Queueing option: minimum skill points requirement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    No one else did the numbers because it's a pretty ill thought out idea that makes sure to include the person who posted it and their league/friends.
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  2. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    Hence why I started a thread saying change the name from skill points to something like grind points haha
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  3. HoodWarbler New Player

    If You want an Sp requierment then go join a league that has such standards and run stuff with them. Don't Pug and *****. When I pug now I rarely do stuff since player's are now 116 cr or more but I except my fate and run the raid, alert trying to do my part and learn my role

    Sp doesn't make you a better player it makes you a bigger ***** if you rub it in someone's face or ***** about low sp player's. So all in all Join a league
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  4. The Drama Club Level 30

    I've been playing since week one. 191 skill points on my main, and I had three alts each with 100 skill points before you could purchase feats with replay badges. I'm hardly an 'elite player' who burns through new content the first week it's out, but I have been around the block a few times. :)

    Yes, a high number of skill points doesn't equate to being an awesome player, but neither does a high CR.

    And that's the problem. There are a lot of newer inexperienced players who can very quickly, even with casually playing over a two week period, get a CR high enough to enter end game content. Skill points may not reflect skill, but I would argue they are in many cases an indicator of experience, experience playing the game and knowing a role.

    I get that it is counterproductive to the community to force new players to slog through all the content. I'm guessing new players are joining the game because their friends play, and they want to run content with their friends. That's fine.

    I don't want to run with them in end game content.

    I'll help with the Bat Caves or Khadaq or Oan or Trigon's prison, but until a player has a clue on what he/she is doing, STAY OUT OF AOD AND RTN unless running with YOUR friends or league mates.

    Having a number of skill points that's equal to or greater than the required CR for an instance may not guarantee that I queue in with excellent skilled players, but at least there's a good chance they'll know what they doing and know their role, and when I only have 40 minutes to get an alert done before dinner is ready.

    And again, OPTIONAL.

    If your god tells you not to eat bacon, then don't. But don't deny me access to it just because you think it's a sin or elitist. :)
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  5. VariableFire Loyal Player

    You have the option right now. The options have been presented to you. What you're asking for is a lot of work to put down a lot of people in the vain hope of achieving a better experience.
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  6. HoodWarbler New Player

    Well I hope they still don't listen to this idea if your league members are in a different hour time then you then I suggest looking player's that you like and are or have the same sp as you to join your league and who has the same zone time as you. There really shouldn't be a SKillpoint option button.
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    I'm not sure if you know this, but you can put skill points into weapon trees of weapons that you're not using, and you'll still get the stats. So it should take a lot more than 45 sp to get everything that can help your role, tho you may have everything that's required.

    If you're not a tank, the crits relating to your role can be pretty significant, and Weapon Mastery can be good, of course. It takes about 110 SP to get all of the crits plus WM in 2 trees. After that it's just stats. They're nice, but not that big compared to T6 gear stats.
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  8. MrB Dedicated Player

    The minimum for t6 should be at least 77 sp so people can get their crits. There is no good reason to be at t6 and not have 77 sp.
  9. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Why are people citing AOD and RTN as hard and or difficult?

    The only reason either would be hard is a lack of gear.
    RTN can only be screwed up if you burn the first boss instead of the sparky things, at that point COMMUNICATION is all you need.
    AOD standing in the circles is obvious and stated by the game so...

    Literally like the simplest alerts we've seen in ages.
    why are these cited so often as issues
    I don't have 150 sp and i was maybe 109 my first time in there and I healed them without tank the first time.
    I feel lost as to why these to seem to be causing so much strife.
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  10. Gunny New Player

    I will say that right now, with a laptop open, you CAN already effectively gate your groups based on SP.

    SP, while in and of itself, does not equate to more skill, they DO equate to more experience and more time invested.

    When someone gets a new job in a factory making hose, who are you going to listen to? The guy with 3 months on the job, or the guy with 11 years? That guy with 3 months will not even get a chance over the guy with 11 years.... UNTIL the guy with 11 years screws up the job so much and so consistently that they actually have to try out the guy with 3 months in. The point is though..... through experience and time invested alone, exclusion is going to happen.

    That said, I do not think that a gate on pure SP is necessary for DCUO. Including them into CR might do wonders though....
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  11. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    ^^ Y'all just make up every anecdote instead of realizing a person can have 200 sp never been to throne and another can have 102 and have watched a throne raid on youtube and read the threads on it.

    Who do you think has a better chance of completion

    :rolleyes:, we can't use every persons arbitrary requirements,
    you want crits
    someones else wants all the might innates
    someone else wants randoms to have health and defense skill points for 'survivability'

    Also guys you can have sp without equipping them properly or at all.

    At this point i'm done here, you either want everyone to have as much as you do or you don't care about anyones but your own.
    I'm in the latter party.
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  12. thirty six Loyal Player


    And that's still not enough !'s to explain how cleverly hilarious this is to me. +10 for this fine piece of sarcasm, to you, good sir!
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  13. Gunny New Player

    Another option is special gear reserved for SP holding players.

    I'd even venture to say omnipotent gear probably would have been better off being rewarded based on SP than as extremely rare drops. It'd be one gear piece @ a time released, and like it is now, only 1 item level better than the current best gear out there. It'd be vendored, but only purchasable with the corresponding SP count.
  14. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    And now pretend that everyone else had 400 sp and you had 195 and tell me if that seems like a way to get more players and encourage more or just have the same ones while losing the rest who realize that they can't keep up.

    There's a reason gear advancement was sped up and its not for players who are currently top cr.
    and to slam the point home, high sp players seem to want a reward for high sp, like exclusive content or gear instead of realizing, the stats WERE the reward.
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  15. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    And here we go again. I guess what 50-80% of the Dc community will never understand that so doesn't mean skill. While it does make a big difference in DPS and depending on tank power can be a huge difference, doesn't mean X amount of skill points means a player is skill is Y. -_- really tired of these threads.
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  16. Gunny New Player

    "Pretend everyone had 400 SP and I had 195"

    Done. I'd probably go and figure out what im missing and get it done. Rather than whine and complain that EVERYONE else did the work to have that 400 SP, and then expect I, having done far less, to have the same rewards. Now.... if everyone had that kind of SP and I put in the same work.... that's different. But its not the case here.

    Are you trying to say people gear up with Omnipotent gear? What a laugh, I'd love to see the day people sit @ T4, waiting for their helm drop before advancing, wait for 2 rings to drop @ T5, then not touch AF2 until they find the pendant.

    And yes. High SP players DO want more reward for high SP. The fact is, the reward isn't enough for the work put in. This is the exact same reason people do not value them. People argue different points, but they usually use the same facts - the reward is not worth the effort to get the SP.

    The only reason people do not want new rewards added is because they'll feel obsolete - because they didn't feel they needed to put the work in at the time! SP were put in the game - make them as useful as gear.
  17. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    No but i am completely for you and others that share your circumstance having a entire different phase or server where you can set whatever qualifications and requirements you want. It would be hilarious watching you all get on that server having to wait for hours for other players that meet your requirements to log in. I give you 2 weeks and you would lose it and start befriending inanimate objects like Tom Hanks in Castaway.LOL. Wilson you NOOB. LOL
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  18. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    This is true . However I would venture to say that a similar percentage don't understand, or want to understand, that the benefits one gets from skill points are important. At least enough to light up all of the CRITS in the skill trees. And opening WM trees gives players access to big stat increases on the bottom row. No Skill points do not equal skill. However, they are important if a player wants to craft the best toon possible.
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  19. darko99 New Player

    too bad idea,.
    only because u waste money buying sp with all character.
  20. c6relic New Player

    It doesn't mean players with a low SP count is going to be awful, CR is more important as it's what unlocks new content, once that new content has been unlocked, then players can head into that new content and start working on those feats as well as getting more marks and gear from that new content.

    An SP requirement is going to force many players to change their play styles. I personally am not fond of grinding over and over even it means it'll make me stronger, doesn't mean I won't do them, but I will do them on my own time, not when I have to do them. I'm 102 CR HL troll with 73 SP and I'm out performing most other troll near my CR. I already have the troll specific stats maxed out on my WM and I definitely don't hold back a group when it comes to dumping power when it's needed or keeping enemies constantly stunned.

    Understanding your role is more important than the number of SP you have. I've seen plenty of high CR's doing terrible, I take the time to check their SP and most have 130+. I remember playing with a 104 CR troll who only had 68 SP, I didn't say anything cause they knew what they were doing.

    If you like keeping your SP equal to your CR, than that's fine, but it doesn't mean anyone and everyone else has to do so as well. SP doesn't always equal how well someone understands their role or how well they actually perform in that role because it's not always the case. I'd rather have someone who knows what they're doing, even if they don't have 100+ or even 70+ SP over someone who thinks they're all that with all the SP in the world, yet are terrible, constantly being KO'd, not healing when they need to, not tanking like they're supposed to, not providing PoT when they have to, or not doing the damage they should be doing.
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