Quick question for Rage Tanks

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Thunderstrikke, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    I recently switched to rage tanking about 3 weeks ago, and for the last week I've been using Remorseless Recovery to prevent my rage crash, and it's been working fine (I was using E Chain before). However, when I ran the SS alert last night, using RR wasn't stopping my rage crash - I was crashing every time (based on my health bar and I was getting the crash animation). Did anyone else have this issue?

    I wanted to try it out again tonight before I put in a ticket. I also thought being new to the power, I may be missing something. . . .I'm like 99% sure I wasn't crashing like this anytime prior to last night, using the same set up.
  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Remorseless Recovery doesnt Cancel it, it just lowers the damage of the crash so you'll still be taking damage from the crash, just a less amount. If youre taking damage, its working as intended.
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  3. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Trex is correct RR is a Rage Crash reducer of around 50%.
    In order to avoid crash you need to use a canceler (e chain, d blast, revenge etc..) It's clearly listed in tool tip
    damage caused by Rage Crash is ignored.
    Make sure to use these after 6 o'clock on cool down otherwise it doesn't prevent crash.
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