Queueing option: minimum skill points requirement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I'm currently after some tier 2 styles. I wear the 46 gear bought from the vendor when doing so. Not everyone who wants skill points to slow progression down a bit is in the same camp. I've met some tier 6 players who said they've only been playing for a week or two, and that's not good for anyone. I really think there does need to be some way to effectively slow down progression while still allowing new players to reach top content in 4-5 weeks if the time is spent wisely. 1 week is way too short a time.

    I don't know if skill point gating is the answer to slowing people down, so I'm open to other suggestions. I do think that having DPS players who have 40-60 skill points in the highest tier is a bad idea. I went back last year and ran all tier 1-3 content and progressing an alternate gear set based on drops instead of vendor bought items. I learned a lot along the way, and I'd love to see other players take the initiative to do the same. Waiting to get feats while over-geared in lower content doesn't teach players any more than being appropriately geared and running lower content with players who are over-geared.
  2. zeroman New Player

    I fully agree and give this all of my support. This is a great idea and should be put into place as soon as soon as possible. I give this thread a 4.
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  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    LOL 70-80...No way! I say a minimum of 113 for any toon, especially troll, healers and DPS players for the crit bonuses, movement mode and 2 WM moves.

    Tanks, depends more on the power than other roles.
  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I've seen all roles perform fairly well with 80+ SP. Obviously, those were skilled players and they hadn't reached their full potential due to the low SP, but it is doable. A good player on an alt who hasn't purchased many feats will often have 80-100 SP. I think even 70 is probably enough if a player knows what to spec into and how to play the role. Most new players won't fit that mold, but there are exceptions.
  5. Hyoga New Player

    I totally agree. Although this should have been implemented long ago not just now.
  6. Makineko Committed Player

    I haven't seen a thread on sp locks in ages, good entertainment though. Now all we need is a Premium cash cap thread or thread saying "DCUO is dying" and I get the full collection for my sticker book.

    As regards the original post: no, never in a million years. I have 1 main (106 cr, 91 sp) a Rage alt (64 cr, 61 sp) a Gadgets alt (29 cr, 20 odd sp) and 2 other alts I often use. I try keep them balanced cr/sp wise but if someone suggested that I be locked out of content due to my sp being slightly lower then my Cr I'd be mighty hacked off. I'm not the best Troll to grace this game but I know what I'm doing when I'm Trolling.
  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    As I said in an earlier post, the dev team could have gone with a skill point requirement system for gating content and avoided using Combat Rating altogether.

    The fact that they didn't go that route says something to me about the potential flaws of such a system.
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  8. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    IDK what you are trying to say...getting sp is a job? The feats you need to get to 100 sp aren't difficult at all. Pretty quick & easy, especially considering high level players do rent runs on a pretty consistent basis & they blow through lower content with ease dragging the weaker players with them.
  9. Mothmother Level 30

    In that case, why not just add 50sp- tokens @marketplace for 5$ each while we are at it?. That way you dont force people chasing those boring feats. Would just love getting told i must go back and kill every boss in the game in 12 different ways t be able to join mates in their raids.
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone


    You forgot that one...
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  11. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    150 is a bit much ,most players don't have anywhere near 150 so you would be excluding 80% of the games already small enough population (me included as i only have 133 sp and thats taken me over a year to get) and this will just lead to even longer q times and more people quitting the game and could even end up killing the game and then no one will get to play cause there will be no game

    with 70-80 sp you can get all crits and use an am power and do quite well
    with 112sp you can get all crits and 1 wm attack
    with 132 you can get all crits and get all 4 of your wm attacks for 1 weapon
    everything after 132sp is gravy
    with my 133sp and a soda buff and trinkit i have out DPSed people with much more sp than me and lived longer too ,i have seen many bad players with lots of sp so sp does not always =skill
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  12. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    SP requirements will not stop the millions of tears from the whiners and complainers. The only answer is a seperate server for people that want to make ridiculous requirements, it would be money and time well spend to get those QQ about not having skill point gates on content. Since it is so many of them and they claim it is such a big problem build a server or phase for them. It would be totally worth it to finally be rid of those whiners. Only one stipulation once you sign up for the SP lock server you are their for the rest of your life no switching back and forth. That way the rest of the DCUO gaming community can continue to move forward, while the complainers can sit around and cannibalize each other while they wait for people with 150 SP to log on. Win win for everyone.
  13. Makineko Committed Player

    Knew I was forgetting something :p
  14. Kal~el Committed Player

    Ok we all get it. All of you who have 125+ sp want a way to say how better you are than those who do not have as many as you.

    News flash...

    Quit trying to dictate a requirement to run content until others prove themselves to you by killing 5k reapers or placing the artifacts in the correct order.

    Kudos to all of you who chased down those feats to acquire al those sp, but it still does not equate to skill. If you do not know what to do in an instance all those sp won't matter.
  15. Alekimsior New Player

    I like how you said Optional. I totally agree that players should be able to be more selective with whom they want to play, without imposing it on other people. A mandatory SP requirement is something I'd never support, because of my own personal experience leveling up. I'd level up CR faster and then return to lower content, once it was easier, to increase my SP. Currently at 128 SP.
  16. Alekimsior New Player

    I think on raids Tanks do need dominance to tank properly. In Labyrinth, I recently ran into a tank that barely made the CR cut (think her dps was higher, she was asked switch to tank, because there wasn't any), and she couldn't successfully pull. Someone apped her, if I recall her Dominance was not enough to successfully pull. I spent long portion of the fight picking her up.
  17. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I'm CR 103, 74 SP. Yes I'm trying to build my skill points up. I can hold my own in the AF1 duos, I can easily complete the AF1 dailies.

    However, by this proposal, I shouldn't be allowed to do said duos and dailies?

    So, despite my 103 CR (which grants me access to the content), I'm still supposed to race, buy styles, explore, switch powers to another role (costing more money), buy more styles that are specific to role, switch powers to another role, buy more styles that are specific to the new role, switch powers back to my original role, race, explore, oh yeah rescue people from bottles, destroy bombs in bottles, basically do nothing in my tier-losing prestige, which costs my league, just because I'm not good enough to run my tier, even though I can competently run the content in my tier?


    If I ever end up in an instance with someone who wants this then I'd rather be kicked. But don't make it mandatory.
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  18. Sbel Devoted Player

    well, you don't usually have to pull them to tank. If you use a power it'll aggro them whether or not it pulls.
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    The more DLCs we get the more the separationg between those with 150+ SP and those with under 100SP will exist. I know I'm 10 feat points from hitting 165 and you know what I'm fine with that value but I would like to have my SP be at 175 or 185. I know to get there I have to grind and I will when I have the energy to with my primary.