Queueing option: minimum skill points requirement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    The problem with a sp requirements is dlc acces, because this game totally needs more pay walls than it already has
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  2. Msstat1c Committed Player

    I understand why some players want a minimum sp requirement, but it just doesn't make any sense to implement it. What is the driver for this? If you have a lot of skill points already, how does it benefit you to put a requirement on que'd content? Just understand that when you que up it is a crap shoot for everyone, not just high skill point players. There is really no reason to worry about how many skill points a que group has, you simply either role with it or leave. Lets not get crazy with skill point control here.

    Just a question for the players who have met the mythical skill point threshold that impowers such excluding requests...... Were you in favor of a skill point minimum when you were acquiring your skill points? If so, did you ever remove yourself from content because you felt you didn't have enough skill points to take part effectively? Your thoughts...,.,,
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  3. thirty six Loyal Player

    If other people in this game are such a burden to you, go play a single player game. This is seriously one of the lamest ideas i've ever read, and I've read most of Circe's threads, so...
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    wanna piss off your userbase? Force them the slog through your "achevement" system as you just turned it into a requirement and if they dont enjoy it, too bad quit or suffer not getting to see the content
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  5. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    i know people who literally correlate the reason this person they are running with is sucking so much at whatever he is doing is due to his Skill Points.
    As if that's the sole reason. Or it could be that he just not holding Aggro, he isn't recharging or using other means to give power, maybe the healer hasn't learned how to clip yet to make things easier on him or her? Maybe they are standing too close and are vulnerable to being stunned which stops them from healing or causing them to die. I can make a huge list but the point is this... Skill Points don't directly correlate to the skill of the player. Plus considering the imbalance of powers right now you can say that even using Skill Points as a point of measure is ridiculous.

    I literally knew a troll who once was so full of himself he says the reason that he didn't use a Supercharge was "When you get on to my level, you don't need it." This is a troll who had 207+ SP who trolled worse than a buddy of mine who was 5 CR lower and had only 114 SP.

    Heck that Troll was shooting himself in the foot by thinking his SP and Vit would carry him all the way. Sometimes it isn't the skill of the player either... It's the arrogance that makes him believe he doesn't "need" to. I mean imagine how much better you'd be if you did carry a SC. What else would you carry as a troll? I'm sure more debuffs but clearly he couldn't debuff while also forgetting to throw PoT.

    Rant Over.
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  6. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I've always maintained my SP at a number equal to or greater than my CR. I've been playing since November 2011, and it took years to get my CR to 113, but people are now at 111 or higher in weeks. It was great having each tier having its own Mark, because it encouraged people to run everything and get the feats from it. Now people are chasing CR and creating a personal handicap with their lack of SP.

    Critical innates are necessary for all roles, be it healing for Tanks and Healers, Power for Controllers, or Damage for DPS. It takes 76 SP just to complete those innates for your role. There are also stat increases for your role that you need to improve your abilities in content as well.
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  7. Minrath Well-Known Player

    skill points mean nothing that should be removed from the game.I see ppl with 50 skill points out play people with 200+ all the time.its just like cr, it alienated people and made everyone bicker, but then again games dead anyway.dps flag as heals tanks and trolls and dont switch over.find a new game like alot of us are doing.
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  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    If the player is bad just do what I do, kick and add to ignore if you cant pull them through the instance.
  9. Multiverse Creator League

    This again??

    I can get that at some point.... so people thought that the bad palyers had low SP.

    But once we got acces to the census.... we had proof now that a lot of bad players actually had high SP.

    Thanks to the census.... we now know that high SP does NOT mean that it is a good player.

    Plenty of high SP are stinky players for various reasons.

    And strangely enough.... some of us do fine weather we have 140Sp..... 100Sp... or 50 SP.

    Those SP requirements are ridiculous at best. :rolleyes:
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  10. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Yah.. this again. Back around OC days.. someone told me that with less than 100sp.. I'd get oneshot as a tank in Nexus. So I recorded this:
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  11. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    Skill points don't equal skill, I've seen many people 200 sp that lets say just switched to tank role from being a healer have the gear and mods to be a 114 tank but have no idea what they are doing. In that case would it be the 114 dps with 77 sps fault a group wipes because adds and bosses run wild or would it be the guy that doesn't know his role?
    I'll admit skill points help but knowing your role and your power are far more important
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  12. Vyltran Loyal Player

    No my friend, your comment is not valid & i won't even support it.

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  13. The Drama Club Level 30

    It seems as though many of the posters on my thread didn't bother to READ what I posted.

    OPTIONAL. If you dont' want to enable it, then don't.

    I do.

    I'm in a league with plenty of great players with copious amounts of skill points and high CR. Most of those guys are in the Central Time Zone and I'm on the east coast, and with my work schedule and the time difference, they aren't always on when I am, leading me to queue up and PUG.

    A slow burning dps with 77 skill points takes forever. If he/she goes down and we wipe, add another 20 minutes to the alert. Kick the player? Sure. Then add even more time waiting for someone else to cue in, with no guarantee they will be any better. At least with my idea I'd know I'd be getting someone who has at least a certain number of skill points.

    LFG? Time consuming and requires paying attention. I like to queue and then farm or salvage or fold laundry while waiting for the queue to pop and I'm not always paying attention to the chat box.

    Again, to paraphrase Mr. Scrooge, "You keep DCUO your way, nephew, and I'll keep it mine."

    I'm just saying this should be an OPTION for those of us who for whatever reasons (time constraints, elite jerks, whatever) would like some quality control with our PUG queues.
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  14. VariableFire Loyal Player

    You give the option, kicking will increase. It's bad enough clamping is coming, this is absurd on its face.
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  15. DrTyme Well-Known Player

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  16. CH13F New Player

    could someone explain me that, because i dont really understand. for ex i got 45sp now and i got everything required for my role, everything after this gonna be extra and give me very small boost or am i wrong to think the bonus is small? because all those passives i see the things my role cant benefit. so whats really different between 50sp and 100sp. is there an artifical mechanic like difference between your cr and mobs' cr?
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    If its optional then I am all for it. Tired of these TD pug runs with dps with skill points so low they can barely get WM.
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Difference between 50sp dps and 100sp dps is a crit chance about 7-10% possible more but thats the minimum increase magnitude is probably much higher. Difference between 100sp dps and 200sp dps is roughly a small difference in crit percentage but a big difference in might and precision bonus.

    For tanks its a bigger difference, and for healers and trollers its really huge.
  19. SnowStar Committed Player

    Can i have rhe t7 drop date? Do not want to be excluded on my measly 144 sp toon so will drop everything sacrifice my cr chase for feats
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  20. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    In addition to an SP requirement, I'd like to suggest an IQ-Test before access to an instance is granted. And an EQ Test. And a copy of your driver's license. We definitely need more ways to generically exclude players from content. [Satire=off]
    What I actually would be very much ok with instead is the ignore function to finally work as it should: If I queue up for something, I should not be randomly grouped with people who are on my ignore list, because there are only 2 reasons why someone will be on my ignore list: Either they are a-holes or they are extremely bad or ignorant players (which is in essence the same), and both I only know after I have given them a fair chance instead of judging them on a generic criterion like number of SP. Currently, for example, a quantum DPS with 120SP should still outdamage a Fire DPS with 160SP easily (if CR & actual playing skill is equal).
    So...if they are equally important why do you promote 150SP as reasonable for content that will probably unlock at somewhere around CR113? That is unreasonable.
    Don't get me wrong, I think both are important. But the way you put it is not consistant.
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