Queueing option: minimum skill points requirement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    I see and agree with the points against the necessity of sp requirement, but if someone wants this feature and if it is a non default setting, devs should consider. I'm all for more player choices for queue system. if person would rather wait longer it's their choice. Personally I like to see role optional to 2-2-2-2 min requirement, it'll allow easier pug for throne. Nothing wrong with more choices just because you may not use it.
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  2. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    If it's so easy then why don't they have the skill points, hmm? Lazy!
  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    If some has less skill points than you because they spend more time working in real life... who's the lazy one? :rolleyes:
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  4. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I do think that skill points and combat rating are both important, however, putting a restriction? No, if I want to get so and so feats from a certain instances, but I can't get in because I don't have the said skill points, it would just suck and not even be good for new comers, I understand some people aren't all that great at his/her role, it can change though. However, how it says suggested dominance, they can do something like that, however...personally...some things can be completed without so and so amount of SP, it doesn't take rocket science in my opinion to complete certain feats.

    I still do believe that SP just gives you that edge. If you don't understand your role then you need to do something about that, it takes an understanding of knowing your power, understanding the content and understanding your role. With all 3 I do think people can succeed in their raids & whatever. Skill points just show your progression, important yes, but not that important that you gotta put a restriction.
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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Fair points, but there's only a small amount of content in the game that requires the best toon possible. The vast majority of the in-game content can be done without min/maxing your character.

    All those stats are certainly helpful, but they aren't necessarily essential or required.
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  6. The God New Player

    No point in sp reqs. You choose yourself who you are playing with. If you want to play with people 200+ only, then do that, nobody is forbiding you.
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  7. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    Maybe I'm good at time management. ;)
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  8. winter13 New Player

    No....hell no. As has been said a thousand times on the forum..skill points do NOT equal skill. The devs should never implement a skill point minimum for any content. Put your group together with whatever minimum requirements you want, that is your option.
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  9. winter13 New Player

    Sure...let's add every possible option that people want in the game. Maybe we can get those que times over an hour for every instance :eek:;)
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  10. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Also true. For me amassing as many skill points as possible is just how I craft my character. Sort of like putting on the finishing touches. It isn't essential to do that in order to play 99.9% of the content at any one time. I will say that it is a very good idea for a player to have enough skill points to spec into all their Crits as you can never have enough of those. I have often said that I'd like to see skill points factored into CR, but given the exclusionary nature of much of the community I may have to rethink that one.
  11. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    For DPS and tanks I feel the SP gain shows more and you can see the effects more. Whereas for trolls and heals, its not too much of a difference. For vit top vit purposes sure but if you don't mind being backup troll its not "necessary".
    I'm not disagreeing about the possible boost I'm stats from let's say someone like me with 117sp and someone with around 170-190. For DPS that's phenomenal. About what like, maybe 300 might/prec if not more. But at the same time, not everyone wants to grind out the feats to get that boost. IMO if i can still do my job better than others with that many skill points then I'm comfortable where I'm at. Now if I can't keep up or even do my role then I either accept it and grind the SP necessary to do so, or I just quit. If people quit game dies.
  12. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    My post referenced two things: op's topic on min sp req and roles. It's 'optional' and non default.

    For min # roles, it's not unreasonable; Would you rather have a person queue / pug to throne then find out no two tanks and everyone just disband? Pre-made league and LFG runs are manual; it's viable but topic was for queuing.
  13. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    As I mentioned, skill points ae a way for me to fine tune my character. I don't think a player needs to max out to play their role. I do think it's a very good idea to have enough to spec into all your crits p, which you clearly do. What I think a lot of players are talking about is the 114 cr 70 skill point player. That toon is not going to be at its best in top level team instances. Now a skilled player can certainly compensate for it, but for the unskilled player it's just one more factor that limits them. Skill point grinding happens to play to my own style because I like grinding a bit now and then. We can gear up SO quickly that I usually have a couple of months between DLCS where the skil point grind keeps me invested in playing.
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  14. just an honest dps New Player

  15. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    Your proposing a way to further separate the community because.....as you've stated......your to lazy to use LFG and prefer to farm while the q pops instead of make your own group in order to get the players you want?


    You have an option already...LFG....stop being lazy already. :rolleyes:
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  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I just have never and I mean never ran with someone who is a bad player that has alot of skillpoints unless they are a dps. However when you pug or even LFG it is always a pain to run with a high CR low sp DPS player because 9/10 times they are going to do a terrible job whether its an alert or raid.

    People wavedox characters for a reason. When I random pug an alert and the DPS has a low CR I always wavedox them because 5/10 times they have really low sp or i get lucky and they are someone who is just coming back to the game and know what they are doing.

    Knowing your role and having low skill points is one thing, Knowing your role and doing your job successfully or up to par is another.
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  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    LFG is crap. I ran with some that state 114 tank. They only had 97 gear, really 114. They also stated 150 SP. They had 50. I hate LFG. Normally just qing up I get better groups.
  18. lordexecution365 Loyal Player


    Why not just use the LFG for this?

    OP, sounds good but would prefer the min to be set to the player themselves vs the group to join.

    The range should be between 50SP +/- with the option enable and that would be my ideal on that.

    To answer the question of why not use LFG, isn't there threads on this topic already about players asking for "ridiculous CR requirements for the content".

    Now some are suggesting what many of them cry about with this shout in LFG for the very thing they are telling the OP to do. lol

    If you have low SP it is not the OP's and everybody else's fault who run all the content to obtain those easy feats that the so called great players can't get since they have an hour of play time to play and it takes them 4 hours to beat the endgame raids including the time to be picked up in a group.

    Using easy is a term I have heard from players claiming all content is easy yet they refuse, deny, lack and make excuses as to why they cannot obtain the most simple feat (booster gold anyone) yet complain when others who did take 3 mins to do quick alerts at the CR limit for the content without having overpowered T6 members in the group.
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  19. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah... everyone should see DCUO as a second job.... or heck as a first job for many players it seems.

    Not like all those lazy bums who only see playing games as a hobby after a long day at the studio/office..... of course. :rolleyes:
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  20. Minrath Well-Known Player

    if you get one shot with less than 100 sp in nexus..well..you are a bad tank and 200 sp wont keep you alive.