Rage DPS - Prec Might or Prec

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Agnetta, May 17, 2015.

  1. Agnetta Dedicated Player


    galling eruption, bloodlust, outrage, eviscerating chain, revenge.

    for the last slot you can use relentless anger for some extra damage, although if you're not careful, you can end up rage crashing and dying. I think there are enough power points to get an SC, or the robot if you don't wanna use relentless anger.


    galling eruption > clip with relentless anger (if using it) > clip with bloodlust > spam the 3 melee combos clipped with eachother

    the order of the melee combos doesn't really matter, outrage should probably be first since it's a lunge, as an example, you could do:

    outrage > clip the combo with eviscerating chain > clip the combo with revenge > clip the combo with outrage etc
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  2. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

    Ah thanks for this. I'll give it a try.
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  3. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    It's really fun, it feels a lot like melee'ing with the old HL.
  4. Earthly Chaos New Player

    I just noticed Relentless Anger and Bloodlust clip together but different cooldowns
  5. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Using Galling after relentless is a safety net because it reduces rage crash by 50%. True you should be safe to cancel with your e-chain or outrage combo, but it is a safety net in case you get cc'd.
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  6. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    Interesting, I didn't know that. Doesn't bloodlust reduce rage crash damage too? Do you know what percentage it is?
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  7. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Doh! You are correct! I didn't read your loadout post carefully enough. It is the same as galling, 50%. As long as you use one of them after Relentless you are fine.
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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Gailing damage reduction is only in tank role not DPS. DPS, if you are doing the melee combo of E. Chain, and OutRage, which is all you need as you can go between the two endlessly and drop Gailing Eruption for DOT you should be fine. I use Resentless Anager only once Bloodlust is ready, I believe it takes about 12 seconds vs. Resentless Angers 8 seconds, so you have about 4 seconds where you cannot heal yourself. It worked wonders for me in HoH on the last boss.

    I find that Rage melee is mostly used in solo and duos and in any other instance, you are using the range rotation, mostly.
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  9. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    That rotation is what I was using, but now I have dreadful blast in the mix. It seems to hit harder than echain. By rotating outrage/blood lust/galling eruption/dreadful blast/back to outrage then when the timer runs out activate blood lust and galling eruption again you get decent damage and keep getting power back while staying in savage state.
  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    E. chain works wonder on enemies with low health.... keep that in mind.
  11. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Oh I know. E Chain is like that get over here and finish them off power for me.
  12. Doudou314 New Player

    I'm Rage DPS and for the moment I use WM with Preci/ Might mod ... Is it more effective than AM with Preci pure mod ???