QoL changes the game could improve from, add your suggestions.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Trykz, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Here are a few simple changes I think would make the game much more enjoyable. These first ones focus on the complete obliteration of the “alt”.

    With the addition of artifacts, and the intense years long grind it takes to level them to max without spending cash, I think the only way to make alts playable and enjoyable again would be to make artifacts account wide. Meaning your dps artifacts would be useable by any toon on your account. You would still have to level up role artifacts but at least you could play their dps on other toons without having to spend the insane amount of money and time to level up 6 artifacts across however many toons you would like to play. That aspect of artifacts is extremely daunting to a returning or new player. The toxicity of the community in thinking you need lvl 200 arts to be effective doesn’t help the situation. I fail to see how this would be game breaking. Even with the cash infusion short cut, i personally spent over a couple hundred dollars leveling up 3 artifacts and that was just to 180 160 and 160. It’s too much and the idea of leveling arts up for any other toon than one makes me sick to my stomache.

    2. Since the update to the levels of membership I can no longer, as a legendary member, send cash to my alts via the mail. This has to be fixed or make cash an account wide currency as you’ve done with other currencies in the game. I fail to see how having access to your cash on all your toons would be game breaking. We used to be able to supply alts with cash and now we have to send them items to sell, but if they can’t afford the cost of the broker then it’s pointless.

    3. Get rid of the physical items used to break through alliances and make them account wide currencies, are allies not supposed to be account wide anyway? As of today still can not redeem my purchased allies on alternate toons. Since this system , from what I’ve read in updates, is supposed to be account wide, should the currencies not follow suit?

    Thank you for reading and I welcome all feedback and would love to hear any suggestions you might have to improve the game. Too many threads with too many topics to see everything. I just want to condense to one QoL thread and see what you have to suggest.
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  2. Trykz Dedicated Player

  3. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    That function was stopped somewhere around 2 years ago, do to fall out from a cash exploit and will not be returning.

    They have said they are looking into other options for moving cash across an account. I have never liked the account wide wallet idea but there is an idea of being able to add cash to the shared bank I'm quite in favor of.
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  4. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I would be on board with that. Why are you against account wide wallet if you don’t mind me asking? Curious because I can’t think of any drawbacks lol
  5. xenothelm Active Player

    Please let me see if I have the costume style before I commit to the box.
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  6. Trykz Dedicated Player

    This is a definite upvote from me lol
  7. Aetrius Well-Known Player

    The tech is already in the game for something we select in our journal to display on our screen, as is the feature to share journal missions (though I haven't done this since before hitting level 30 a decade ago, so I assume it still works). These features should be applicable to our feat lists. Having the feat(s) your group is working on displayed on the screen updating as you work on them would be very helpful.
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  8. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Since this is a free to play, how about we have the option to purchase in game cash through the market place, since other MMOs do it and it has been very helpful imo.
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  9. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Man some good stuff in here, keep it coming.
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  10. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    The suggestion to be able to trade in-game cash between alts is valid. Everytime I use the broker to do so it costs a percentage. I've taken to calling it 'the alt tax.'
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  11. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It be wasted effort imo. People would adjust prices tremendously if this happen
  12. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    It would be the same thing now assuming players do actually use the gold sellers, the developers can put them out of business lol.
  13. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Just a pre emotive reminder, this will be an insult free thread, everyone must be respectful and encourage new ideas or give constructive feedback on why suggestions won’t work. Once it devolves into toxicity any good that could come from this thread will be overshadowed by in fighting. We need a United front with unique, well thought out ideas to present to the devs. Fighting and insults will only get us shut down. Please be civil.
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  14. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    They can try. But prices are bad enough on playstation/pc this would further damage the economy
  15. Ergotth Committed Player

    Here's a though: Make the base EQUIPMENT mods something we put on the generator or some sort of interface that doesn't put it on the actual equipment. When grinding for higher and higher CRs, we are changing our equipment all the time, which means we have to "buy" the mods and equip it AGAIN! Look, they are not VITAL to the game, but something like Dampening field and Tumbling Master are borderline "must have" just to say the least, and it would be nice if I didn't lose it everytime I grabbed myself a better weapon and pair of shoes ¬¬
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  16. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I respectfully disagree, i think this would really help out the in game economy, players have billions in game probably by using the illegal gold selling spammers, this game should capitalize off of this opportunity.
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  17. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I love this. And since the white mods are free anyway and available to everyone, there is very little chance of this breaking anything. I too hate having to carry around a couple of each of the tac mod capsules just for when I put a new piece on. Great suggestion I think
  18. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I just don't see it changing for better. But we each have own opinion on the matter. No point in arguing like the 0p said
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  19. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    If you ask me for a QoL improvement there is just one thing that comes to my mind: "What feats are I missing?"

    You are right, i can check them on the feat menu BUT.

    -Right now, when you are on a instance (solo, duo, alert or raid it doesn't matter) and open the "on duty menu" you see three tabs (one with the damage of everyone, other with only yours and other with the data of that instance), what if we have a four tab with a list of the feats relevant for that instance?

    -What if, that list could show what feats do you have and what are you missing?

    -What if it could show what the feats i have and what have my group mates?

    I believe i have suggested it in the past (sorry for doing again) and maybe it's impossible but....well, you asked for an idea and here is mine.

    PS: Why do we need this when we have the feat menu? Well, the easier everyone can check it the easier we can try and do it (like por example to kill the adds on the beach of the flashpoint alert, if someone need it people will not skip them or almost they will know why someone is behind) and furthermore people could see what is the feat about without searching for it.

    PPS: For me just the list will be enough, the other two points are good ideas but they require more time to implement the.

    PPPS: Finally (i promise), probably it could be done from the last episode on forward and forget the forty something episodes we already have (i don't want to take more time from necesary from developpers)
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  20. Trykz Dedicated Player

    This is brilliant, well thought out and articulate idea. I fully support this, well done.
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