

    Well there goes the yellow liquid in my Cheerios... Thanks JEEBIE!!! Lolz. Seriously, that is disheartening to read... Maybe they will get it right ( Fingers and toes crossed)
  9. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Yeah, really getting frustrated, pointed it out like first or second week on test, and saw this, then boom, it's really not a change at all. It's like they're taunting me. :mad: I'm gonna have to travel to austin and pop berserk and outrage spam on their office! Ohh wait... outrage + dreadful blast spam :D
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  10. Flightboy New Player

    What's crazy is I live in Austin... Hmmm.... Devs drinks on me I promise to keep it classy or I may rageeeee a bit!
  11. ThePhantomTerror New Player

    I never asked for the Rage mechanic to be completely taken away so wherever you got that from beats me, the only thing I said was that it shouldn't be healing back 100% of damage in DPS role like it does in Tank role. That would just be like Ice's reflect preventing 10000 damage in DPS role as it does for Tanks. Also you state that it only heals back damage every second which is still ridiculously good, the only thing you have to do is avoid the rage crash which is really easy for anyone with half a brain(not as easy as it was before since Outrage's cool down was increased). I know it doesn't save you from one shots( nothing really does) I didn't need clarification on that but thanks anyway. From the way it sounds to me you're just a Rage player just like the OP who's afraid to admit their own power is out of balance.
  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Cant really say there is a huge imbalance between might and precision powers because there is a HUGE IMBALANCE withing the might based powersets, until you fix the might based powersets you cannot compare them to precision based powers.
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  13. Flightboy New Player

    I agreed with the majority of the fixes. I knew outrage was going to be adjusted just as everyone did...

    My thread title is proof in the pudding. The main point of the thread was to deter ragers who were mad they couldn't spam outrage anymore and to also indirectly let all of HL and Celestial know were still OP :) kidding
  14. Flightboy New Player

    Didn't you just say what I wrote first? I mean as it is and with no future balancing updates from the devs we have to compare the two.
  15. Whiteroom New Player

    Redirected Rage – 50% Damage Buff
    Power Effects: Shields you, and reflects damage back at enemies
    Uses for DPS: Nice at lower levels and for survival in PvP, but in high-end content this is not going to be as useful anymore.
    Uses for Tanks: Great Shield, can give healers room to breathe, and redirects damage. Basically, our version of Reflection.

    Actually, that is the Rage version of reflect. And doesn't help DPS.

    Rage Crash is a function of the Rage powerset, not a tanking ability. It is what makes the set unique from other sets, You take it away, you take away the powerset and there is no reason to play the set, other than RP purposes. Is this a difficult concept. And yes I am a Rage user, but I don't know for how long. The powerset has been a little boring so far, but hopefully, this nerf will make it more fun. It's not about playing OP. its about plating to have fun. If you issue is that you can't keep up, go learn your power better.
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  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Devs said they are looking into balancing, however with all these rage QQ threads rage just happened to be the first priority on their list. Even with the nerf it still is the strongest powerset out there and I am sure they will nerf it again until they feel it has been brought in to line with the top 5 powersets. In reality only the tank and healer powersets are widely unbalanced. The controller powersets are the closest powersets to some form of balance.

    Yes there wont be balance soon for all powersets we know that. But mainly until they fix the healer and tank powersets and bring them into line then we can look at the argument of might powersets vs precion.
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  17. Whiteroom New Player

    I like that this was a small nerf, it show control on the Devs part. Adjust a bit, wait to see the effects, then adjust a little more. When they try to adjust everything at once the power just bounces from one extreme to the other.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    We all knew it was going to happen, new power, DPS quickly hop to it, pay $10 bucks, then once its nerfed, ok hype is over pay $10 to switch back. In all honesty sometimes I think devs are secretly promoting dps centric gameplay for when new powers are released.
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  19. Flightboy New Player

    I will give you that, ^ but this has been a very ongoing thing to the point of it being the reg. this complaint (might not up to par with precision) was on the table even before the power revamps. I agree with you and also disagree to a certain degree. I hope they do bring them all in line. That will alone will stop the majority of QQ'ing.
  20. shaun10656 New Player

    so is rage prec or might what base gear should I get the might based gear or prec or should I get prec gear and mod it with might or get might and mod it with prec or get might mod it with might or prec and mode it with prec