Quantum needs to be balanced

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DarkNovaBlaze, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Ekaterina Committed Player

    i havent been gearing up my nat dps but if the stats are similar then sure but nature only exceeds with adds not dying quick what raid will we do?
  2. Klarion Prime New Player

    People arguing that Quantum is not OP are full of it. I use electric's AM and I play with a DPS in my league who switches powers fairly often and he's almost always about 1-3 million ahead of me no matter what powerset he uses because he's just a better player than I am. After the new DLC came out we ran LAB and HOH on a Wednesday while he was using HL and he finished both raids just a bit over 3 million ahead of me. The next day he switched to Quantum, practiced for about two hours and then our league ran both again and all of a sudden he finishes more than 9 million ahead of me in each raid. And that's been a consistent result in pretty much everything we've run together since so it wasn't a one time deal.
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  3. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    It is OP, but they need to either bring all the other powers to the same level or bring it down to level of the only four balanced powers in the game; electric, nature, gadgets, and HL. Those four being the most balanced are my opinion though, quantum being OP is a fact though. Or you could say it's the only power that is balanced.
  4. Humane Committed Player

    I personally don't think it's as OP as people are saying, the only thing it has that is a bit over the top is that it is pretty much self sufficient in power usage and doesn't really need a troll.
  5. MrBlazEakaJB New Player

    I personally don't care if it's broken now. It gets content done a lot quicker. It's bound to get nerfed though, without a shadow of a doubt. I just find it extremely dumb that all other power sets are being excluded from Throne at the moment. Once that nerf hammer comes down though, we'll be able to weed out all the bums that flocked to it. I'm sure in good hands, quantum will still be a great DPS power. But as of now, it's most definitely broken.
  6. Johnnie5oh Level 30

    I tell you what, they nerfed Quantum so hard a few updates ago, including the shield weapon mastery, in return I have seen lots of powers that were O.P. especially after they nerfed us. Now that Quantum has a turn to be awesome you complain. IT'S OUR TURN SO BACK THE HELL OFF! I went from first to worst for over 4 months because of the devs screw ups.I had knots in my stomach for months and spent many hours submitting tickets and calling on the phone to find out what the hell was going wrong. Now I'm back on top and those who have not switched to Quantum are just jealous. For a game that's supposed to bring people together and work as a team, the devs sure do a great job of dividing and conquering us. All I ever see is people who are constantly at each others throats because of a stupid game. A bunch of spoiled rotten kids that grew up to be spoiled rotten adults. You all deserve each other. Your hate for one another permeates in the blogs you leave your style of game play and your lack to help one another with advice on loadouts and instances, it even resonates through my words to you. Even though some are good and do help I find the majority hide from others what they do to make themselves so great for fear of others beating them. All they care about is being number one. I've learned I am becoming like this and I learned it from you. I was no better, but I recognize this and will change, it's the least I can say for most of you.
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  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If you are loosing by 9mil on avg in every raid you run, it's not just quantum. You have to learn your support roles, because dps is not for you it seems
  8. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    You missed the point. Obviously he's not the best DPS if he's getting beat by 9 mil, but he said against other powers he only gets beat by 2-3 mil. That says something about Quantum.
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  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Or he can be exaggerating, with 3-4 dps players can't even hit 9mil total in the raids, unless they are wiping multiple times
  10. zeroman New Player

    I hope they never nerf it. I give this thread a 1.
  11. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Haven't seen 80 or 100k but at my cr on my villain I'm hitting on normal 62k lol imagine those with higher sp and cr 115. I love quantum it's my top favorite 3 power followed by rage then earth. Yes u have to close to mid range to see good results but 99% of ppl are risking it and the results are in same.

    Now I don't know how well this 1 player was but at cr 112 and Im 103 with over 150sp I out damaged his nature dps by 1.2mill. I think quantum is ok where it's at only and only IF thwy start bringing rage and celestial and earth in line with power. If not then in my personal opinion and experience I have almost out dps a lot of players that were higher cr than me that were different powers.

    Yea I know there's a lot to factor, how many sp, how well he knew his power/toon and if he had wm or am or if he even knew how to use it. But from what I seen they did at least some if not most of them, and at the moment just like any other power that gets revamped gets a boost in damage as well because we'll it's the FoTM and they (devs) make easy buck of this

    Now to say quantum is fully fine and doesn't need any tweaks or adjustments is kinda full of themselves. Like I said as long as they bring thw other powers or fix thw other powers at least then leave quantum alone. How many hits dis rage take? And look at it now, honestly it's pitiful. Yea with high sp, high gear u have a good chance to keep up but no where near as good as it used to specially when it was built around melee power and what happened to melee? Nerfed to the ground
  12. EPHEMERAL titan New Player

    Devs of this game do not even seem to understand how worthwhile pet/minion controlling characters can be...it does nothing with that idea right..and the idea is simple and has been done brilliantly in other games...City of had a mastermind class that gave you everything from robot armies to criminal gangs if you were a villain...this game...a worthless "sidekick" for looks more than use...that flies away after what...3 mins or something?? Oh yeah...and hovering chips of earth/stone...or an ugly little robot..for the desperate for ANYTHING crowd...that prob does little to nothing knowing this game...worthless and inexcusable..the way pets are used in this game...
  13. LoArlequin Well-Known Player

    Agree. Pets could be so incredible in this game. I have some ideas for the (i hope) soon revisit to the pet class.
  14. ReAni Mator New Player

    Lol... There's no way they couldn't be aware m8, unless they're unspeakably bad at their jobs, which is ofc possible, but to that degree?, unlikely. Having an ongoing rotation of OP powers just makes good business sense period. As we all know it's a solid revenue earner amongst the number junkies. 'I'm not getting top damage' Respec! respec! respec! I was silly enough to change my HL alt. toon to quantum after trolling for a particularly power hungry new league tank. I was under the assumption that quantum still had a lightning fast dump. Really should have checked into that as it's no faster these days, and in addition none of the many warnings about quants boring dps style I had received could have possibly prepared me for just how incredibly dull it is.

    Ultimately none of what happens in a video game is of any consequence, yet many players (myself included at times) take all of these numbers so seriously that they'll willingly resign themselves to playing a game in such a way that even a fairly dim monkey could easily do the same, and even pay real money for the 'privilege'. It is fairly funny when you think about it, which is why I personally feel that it's very likely the recent quantum changes is just one example of what in the end is a long ongoing joke amongst the designers that have set it up this way that I'm sure brings them no end of humorous entertainment .
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  15. Steel Glove Well-Known Player

    Oh Quantum is so balanced :rolleyes:


    *Looks at fire AM* LOL
  16. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    can't wait to read all the nerf celestial threads next week lol
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  17. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    I bet there are gonna be complaints about Celestial overwriting lol
  18. Alpha vermelho Committed Player

    I belive hat this revamp, AM , wm come to fix the errors that was made in past with nerfs and buffs then why do same mistake?
    For now i belive that devs are right. If you pay and help the game you deserve have the best power, celestial deserve be top power because he is celestial this is a game about dc universe and is the only power that you need learn about power, if you dont know how power work you cant do a single combo, here enter what everybody already hear risk=reward celst isnt only tap the buttons like others powers.
    How about talk to nerf the raids .
  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Lets not nerf the raids. And quantum on paper and in a controlled enviroment is the same as a live enviroment, thats why it seems OP.
  20. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Don't think here will be as many as you think. Quantum is a special case in that it hits extremely hard and is completely user friendly and almost completely idiot proof.

    You can take a day one DCUO player had him a end game geared quantum toon, give him not other instructions other then press these four keys in this order and he can absolutely wreck.

    You can't do that with any other power Quantumm is DCUO DPS for dummies as far ease of use goes.