Quality of Life Improvement: Option in Settings to Disable Scoreboard Pop-Up When Instance Ends

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xhalur, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I know. Really long thread title. Deal with it. :cool:

    Now, whether you're for it or against it, I realize that the Scoreboard is and will continue to remain a hot-button issue of contention for many people both in-game and on the Forums.

    But regardless of where people may stand on its debated usefulness, can we at least have an option in our Settings menu to disable the Scoreboard from automatically popping up after the completion of Instance-based content?

    Seriously. How many people have ever experienced a situation where you try to check your newly received loot, only to have your Inventory screen involuntarily close because of the Scoreboard popping up :mad:? How many people have ever experienced a situation where you try to type out an Emote or something actually meaningful in /Group or /League, only for everything you've just written into the chatbox be instantly erased because of the Scoreboard popping up :mad:? I'm sure there are other examples, but the one thing they all have in common is that it gets very old, very fast when it continues to happen.

    Devs, please add something like this to the game in a future Hotfix or GU. I think that this could be a great little "quality of life" addition for a lot of people out there (including myself), and it honestly boggles my mind as to why this feature isn't available in-game already at this point.
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  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yep, it drives me nuts that I have to re-type things to my group members after the scorecard. I often type it out early and then do a select all/copy/paste after.
  3. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    How about the Dev's Disable the Scoreboard......


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  4. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    We need this now!!!
  5. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    I would like the group leader to be able to turn the scoreboard off in an instance so people can't just keep checking it after every group of adds to see where they are. Give the group lead the ability to disable the scoreboard.
  6. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Screw that, let us disable cutscenes if we have seen them before. If your fragile little ego's cant handle not being at the top of a scoreboard or dont like being exposed as a leech dont play an mmo game. Wasting minutes of your life watching a cutscene for the millionth time is a MUCH bigger issue.
  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Problem with this. Ppl want this to happen but here's the thing. Say your doing a instance like bdr. If all 8 ppl dont skip the cutscene. Your still gonna stand still waiting while ppl watch
  8. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad guy was ready to jump all over this in anger but after reading it again he does agree. A person should have the option to turn it off if they wish to. You make many good points. The Bad One does understand the pain inferior players have when they see how little their best really is. So yes, people should have the option to turn it off on their end. The other players will see how horrible you are but you do have the right not to see it for your self.
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  9. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I believe the scorecard popping is tied to indicating that the instance has ended. That's when your feat counter goes up (for instance 500 duos) or for the timer during speed feats.

    It may not be possible to disable it.
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  10. AverageJoe Dedicated Player

    lol how about no to all of this and I'm not even a DPS....I think the scoreboard should matter more. But the scoreboard isn't in issue at all from what I've seen. I haven't seen anything in the game that suggest it. No one I see is really going off the scoreboard anymore its more like they go off their CR. I just think its easier for people to blame the scoreboard for the actions of few people. removing it will not change much and then people will be on to something else that needs to be remove in their option. The problem isn't as big as people want and there is no need for its removal.
  11. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    Removing it will cause more problems than it will solve those really crappy dps will be able to hide in the pack . I despise carrying people who don't want to work or take the time to develop their character . this will cause so many problems
  12. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    they already hide in the pack. if the end of the instance is the first time you noticed their numbers... they're winning.
  13. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    The system is not perfect but imagine if your having trouble burning a boss but you can't find the weak link . Removing one person is better than disbanding the instance
  14. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    oh you're talking about removing it in general? sure. i do like idea of "i don't personally care about scoreboard, don't show me unless i request".
  15. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    It's bothers you that much ? Ok . There is a percentage who want it removed completely and that's just ridiculous , they have reasons but that won't stop people from being idiots
  16. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Or just spotting out that bad DPS'er that is NOT using AM, WM, Low CR, or just standing in the corner during the Dr. Light fight. Paying attention to your allies visually very much so a better indicator with no need of checking the scoreboard.

    You can actually have a better kicking excuse.

    " Hey Jon Doe over here is using Quantum DPS is just doing Rifle Mortar."

    " What the hell this Sorcery DPS has Fury but not keeping his Shield up regenerating his power"

    " Hey guys, this Mental DPS is just using One-Handed Slash range."

    " This DPSer just keeps dying."

    " This DPSer has a significantly low CR for Elite; the boss is taking hours."

    ^All better indicators then judging someones general playability, skills, & performance all on numbers of a scoreboard. Not to mention the many objectives in a Instance that don't require Damage Out Stats that can determine the fail of a group.

    You know... like how the other 150+ MMO's do; that do not have scoreboards.
  17. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    I agree with those but when I'm healing or tanking I'm not really looking at what rotations the dps are running. Yeah if someone is standing around or but tapping triangle they need to go. And that brings me back to that 3 hour cool down timer fml , being held hostage in a instance because someone refuses to leave is madness . Some stuff has be abused but the reaction to it was ridiculous
  18. xhalur Well-Known Player


    I was afraid this was going to happen.

    Reading is fundamental people. This is NOT a thread to debate about being for or against the Scoreboard, or whether the Scoreboard should remain in-game as it is right now or not. There are plenty of other threads for this argument. Don't bring it here.

    This thread only serves one singular purpose: to ask for an opt-out from having the Scoreboard automatically pop-up at the end of Instanced-based content (for those of us that don't like it, don't care about it, find it annoying, etc.). That's all.
  19. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Probably true. I forgot about that. :p

    If this is indeed the case though, perhaps the opt-out could simply render the automatic Scoreboard pop-up to be invisible, therefore allowing for the completion of the Instance and any Feats received, but prevent the actual Scoreboard itself from being involuntarily displayed at the end?