Queueing option: minimum skill points requirement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Dont worry about it, work on your sp when you have the time to do it. Letting someone else set the standards for attributes which dont even officially gate progression is ridiculous. Go at your own pace
  2. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Do keep in mind, that that particular situation was back when OC was new, and tanks were indeed being mutilated in Nexus. Not like now where a couple of DPS's can duo the thing.
  3. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    Again...as posted before...good time management skills. ;)
  4. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Time isn't that easy to come by. Can you pull months of extra time out of your pants to get several of the grindy feats out of the way? Keep in mind this has to happen RIGHT NOW because the mentality behind this requirements requires you to have the feat points very quickly.

    Doing feats the "right way" that some people seem to want would force a lot of new players to play for a year before getting to the new stuff. That's...not happening. Ever.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Easy doesnt make it fun ya know?
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  6. Gunny New Player

    This is one of the most amusing topics I've seen on the forums....

    Its great too because it connects so many issues with the game as well. Many complain about how bad players are. Many complain about how faceted people are about gear (and the famous glitching topic falls right under this gear desire too).

    SP, skill points, is for the most part, NOT requiring much skill to obtain. Those that DO require skill usually temporarily do... because when new gear comes out, the content becomes obsolete and the feats with them become significantly easier. There. Now that's settled. Skill points in and of themselves =/= skill.

    Now that that has been pointed out, I CAN say that experience and time spent doing a task makes one better at the task at hand. After all, "practice makes perfect" right? Skill points in DCUO, unlike gear, are things you must specifically obtain for yourself regardless of replay badges or most other methods of assistance. You MUST invest copious amounts of time to obtain Skill points - it is widely accepted that gear and CR do NOT have this requirement.

    So now that two more obvious facts is pointed out, think now.... how do players earn SP? Does one sit down and tell themselves "OK! I'm going to sit down and grind out 200SP while doing nothing else!" Sure, a handful of players might have done some serious grinding sessions, but for the most part? People earn SP over long periods of time. They knock out a few feats here and there, slowly filling out their lists as the weeks go by. A long, lengthy process. In that process, players obviously don't just play the game to get SP. They run instances, join leagues, learn from others, use the forums, spam LFG, or whatever else they like to do. Everything they learn in the game, becoming better players over a long period of time.


    So how can one get a gauge this experience? Gear that can be obtained in a matter of days? Or 200SP that took nothing short of a year in most cases to get? With all of the non-disputed facts of life above that are often sub-consciously exercised above on a days to day basis by most human beings, it would be foolish to say that experience - and time played - has no impact on a player's ability to perform.

    That said, is it possible players CAN play better than someone with more experience and time played? Yes it is. Is it possible. It is NOT a trend or a common occurrence. There will be exceptions. People are arguing skill points have no value are basing that argument off uncommon cases and examples.

    It is perfectly reasonable to ascertain that if one player has 100 SP and another has 150 SP, the player with 150 SP will outplay the other one - due to either the extra statistics, or by sheer skill - often bred by more experience and time played. Whatever the reason, SP does have a solid trend that players with more are much more likely to perform better - for several reasons explained above. To request something that gates players by SP is not exactly an odd request. I do not agree with it, simply due to how the game is structured right now, but something DOES need to be done to make SP a far more integral part of DCUO - rather than some extras that no one but OCD players care about right now.
  7. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Hm..reminds me of this elitist ***** of a quantum dps who pulled out his DC app to call my 110 cr with 97 sp in a random queue of Throne [normal].

    Didn't even leave the gate....with this group of 6 other dps and 1 tank...

    Some pugs have no tolerance for anyone not playing like them which already makes it difficult to play the pug life when you refuse to storm yourself through lower content in lieu of not being part of the group of players who make more know-nothing players from tiers 1-4 end up in T6.

    Needless to say: This has been brought up before. It was shot down brutally. Make your own elitist groups if you want to place a "skill point" requirement.

    Also, there's countless players with 70-100 sp who outdo players who suck HARD with 200 sp. Skill points =/= skill. They show how much grinding you've done, not how you fare in content where you need to know your role AND your place to get it done or fall flat on your face with zero progression because of that toxic mindset.
  8. Gunny New Player

    You can be terrible with 200 SP.

    You can be gods greatest gift with 70 SP.

    However, both of those are uncommon cases. To sit here and claim any of the following is absolute nonsense:

    -- Both are equal Stats
    -- Both have likely played as long
    -- Both probably have the same experience

    Go ahead and sit here and tell me of individual cases of the underdog out-doing the experience. It happens. Even then, how are you telling me they actually ARE outperforming those experienced players? Are you basing that off a scorecard report that can be misinterpreted and misrepresent the instance in more ways than I could hope to list here?

    MY case of saying that SP-holding players are likely to be better is based on sound, commonly found and practiced human logic that has been exercised by most humans their entire lives on an everyday basis for thousands of years. YOUR case is supported by scorecards of individual cases, which scorecards are almost useless in their current state.

    Come on now.... The top DPS can ignore all pick-ups, ignore all objectives, and just lay down burn all instance and say "I beat you and I only have half your SP". Labyrinth of Lost Souls is a perfect example. Countless PUG's will enter trap rooms and burn add's, not touch a water barrel, not looking for red markers, or not moving blocks.


    The trend is there, and could not be more obvious. Special exceptions exist, but here is the hard truth: Not everyone is an exception (or that would no longer BE an exception, now would it?).
  9. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    The ones complaining in this thread aren't the ones with low sp.

    The issue with 'putting in the work'
    This isn't a job, it's a game. A game with group content where you can hand pick who you play with.
    These are literally achievements with bonuses attached.

    They are literally designed to pop up with a little noise and graphic and get you to want to spend more time hunting for them to show off, to some people their nothing but flair to some people its something to be proud of. (notice on PS some of them are linked to trophies, to the point where every trophy is literally a specific 'feat' in game?)

    They are designed to attract a type of gamer that hold pride in his r her accomplishments and thats fine.
    The line is THICKLY drawn at making them required, or them being normal.

    Then it's no longer an accomplishment, every player is essentially carbon copies, the ones who dump thousands of dollars and hours worth of time and those who just play for free and sub occasionally. theres no xXb4tmanXx telling Kill3rRob1n that he just got the odyssey feat at gear level, because its normal, its required.

    people already are warying of running with people around a certain sps when it has very little effect on stats, and you think making it greater would be better for a game thats trying to influence play with others?
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  10. Minrath Well-Known Player

    its like every other MMO from the beginning until now.You adapt.Those who do not adapt are quickly swept under the rug.who doesnt have am's yet? rage, sorc, earth..i play all 3 and destroy ppls dpses with lower cr's than theirs, and I can switch to their other role and still do their job.Fire? np I can tank with the best of them, rage? easy to tank with if you know your powers.The problem isnt SP, its people who do not know their powers and the spoiled bratty community who thinks cr and sp mean everything when in fact they mean nothing.

    I have actually had people come into my league with low cr's, and then gear up over my cr and think they know everything then.They leave the league and guess what? they end up in dead leagues and booted from them because they didnt learn anything but how to raise a number fast.So yes cr should be removed from the game as the same with SP.Its a out dated system that alienates people in a already dying game.Look at villain side for instance its on life support as it is, and I know this because I have played their, you spend hours building a group in lfg and forget using the que, that takes even longer.
  11. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    it almost made me laugh to hear someone on mic question my sp on my villain alt after we got in an instance with 3 dps and 1 healer after waiting 30 minutes on the queue.
    You can sadly finish most content on hero side before you for a group villain side, and it's sad because you can tell they put a bit of effort in some of the villain stuff.
  12. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    This is interesting and valid. But I did beat LAB with a tank who had only 60 sp. And he did help his team go to the final boss in HOH so SP can be a lil overrated but then again this tank maybe an exception
  13. HersheyKiss New Player

    I agree w/ya 100%. Sick of these t6 players who are under 100sp and have been carried thru everything. Im guessing most in this thread that are against your idea are the players im talking about. They dont wanna grind sp, instead they spend more time on here then the actual game. If your t6 and dont have 100sp your doing something very wrong. I means thats not even 20sp per tier. Anyone can get that. I dont get the mindset of i wanna be carried, thats sad imo. How another person says "oh u do all the work for me" is something ill never understand. End game should mean something, putting a sp requirement would force these players to actually grind something in this MMO and not always look for others to carry them.
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  14. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Can somebody either give me the 10 minutes of my life that was wasted reading this thread? Or even better - give me 10 feat points 'cause it's about as bad as grinding reaper kills.
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  15. HersheyKiss New Player

    There are 4sure exceptions. But those players are in a small percentile. Very rarely are u gonna see a tank with 60sp or any role for that matter that knows what they are doing. It was probaly someones alt that they havent unlocked feats on yet. Cuz 99% of t6 people i see with under 100sp are trash.
  16. HersheyKiss New Player

    And there is a ton of feats in the game that do require some skill to do, a ton of them. I love when this topic comes up and people bring up killing 5k reapers and gathering 25k exos. Well what about the other 1000 or so feats? What about stuff like EO and death proof? Yea those require no skill at all, smh. The no hands/no feet 1 in HoH, that requires no skill either i guess. Players on this game are just lazy and wanna be carried and will use any and all excuses to not have do anything in this game that they deem not fun. I sure as hell didnt think killing 5k reapers was fun but i did it.

    And someone in this thread said a quantum dps with 77sp will out dps a person with 200? Well if anyone had that happen then the guy with 200 is not very good. I have 190sp on 5 toons, id like to see someone with 77sp out dps me, cuz that wont ever happen.
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  17. Multiverse Creator League

    So... good management skills is an excuse to treat playing a game like a job??

    Again.... this is a game.... not a job. :rolleyes:
  18. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I think its his main Cause my friend league always puts him on blast with SP lol. Me and my group of friends beat HOH with only 104 sp with 97 gear on so there good player out there no matter how lil or much SP the player has and vice versa. But I will put myself on blast and say my group of buddies have been on me about getting SP even tho I hate the grind, I am all for being a team player so these are the things I need to do to show respect to my teamates, Im at 113 sp and My CR is 114 now but 4 me personally SP isnt really a big deal to me.
    Maybe 1 day my opinion will change, but I do respect your Idea
  19. HersheyKiss New Player

    So all the players who couldnt get the EO feat b4 they nerfed it had enough skill to do it but just didnt feel like getting it huh? Same with the deaf proof feat now, everyone can get it, just when they feel like it bcuz it requires no skill right? If all the feats dont require skill then why doesnt everyone have all the ones that dont take months and months to grind? To say feats dont require any skill is 100% false.

    And id like to see 1 above average player that is using the queue for end game/new content, bcuz that happens never.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So your telling me to play a game and do things that arnt fun....because your personal standards dictate how i should have fun...?
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