Question for the Devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red Jenni, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    The only special movement mode item I've ever received from the vault is the Joker Jetpack, but I got it on a toon with flight. I accepted it, as I've heard over the years many similar stories. Then I finally got Bat Gauntlets, but it was on a toon with acrobatics. And then I got Joker Jetpack again, on the same flight toon that already had it. My question is this: somewhere along the line, did the Devs fix it so that you only got the gauntlets if you were acro, only got the jetpack if you were flight and only got the Journeyman Boots if you were super speed? I know a bunch of players will say no and proceed to tell me how they have flight and the gauntlets, but the Devs could have set this up this way after that.
  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I received the Journeyman's Boots (superspeed) on a flier alt this past weekend. Extremely rare but I don't think there's anything in place blocking or restricting based on movement type.
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    There is nothing blocking or restrictions based on movement type. It is completely RNG. I recently got the joker jetpack after 5 years.
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  4. Veritasum Loyal Player

    There is nothing blocked or restricted here, but just wondering, why would they set it up as you describe?

    And preempt and all, I have all 3 rare drops on my main and the joker jetpack on 2 other toons, one flight, the other super speed.
  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    Why would they? What possible benefit would they get out of that? There would have to be very specific coding involved to make that happen.
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  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    I suppose a better question would be "are these items account bound/trade-able?" and if not then why?
  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I get all 3 pretty regularly on various toons. If you get one that matches the toon's movement mode, it's not completely useless though...

    1) You get a style out of it.

    2) If you ever respec movement and need your old one situationally for familiarity, it's good to keep the vault item around.

    3) You can get some pretty fun combinations with form changes. Ever see a snowman fly?

    Edit: I wouldn't mind if these were account bound (if not consumed) though. They have no feats or stats attached to them.
  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I got all three on Dirty and she is Super Speed. I have Gaunlets on another Super Speed Character. I have Super Speed and Jetpack on Tiger and he flight.

    One of my older characters got the Speed boost and he was flight. It is random man.

    I have yet to see any of them on Hal though, so I hear you on that.

    I wish we could make those items. I mean I would buy the plan and make all three just for the style on Hal.
  9. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    So if you're flight and you get the jetpack, you should still keep it to do fun stuff like this...
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  10. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    I will say this I've only gotten batman's gauntlets and jokers jetpack both just as how the OP described on my flyers and acrobats characters....I didn't think about it until now. it makes you wonder that it may be easier to get those on the movement you are currently on or something.
  11. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    It wouldn't make much sense unless it was either A) an error or B) they were trying to prevent an exploit.

    They are not tradeable or account bound. "Why" would be an excellent question. These ought to be account bound.

    Thanks for backing me up. I know I'm not the only one. re:your sig, is there really a Teen Titans movie coming out?
  12. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    I mean all my characters but two are flyers or use acrobats, and there just has to be something to it because I have 5 joker jet packs all on my flyers and on my acrobats 3 have the batman gauntlets. I think it may be design maybe not on purpose to drop those easier for that movement because I've been trying to get the batman ones to drop for my SS since I first saw them.

    About the Teen Titans movie poster. I just saw it because I heard there may be one. So while looking it up i happen upon this pic and I like it. I might put up weekly DC movie posters that people made.
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  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    During the Christmas seasonal I got the journeyman boots on a low level flight alt
  14. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    My question is will the styles be available to unlock.
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  15. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Since there are plenty of people that have not had your particular experience, then A and B can't be true. In RNG it's always possible to get a jetpack for a flyer. There are only 3 different movement modes and 3 available items. That they'll match often is a certainty.
  16. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Apparently. Match often, yes. When all 3 of the items I got were for the movement modes I already had, I decided the question beared asking. But what does RNG mean?
  17. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    Random Number Generator. Its what they use to determine what loot you get.
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  18. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Or unintentional coding that makes it that way
  19. Van_Gho Committed Player

    To be honest i won't run alts through the vault or seasonals for this very reason
  20. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    I didn't know you HAD alts, Upper. But alts are exactly why I want these. Because strange as it may seem to some, my alts being 2 sp behind my main gives me a nagging feeling, even though I have a lot of sp and even though sp don't seem to matter AS MUCH AS THEY ONCE DID.