R&D Table…Please help

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FullMetalTitan, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    I know this may not be a priority but I hate using this thing. Can we at least get the ability to flip the order from newest content at the top it will make my life and I’m pretty sure a bunch more ppl easier
  2. DanXVII Committed Player

    Do you not archive old plans?
    Whole R&D interface needs burning and revamping tbh.
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  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Kinda has same issues when stuff is being changed on your toon such as Oracle repairing your gear CHANG, money being added CHANG, scrolling down rnd list, FREEZE, etc. Can’t do much and is so annoying that the whole system needs roasted away and rebuilt better. The whole Chang part, it means your curser got reset to the top. When in the fortify tab and selecting a number to add, CHANG, it backs you out and gotta do it again.

    The only thing I do is archive a soder or two, the 15/16 exobytes, and gen mod plans. No scrolling necessary. Just open it up, tab over, create, done.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You can archive all the old recipes, they won't show up in your list.
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  5. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Archive is waste of space to me. It'd be easier to be able to delete old plans when
    they become obsolete jmho. :p;)
  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Until someone accidentally deletes a plan they want, then whines when customer service won't magically make a new one appear, and they create a whole thread whining about how the devs don't care...

    We've seen it too many times with other items. Nonstarter.
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  7. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Yeah it's a shame people can't follow directions, read, or be responsible for their
    own actions these days. The unfortunate reallity of 2020's :(
  8. Requake Dedicated Player

    Or even more efficient; archive the plans you will use frequently (for example latest DLC stuff), so you don't have to archive EVERYTHING and use archive as your actual R&D list :)

    Regardless and in all honesty, I really don't understand how they leave the R&D station as it is, for years already.

    PS: your archive and saved chats are stored locally afaik, if you reinstall DCUO or delete local files, your chats and archived items vanish.
  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Calm down, grandpa. Mistakes can happen to us mere mortals. Slight latency in the UI, a finger slips, you get a drink and your kid hits a bunch of buttons...there are so many variables that could go into something happening accidentally...because accidents happen. The system we currently has lets you filter out the ones you don't use and doesn't cause the potential issues of permanent deletion. It's good to have a backup.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is the way to do it. 'archive' what you need, because the next time they do a UI update where we end up having the RnD list reset, having to re-archive 10 things is WAY better than having to do the whole less except those 10 things. I don't upgrade exos anymore either, so it's really more like 4 or 5 things...a few soders and consumables....Mod plans if I'm working on them...done with FP and havent started LOD yet...so yeah...a short list to be sure.
  11. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Then don't cry just move on. I really see Dev's saying, "Oh here it was just an accident" and giving it back :p:D
    BTW, I have made many mistakes in this game and even in my senility I never cried about it.