Question about might and precision.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Artillery Zero, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    When doing the Gotham wastelands content what should my might and precision be at to be an adequate DD? Because currently I'm an earth dps with a combat rating of 91 sitting on 1985 might and 750 precision and I am finding it hard to keep up with the other dps players in alerts.
  2. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    1) earth
    2) checked their gear? prolly higher than 91.

    Ran a FR other day, was def 2nd on the dps list..checked out leader..all pink gear..c'est la vie.
  3. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the response. I was really hoping to get an idea of where I should be stat wise at this point and time as a dps.
  4. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    It depends. Are you going for a might(yellow number) or prec (white number) build? Look at the damage your doing...
    And while other dps do probably have better gear, also realize that earth dps are on the power end of the spectrum. They are not quite as easy to be very powerful with. It's harder to produce larger numbers with earth.
  5. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Full t5 you should be in the 2300 to 2800 might depending on how you mod and which gear you buy and your precision should be 1100 to 1300 against depending I gear choice and skill point allocation.

    If your earth and under geared or right at gear level you are going to struggle to keep up.

    Unless your very skilled and the others are not.

    I have a full t5 HL DPD with 2200 might and almost 1400 prec.

    He is modded precision tho and skill point allocation is prec. with 86 level prec rings, neck, and face.

    The numbers are rough estimates I hope that helps
  6. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    Currently I'm using a mostly precision based build but now I'm leaning more towards a might based one in hopes of hitting higher numbers. Also I have only been running this content on my dps for around two to three weeks. Plus I'm using a sparc II rifle until I can get a better rifle to drop or I respec to a different weapon.
  7. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Cr 91 with a sparc?
    Right there, is the source of quite a bit of your low damage. Use a weapon from TP. One handed, rifle, hand blasters, something!! It will make your damage much, much higher!!!!
    • Like x 1
  8. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    I saved a pair of hand blaster from TP but I guessing it's better to use a different weapon then keep using a lower level rifle. Thanks for the feed back everyone.
  9. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Of course.
    Just do tp, if you can, every day. You will get your 85 rifle hopefully soon.
  10. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    Ok had to re read yeah that spac weapon is a t3 maybe weapon there is a lot of your problems to

    your 91 sitting on 1985 might and 750

    yeah something is wrong here to me im cr 99
    and im sitting at 2900 might and 1062 precision I don't own the shield dlc and I need to put the prec/might mod in my rings to replace my might/power mod so if I get all that will have 2960 might and 1130 precision.

    So where your at on both im not sure the might may be right but that precision is to low.

    Even though your powers are might based you have to use your weapon to and precision is needed. Like for me in wastelands I use staff and do the aoe headsmash. Which usually goes me popping an aoe power then doing the combo for that headsmash then clipping into the aoe power if I need to but that headsmash does a lot of damage.

    What mods do you have on your gear
  11. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    Currently I'm using:

    Head = "Precision & Power V"
    Shoulders = "Might & Power V"
    Chest = "Precision & Health V"
    Back = "Might & Power V"
    Hands = "Precision & Might V"
    Waist = "Might & Power V"
    Legs = "Precision & Health V"
    Feet = " Precision & Might V"

    At the moment I'm redoing most of those mods and I was thinking of going with Precision & Might V for the red sockets, Might & Health V for the blue sockets and Might & Power V for the yellow sockets.