Does Rage get access to a disproportionate amount of precision compared to everyone else in PVP? I just got blocked by a guy and his Deadly Block took off 75% of my Health bar. I'm fully modded T5.
75% sounds a bit too high but it's probably a huge chunk of your health anyways. The prec buff may be boosting it a bit, but let's see. Let's say they modded full prec so about 1500 prec? Add 1462 prec from pvp weapon for a total of ~3k prec. Add the 18% prec buff for a total of about ~3500 prec. Deadly Block scales with 75% of prec so about 2600 damage base. Add 50% modifier for about 4000 damage. I'll just guess you're at 2100 toughness so 30% damage mitigation. But maybe they're using penetrating strikes so shave off 11% mitigation, and the damage is ~3200. Sometimes the block damage procs twice so we'll double it to get ~6400 damage. If you've got about 13k health then the single counter should've only taken off 50% of your health at most . Not quite 75%
Both are ridiculous, but at least Outrage is much more balanced now. Deadly Block -IS- disgusting atm, even from non-rage players. That was just the biggest Deadly Block proc I'd seen since they fixed the issue where you'd get like 4 procs in one.
Here's how you piss people off with rage: mod with straight precision, equip the white mods deadly block, penetrating strikes, berserker back mod, let the person get your health under 35% then pop relentless anger for the 8 out of 12 sec semi invincibility, use both precision buffs then use outrage (extra damage under 50% health) and bam you just took out 13k health in about 2 seconds. (imagine that with supply drop 50% boost, the new precision trinket, and the berserker supercharge or the other 1 that boosts your crit chances and damage.)
or they could break you and outrage the hell out yo *** while you pop countless shields **** dont work.... you hit your photon they still got health your health is gone they win the duel
The deadly block was put in because thats the name of the game in pvp now. Be it both arenas and legends. Who can be the most skilled turtle or who can find the best exploit in slipping block breaks without being able to be countered. All of the nerfs, buffs, and tweeks has lead to what pvp is today. Some of these mechanics were put in to try and balance and this is what ya get.
Yeah I frickin HATE Arena deathmatch. So much bs in it sometimes. <3 Legends but Arena can be mega annoying. Kept running into a pre-made in Lair today that was spamming invulnerability consumable every chance they got -.- just... how is that any fun? For any of us? Rage is a lot better balanced now that they've tweeked it, aside from the ridiculous DB damage. Has anyone else noticed that Rage can be extremely hard to debuff?
Except top level PvP isn't about that, the best PvPers can blockbreak on reaction. This eradicates turtling and makes having to hide your BB scarce because the best players are confident they won't miss 90% of their blockbreakers.
dont forget to factor in the 800 prec trinket, the supply drop 50% buff, and one of the 45% prec buffs. all of these things could have combined to ruin his day
Yup, that's why I've lost all enjoyment of arena/open world pvp. Who needs skill when fights can be decided by 2-3 counters alone? If you consider a Staff focus spin BB, it can get even higher. The max damage scales with 100% prec and can crit. With the same stats (3k prec) boosted with 800 prec trinket as suggested above, a 50% supply drop buff, 18% prec buff, and 50% dmg mod, it's possible to see a 13k counter in arenas and 17k counter in open world on T5 pvp armor, if you roll the max counter damage. Unfortunately no one does the cash gear duel tournies or premades anymore so legends is my refuge for skill based PvP now, where stat distribution is a lot more balanced.
Rage is still pretty crazy in pvp right now, they get a block break or block counter and your health disappears in half, their burst damage is nuts
Legends is where it's at. I still enjoy open world PVP personally. I think I'd hate Arenas a little less if they'd do away with consumables and HT mods in it. Those things only make it harder for new players to get into PvP, since only the most hardcore are going to have a gillion invulnerability items rdy to go. A lot of times my damage out for the match will be way higher than a Rage opponents but they'll have still won due to the fact that their damage was dealt pretty much all at once so there's hardly any to heal or recover if you derp the block or get knocked down, BBed, CCed, etc. I don't see any issue with Rage in PVE right now but no power should be so utterly unforgiving in PvP. Outrage hits harder than my SC.
And to think, all the rage players are crying about the "nerf" to outrage... Still the best move in the game next to photon blast, maybe even better since it can be clipped
I'd say it's a lot better. I never really felt that Quantum was unbalanced in PvP, just annoying to fight against at times. Rage PvP is a bit crazy though. Pretty much the only power that can drop a player from full health in 1-2 seconds if they make a mistake.
Does that factor in the general counter damage or whatever it is? I don't use deadly block and I've seen chunks rip out of people running into my blocks. Posted about it a while ago, just seems a bit high atm /shrug.