Information Regarding PC Expansion and DLC Pack Purchases Just a quick question on that recent Announcement. Does this affect Station Cash that is granted by SOE game cards as well? Can people use these SOE game cards to purchase future DLC? No where in that Announcement are they mentioned at all. I guess a little background knowledge is in order before I continue. I started out over a year ago as a Free-to-Play member, quickly went Premium, and have had various spurts of Legendary access here and there. However, I do not like using my Credit/Debit card for online purchases due to a paranoid fear of hackers/identity theft, so I have made frequent use of the $15.00 SOE game cards to purchase periods of non-recurring Legendary access and all of my DLCs in the past and present. Now, I can understand that Station Cash won't be an acceptable currency for future DLCs, but can PC users still use these SOE game cards in order to purchase future DLCs starting with "Sons of Trigon" and continuing onward? I desperately need an answer to this as soon as possible, as it will very well affect any and all future business I have with SOE in general and DCUO in specific. Thank you for you time. P.S.: These are the game cards that I am inquiring about: EDIT: Provided missing link to Announcement thread.
You can redeem those gamecards for either Legendary membership time or Station Cash. No Station Cash, however you purchase it, will be able to purchase DLCs in the future.
Thank you for taking the time and clearing that up for me Mepps. Much appreciated. Unfortunately, this also means that I will not be able to experience any future content from DLCs/expansions, due to my aversion to using my Credit/Debit card for online purchases as I mentioned before. If I cannot use Station Cash, or at the very least a $15.00 SOE game card that would more than pay for the price of any DLC, then my experience with DCUO and SOE has now been fundamentally altered. Due to my main method of purchasing DLCs being no longer an acceptable currency, once my most recent non-recurring Legendary membership expires, DCUO and SOE will no longer receive money from my account. Also due to no longer having a venue for my character(s) in-game to progress with new and future content, I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before I become bored and leave this game that I have grown to love since May 2012 altogether. It's a shame really. In DCUO's/SOE's attempt to save money with this new change, they have instead actually lost a previous paying customer. I never thought it would come to this, but I guess all good things must come to an end at some point. Best regards to you, the Dev team, and the future of DCUO. -xhalur
Great. Just great. Can I get my money back for buying SC so that i can buy it and return it on my Steam wallet? Think not. You just lost a player.
They have no idea what they have just done to the whole game market right here, wht am i gonna do with all the SC i have, buy respec tokens and badges only? Get serious
I think no-one will disagree, that announcing this change only one day before it happens, is too short. For PSG-players this was announced on 19th July, more than a month ago...
There are ways that you can still purchase the DLC's with out using a credit card. You can buy things like Visa gift cards and then use them to make your purchases. Good thing that they repeatedly announced that the change was coming. Too bad they waited so long to announce the date of the change.
They only problem that I see with them NOT accepting the SOE/SC is that we PAY for those cards. Yes, sometimes we get a deal on the SC BUT we still have to pay for the initial SC, the extras are extra.
I don't mind that they are doing this, but i do mind that they are doing this one week before the new DLC comes. I play DCUO over Steam, I buy the DLCs over Steam, but this one time i buy extra SC to buy this DLC, and now I don't have the money on my Steam Wallet. Because of this I am pissed off. And a loot of people have already bought SC to buy this DLC.
I agree that SOE should have given more of a notice about when the change was happening but since they mentioned the change at the time they released Origin it is not surprising that the change comes now. On the bright side is that the DLC should be more stable by the time you have the cash for it.
There is no bright side. I could play this content with my steady group of my League mates, now when I have the DLC this will not happen. They will be fed up with the new content, and the whole fun part away doing things together is taken.
I built up my SC ahead in anticipation or later DLC packs. Furthermore, The last time I bought my SC, I bought it with real money!
"I built up my SC ahead in anticipation or later DLC packs. Furthermore, The last time I bought my SC, I bought it with real money!" yes 1000%. I can't believe this. basically dcuo just told me that they are making $10 on my account virtually useless. I don't understand why as a non legendary i cannot use SC to buy sons of trigon or any dlc for that matter. Soe did not give me 500 sc. This is my own money that I was more than willing to give you. There is no way you can think that I'm gonna want to dish out another $10 for this. I feel like im being robbed and others would probably agree. I don't understand why this had to be done literally right before the new dlc comes out. Its a bit unfair to say the least.
Actually, this announcement is a full week before as the DLC goes on sale to non-subscribers on 3 September. While I can agree that this does change how customers will have to get the DLC content outside of legendaries, i can also see where the DCUO Marketing team is coming from. Station Cash purchases are in-game currency that is managed in-house, meaning that every game that SOE publishes would benefit from its use. Just because you purchased something using Station Cash for DCUO means that the team will see the lion's share of the money from that transaction. If anything, all of the monies would be placed into a pool and divided amongst all the titles in that publishing pool (EQ, EQII, Dragon's Prophet, Planetside 2, Vanguard, DCUO, Free Realms, etc). By enforcing how the DLC is purchased going forward, the DCUO team can then reap a larger benefit by showing exact revenue numbers and turn that into better, more robust products and support directly for DCUO, much more in line with the level of support shown for games like EQ, EQII, Star Wars, and Planetside all of which have bigger budgets and teams. No, I hate the timing because it gave the highly enthusiastic and supportive members of the community no real heads-up that this was on the table and it will sour some of the anticipation of what is a highly anticipated set of new content. Quite frankly, this could have been set-up and announced just as the new content was being unveiled or at SOE Live when it was first announced. I believe that in doing so at that time, less potential ill-will would be shown to the DCUO team than it is going to be now. I am hopeful that this issue will not completely and negatively affect the entire community in the long run but only time and how this crisis is managed by both the leaders in our community and the DCUO Community lead, Mepps. Generally speaking, he's always been a straight shooter with us as has Spytle, Deadmeat, and many of the others who've spoken on these forums. I am sure this decision was not made lightly. In this news thread it is written: Sons of Trigon will be available in the Marketplace or online starting September 3rd (US PC, US PS3, and EU PC) or September 4th (EU PS3) The only thing you can buy with "real money" in the in-game Marketplace is SC. And that my friends i have always bought with Monopoly money.
I agree man, I prefer to not use my credit card when I can and so i tend to use cash for games like this when I can. I just think its kind of ridiculous how something we paid money for can no longer be used as a substitute for using a credit card. I understand that you need to make money SOE but this is not the way to fix the problem especially when you say you are going to do this a year ago and then just put it in a week before a new dlc comes out. I hope this change gets reversed or at least let us spend our station cash on dlc that we bought before the announcement. I dunno, I'm feeling kinda slighted here too but I guess i will just wait and see what happens.
Hello this is my first post and probably will be my last after reading this topic . I don't have any DLC's or a membership at this time . Been playing for about 2 years and just about got every thing as a F2P user in one role but it's really interesting game and really nice and different people . Tho I was thinking about getting DLC did some research and decided that I will be quiting this game after realizing some things . Many reason's but the main one is I am a lazy user I prefer simple easy methods in life and by far this is to complex for me and I prefer to keep my Identity and personal information away and out of this WWW it's all fantasy and ment for fun don't see a reason to go extreme to get a game piece or what ever on the internet . All I am saying is if I can't go to a store pick up a gift card for me or my children to use to purchase a DLC the membership isn't worth it . Most importantly this has hendered this game useless in a sense and has become obsolete for me tho I may just let my kids play it . Thanks for the game very interesting and would like to extend my stay but I see it is limited to being easy and as difficult as it may seem and time consuming to get things in this game I will be opting out . I prefer PVP and see very little experience in that catagory very limited events and que's even for F2P that is what is driven my attendance off this game as well. Arena's are okay but waiting to play against users in a arena and only play for at most 5 mins and wait 30 mins is kinda awful . I do suggest adding something like Strykers island portal in watchtower to just go to and play against players not for awards could add drops but that would be more interesting other then that it's become boring and to complex for me . Have fun hope this doesn't become the end of this great game .