rage heals for dps

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nuclearbomb, May 24, 2014.

  1. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    I keep hearing rage heals are getting taken away in dps role in gu 37 but dont see in the notes. So if someone can show me if it really going to happen or just a lie spreading.
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I really hope so... the healing should only be done in tank role imo.
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  3. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    Im hoping too becuse devs took out the use of damage shift for earth dps in gu37 and it would be smart if they lowered there heals or took it out.
  4. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Rage DPS should definitely not be able to use the Rage Healing mechanic. That or at least cut it in half.
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  5. Biester New Player

    Lol, if they are getting rid of rage's self-heals in dps role I believe it would destroy the powerset. Not completely destroy it but mostly. Rage's ranged powers are not that good and there are only a few of them to choose from. The hard hitting powers like outrage and even berserk would be useless in anything above T4 except duos.

    At the very least, if it is nerfed I hope the healing isn't completely removed because that would eliminate melee dpsing with rage which is where it absolutely shines. I think it should heal 75% of damage taken instead of 100%. But then again I'm one of the few people who actually tank with rage instead of dps. Maybe when the next new power is showcased the devs won't show only the dps side and not the support role side. Rage had every dps in this game drooling over those numbers the devs were showcasing.
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  6. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Such bull. How about they fix celestial healers with dps gear! Way too op.
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  7. Biester New Player

    I have a feeling when fire's self-heals are possibly revamped in the future we will see a lot of threads on how fire's self-heals should be reduced in dps role.

    I honestly don't understand why most players complain about rage's self-heals in dps role. They seem to want the tank to still be able to fully heal himself but not other dps's. The only reason I can think of is melee rage dps's are outdamaging them on the scoreboard because rage can melee and they can't. I'll catch a lot of ######### for this but it just seems selfish to me. A a tank, I love running with rage dps's because they obliterate adds and bosses because they are able to melee making everything run a little bit faster. But I also see them dying way more often than the other dps's in the group. Maybe if i dpsed more with a different power then I could understand.
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  8. Mentality New Player

    I really hope it's a lie. I understand it makes you pvpers upset but it's a go to move in my already small powerset for melee dps. I'm a nonpvper strictly pve. Devs please don't kill my power set please.
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  9. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    How come? the McB heals are as big as your Resto + 1, so even if you have 2000+ precision and 2500 resto, and you do 6000 damage in required time the heal would still be only 2501
  10. Vyltran Loyal Player

    But defeating a rage dps while healing isn't that hard.. i'm looking forward to those notes, anyways on my own, i don't depend on it..
  11. Biester New Player

    I agree 100%, so this must all boil down to people getting outdamaged on the scoreboard by a rage dps who was able to melee when they couldn't. Now Berserk on the other hand, well that's an entirely new thread.
  12. Sophittia Well-Known Player

    I don't have a problem with their healing. No different than an ice dps with shields. Do something about Berserk if anything.
    There's no "high risk, high payout" when it comes to that move.
  13. Ice Lantern New Player

    It's very different, actually. Ice Shields are based on stats which are typically not nearly as good when wearing DPS gear. Reflect also doesn't get the extra 10k mitigation.

    As far as the Rage mechanic goes, it really shouldn't do that in DPS stance. I would make it do 33% of the healing back or some function of Resto+Dom.
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  14. Avian Dedicated Player

  15. Rick James New Player

    If that's the case, then no class should be able to heal, use a shield or do anything but damage while in dps role. Rage can't self heal, but ice can cycle between 4 shields? Lol, lots of salty players in this thread
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  16. Avian Dedicated Player

    As Ice Lantern said, all other forms of healing and shielding are based on stats. Rage healing is just timing. If it's not removed in dps stance then it should be lowered severely or be based on stats.
  17. Rick James New Player

    There will only be one set if gear when the pvp makeover hits, so dps and support gear will roughly have the same stats, you just mod it differently. That will make ice sheilds much tougher in dps role due to the extra dom that the dps gear will have. Like I said, if ice can cycle between 4 shields, then rage definitely needs some real damage mitigation.

    That's the problem with nerf requests, when one class gets a nerf, the next best thing is usually a target. That's why I hate nerfs and nerf requests. All it does is hold the game back and just ruins powers. Just look at hard light.

    This game would be better if people just asked for buffs to the powers they do play, instead of nerfs to the powers they don't play
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  18. Ice Lantern New Player

    If you're an Ice DPS and you're running that many shields in Arenas then something is wrong. As far as duels go, you can use movement mode debuffs if Ice shields really bother you that much.

    I don't think people should always ask for buffs. If the devs actually listened, the game would be even easier than it already is which I don't think it good for the game.
  19. Rick James New Player

    Well, if you want to talk about debuffs... Rage is the most hurt by debuffs, debuffing a rage dps or tank, allows you to cash in on previous damage, potentially one shorting them with that debuff. Also with severe punishment on a 10 sec cool down, you only need to debuff a rage player once every 15 seconds after the first debuff. Compare that to a ice player that can cycle through shields that do not share a cool down. You actually have to debuff an ice tank every 6 seconds. And when you do debuff them, you simply remove the shield, you don't get to cash in on any previous damage that was absorbed while the shield was up.

    Not everything in the game can be the same. Ice has it's strengths, it gets it's full tank boost while in dps gear in tank stance (90% increase toughness), it's shields provide a breakout and works great with regen shielding hand mod. Earth still maintains it's pet damage sharing while debuffed, and I don't know enough to speak about fire, but it's getting a much needed revamp soon.

    Rage is a non issue for me in pvp, I feel that rage just shines vs bad players in pvp. And we all know how bad players like to ask for nerfs on the forum after losing, lol.
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  20. Ice Lantern New Player

    Only reflect works with that. And we're not talking about tank mechanics in tank stance. We are talking about a tank mechanic (or at least what should be) in DPS stance.
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