Queueing option: minimum skill points requirement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. The Drama Club Level 30

    Just as you can enable/disable 'Role Optional Alerts,' I'd like to have the option to enable/disable a minimum skill points threshold for content.

    I'm not suggesting anything extreme, just the option to enable a minimum standard.

    The standard I propose would be that players would have a number of skill points equal to or greater than the minimum CR necessary to run an instance. (CR requirement of 106 would mean a minimum of 106 skill points)

    Quite frankly, I'm willing to voluntarily accept a longer queue time if it means I won't get stuck in AOD or RTN with a 113CR DPS who has 77 skill points.

    It happens more often than you realize.
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  2. just an honest dps New Player

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  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    For the longest time I was against this, but I am strating to agree minimum SP should be added to instances. The expections here are T1-T3. These instances are how you can build up your SP. After T3, a player would require a minimum of 75% of the instance CR requirement. This means the new content we have now would require 80 SP to run the content.

  4. Malice Active Player

    ...Or you could shout in LFG for what you want like others do. LF 1 dps cr 113 with 106+ skill points. Problem solved..Oh! Warning! Doesn't mean the player will be any better than that low sp player....
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  5. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I concur with Malice. Use LFG, that's what it's there for.
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  6. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    It is so hard to find a group in Que for anything on Villain side these days even when the only requirement you have is "Role Optional" turned off so that you can actually survive the Alert...you really expand this issue even more?
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  7. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I know that there has been discussion of a minimum SP requirements for T7 and I really hope that they are implemented. The number of SP that was mentioned was 150, and that is a pretty reasonable figure. SP and CR are equally important and it's time that they actually show it.
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  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Didn't the storm of cheaters discovered via census show the folly of this exclusionary principle?
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  9. kawe Loyal Player

    High SP might be a sign of "skill", or lets say knowledge of the game. It's a topic you can discuss at length. But high SP can also be a sign of elite pricks. There are enough high SPler I rather wish not to run with. lol
    If you Q into a t6 alert you have to accept what matchmaking gives you as team. You can't really blame the Q for giving you ppl that have been available via the Q. If you want additional requirements for your group use LFG.

    I do understand what you mean tho. One AoD comes to mind with a tank... that kept blocking for so long that he lost aggro all the time, I told him that, he then used rifle lunge to attack and get aggro, told him that's not how it works. He then started to use Frostblast...
    His mods and his "tanking" told me has no idea what tanking is, probably never done it. As it was a random Q I accepted my fate for this group and went along....and healed my butt off. lol The other 2 didn't seem to understand what's going on, but nobody kicked him, he eventually simply left right after reaching the PBG part... I'm sure he was afraid of tanking that.
    This is the type of player you might meet in random Qs, it's frustrating, but I accept it unless that person holds us back. Makes funny stories. :p
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  10. L T Devoted Player

    Wait this is a troll thread, right?
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  11. ChuckLess New Player

    Putting restrictions on the PUG system would kill this game. So, NO.

    I don't PUG, I likely never will, but it is a VERY important feature.

    If you are having an issue with people not meeting YOUR standards, then change the way you form groups. Get in a League or use LFG.
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  12. CheneysCurse Well-Known Player

    No,for the love of everything holy just no...no.

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  13. EP Ice Loyal Player

    To many exclusions as it is from the community. We do not need anymore additions that will split the player community anymore than it already is. Use LFG to put together your type of group and let everyone else play like they want to play.
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  14. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Nope, the Devs have stated that CR and SP are equally important; they are absolutely correct in that statement. There are too many low SP T6 players out there, because it's too easy to get there now. I liked how it took months to complete a tier, because it gave us time to get SP along the way without grinding them as heavily as some are doing now. Many got the 500 solo feat prior to T4, just as they did the other 500 feats because we needed all of that content to get Marks for our gear.
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  15. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I strongly encourage players to get Skill Points, but I don't support the idea as a requirement for an instance. I rather have a requirement in stats... Oh wait... That's the CR... Never mind...

    The instances were design with the gear stats in mind, if a player is unable to complete it, try again or get stronger, but don't jeopardize the current configuration because someone don't know how to use his character in an optimal scenario.

    My 2 cents.
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  16. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Funniest sig I've seen yet :D
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  17. Impulsively Committed Player

    Guess how well the already existing CR requirement on content affects quality of participation?

    About zero. Same would hold for SP since a good chunk of feats rely solely on how much time you spend grinding specific parts of the game.
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  18. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I wish players stop making threads like this. A 111cr quantum dps with 77sp will out dps a 111 earth dps with 200, so exclude dps that's not balanced yet? Skill points don't mean skill
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  19. just an honest dps New Player

    no they aren't. CR is more important. it unlocks content and makes up for a majority of your stats and survivability. the only importance of SP is for critical innates and weapon mastery, and both can be achieved with 106 SP. But you don't need either of these to perform your role.
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  20. Gunny New Player

    I think if anything, CR and SP should combine together in some sort to configure a requirement to enter instances.

    A lack of one could be made up with the other that way. SP should play a role, but I do not think it should be in a manner of a set standard amount of SP needed. Furthermore, it would be a terrible to implement this on current content. To allow access to players on one day, then to set restrictions potentially preventing some from accessing content they had access to prior to those restrictions would be incredibly impractical. On FUTURE content? This could be a more realistic possibility.

    Oh, and the "storm of cheaters" discovered on census? What, are you saying we glitched our feats to get there? AT BEST, we got almost 1 SP glitching.... when there are around 220 in the game. Oh, and the big 50 point feat was removed anyways, so cant even say 1 SP. That's a hell of a stretch to try to connect the two with statements like this...
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