Queueing option: minimum skill points requirement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. thirty six Loyal Player

    No, we did read it, and it's still terrible. Just only queue up as a dps, like I do. Set your role optional to off, queue as a dps, bam.
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  2. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    How anyone w t6 gear doesn't have over 100 sp is beyond me. You can just burn through the lower stuff n get feats...must be lazy. And who wants to play w lazy ppl....nobody.
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    for me good players have atleast 120 sp ... everything else its not even the time worth talking about!
  4. Trial 1 New Player

    Form your own group and set your own limitations.
    Moving forward I'm going to thank you to stop introducing ideas that will further segregate our player base in the queue system.
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  5. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I like your general idea but I would approach it a bit differently. I would make Skill Points a factor in determining CR and go about it that way. For instance a fully geared 114 would 114 from 50-100 skill points, 115 at 101-150, 160 at 151-175 and so on.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Hey OP, there is a Census website that you can use to achieve this w/o forcing players to do something they may not want to. It's called wavedox.com. Bookmark it. That way when you shout for a dps with 210 SP and they actually have 209, you can exclude them and wait for that 210 one to send the message.

    Good luck.
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  7. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I also want a blood sample. I don't play with people with AB+ blood type.
    #End of Sarcasms

    I think we can all agree that this is a really bad idea.
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  8. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    The queuing system isn’t perfect, by far, but the last thing the devs are gonna do is create a feature that’ll make it worse.
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  9. Requake Dedicated Player

    Don't pug, don't complain. Have a great day!
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  10. JReel New Player


    Bump this thread please. This is nonsense. Give the elitists more control over the community will ya?

    PUG and On Duty queues take long enough as it is. If you are so concerned with someone's SP, you shout in LFG and get a group that meets you requirements.
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  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Oooh, this old nugget! Let's see, hold on while I double check old posts from similar threads to see if my past comments still hold up.


    Yup, they do.
    • The devs could have gone with a skill point requirement for gating content long before making CR the determining factor, but didn't. Probably a good reason for that.
    • Skill points have never determined whether or not I've been able to finish a piece of content. Playing mostly solo means I'm always behind on SP totals, but that comparative lack of SP has never prevented me from running and finishing content. Ever.
    Even if it's optional, there's no reason I can see for it to even become an option, especially when there's a better than decent chance it'd just be used for exclusion.
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  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I doubt this would happen. At least not without the devs finding a way for new players to get SPs faster.
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  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Very, very few instances of SP actually requiring skill. They should call them grind points.
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  14. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Or Achievement Points.
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  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    @the OP: Oh goody, haven't seen this thread in a couple of months + Use /lfg you slacker!

    150 is not a reasonable number.

    There are 137,616 T6(100+) Characters. Of them, 29,152 have 150 or more SP. That means roughly 1 in 5 T6 players meets your T7 requirement.

    The minimum CR requirement for T7 is likely to be 111. If you just look at 111+ the numbers are a little better, 18,428 of 39,243 have 150+ SP. So you'd only be excluding half of the players who are already high enough CR for T7. However, don't think that it's "natural" to reach 150 SP in T7. The number is essentially 'artificially' inflated because most of the playing since beta, stat maxing OCD players fit in this category. Once T7 comes out, you'll see the average SP for T6 go way down.

    Now, if you look at the numbers for 100+ SP, 81,848 of 137,618 CR 100+ characters also have 100+ SP, as do 34,735 of 39,243 111+ characters. So, if you set the min SP to 150, you'd be telling more than 10% of 111+ players that they need more than 50 more SP, more than 50% more SP, to continue. That would be a really bad idea, since my guess is, most of those people would quit. Regardless of what you think about the subject, the devs aren't going to want to cut out that many people. But an 100 SP minimum for T7 is a lot more reasonable.

    Finally, when deciding a reasonable SP requirement, it is important to remember that Premium players may not have access to as many feats as you do, players should not be required to PvP in order to progress in PvE, and solos players should not be required to Raid or PvP to continue grinding their way up using solos.

    I haven't read past the first page yet, so hopefully I haven't just replicated numbers that someone has already done. ;)
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  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    They're called skill points because they're used to get weapon skills, not because they take skill to get or measure skill in some way. Just like Power points don't measure power.
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  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    True, but many seem to think they are a measure of skill. ;)
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  18. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Progress Points.

  19. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    They should be achievement points.

    Op if the burn was slow it was their power or loadout not sp. The fact that you can't figure that out makes me question your skill and knowledge more then anything.

    I have more SP on my main then cr but less sp then my cr on an alt, I don't think traveling to booster gold or collecting 25,000 nodes or the raptor infiltrator style as every character will give me a better load out or understanding of playing.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You play one of the easiest MMORPGs on the market and you speak of lazy.....comeon now..
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