hi all, i wanna talk about the big issue dcuo sefer.. as an MMO game dcuo bring us just 50 % of the game and ill explain why.. we all alrady know that power are unbalance and it wes always like that But as time pass and pass its loock like we sefer from bigger unbalace power. one of the biggest reason i loved the game wes cuz of pvp 2012 since then its get worst and worst till i stop playing and leave dc ( like alot of ppl who leave ). the potantiol of the game is exsist but devs u are focusing to much on PVE/ Money ( its Business i know ) but still if u lock good u see that At least 20 % of player left. I remember the reason u change the pvp to make "new" player ( pve player ) to have a chance to win vs other guy so u change our hard working feats on pvp ( Stars point ) to get Easily Skill point, then u change our skill points boost vs new player without SP to give them a chance, then u change aromre role to make every one dps in pvp... and the FINAL HIT u broke pvp health Toughness and kill the pvp. wanna FIX it ? **give us to Feel our hard work on SP ( ppl need to work hard to get Dignity and win ) **brink back role in pvp ( even then with unbalce power a good troll pvp player Won a tank role ) **increase by far health and toughness and reduce dmg in pvp **give back the old blocking system ( the first one ) blocking should NOT be a way to fight in pvp **increase power bar in pvp, the power drop to fast. i think with this update ppl will loved to pvp again and its not that im asking for magic all im said wes in the game and pvp wes great then, the server wes full!!
Developers, At least some kind of acknowledgment would be nice. All we ask is a well rounded pvp functionality.
I'll be fine with everything they have and ignore all the problems in pvp atm, if they just reduce the damage and fix the counters.
I think one of the reason devs don't change this broken pvp it's cuz of the ppl.. The problem here it's ( in the forum ) ppl aren't united ..
Or just to shut us up for a while, I'd be happy if they just released a new PvP gear set with a MASSIVE increase in health and toughness. At least that would be a little band-aid until they work out the kinks with the ridiculous damage (If they ever do).
yeah, like how new gear fixed weapon mastery damage, I was hoping the same for am, but doesn't look like they are gonna give us new gear anytime soon.
I do not want to sound arrogant but u guys talking about new gear cuz u think its only about health / toughness, And I don't know how much time u play dcuo. But this will not fix pvp cuz I said before to fix pvp need more then new gear It's the ridiculous boost new pvp player get vs high sp ppl, it's the block system that broken And ppl use like mad , None role that force everyone dps cuz of high dmg, The mad unbalanced power who get worst and worst every day In the beginning of dcuo ppl loved pvp !! To win u need to be a skilled player ( no matter power / role ) And yes some1 who just gear up pvp need to run legend more cuz he need to work to get where ppl Already work hard... And if he lose its not cuz op power it's cuz he's bad and he need to practice!..
well they need to disable pve gear in open world, they need remove broken mechanics that are meant entirely for pve from pvp...dcuo is one of the few games that doesnt have 2 sets of values for pve and pvp. there are very few games with pvp that skill X that does say 10k damage in pve does the same in pvp...dcuo is one of those few that does.
hell id argue that pvp doesnt even NEED new gear, the existing gear is fine the pvp gear isnt even the issue. its the balance and broken mechanics in pvp that is.
Well, that not completely true, the gear is also a very big issue. PvP gear is meant for players to be able to fight against each other, the high health and high toughness is supposed to make it better against players than PvE gear, that's one of the main purposes of earning the gear. Now, the gear is completely useless in duels and in open world because the damage done in PvE gear can completely circumvent the high health and high toughness, and at this point the PvE gear is rivaling the PvP gear in health as well, that's just not right at all. The health and toughness of the gear needs to be at least doubled to make the gear even the slightest bit useful in open world against PvE geared players. I guess the main point is, if I can easily kill someone who took their time to earn a full set of 100 PvP gear while I wear some PvE gear that I earned in 2 days, something is definitely wrong with the gear.
Gear is a big issue, for some reason the Devs are incapable of understanding how backwards their thought it in regard to PvE - PvP stat ratio. PvP gear should have extremely higher stats, to the point PvE won't catch up to it even in a million DLCs. PvP gear cannot be used in a PvE instance, so it cannot be abused, any engagement in open world should favor a PvP player for obvious reasons, and in PvP instances your stats are scaled anyways. Problem solved.
My point was the fix that need to be done it's not only for new gear, Ye it's will solve few thing but the mechanic still broken And the fighting system need to be by skilled player ( who know to fight, who work hard to get the point he get sp and gear )
Well yeah gear is broken in so far as pve gear being usable in open world pvp that i agree on, im just saying we dont really need say 101 pvp gear...there are other priorities in pvp then new pvp gear. Obviously the biggest gear fix is eliminate pve gear from pvp.
i really miss old pvp ... i dont know why they change so much staff in pvp .. i hope they give us back our true pvp gaming
Mepps, Please remember pvp 2011/2012 , it was amazing!! ppl always cry in forum always shout for nerffing .. The gear have good state, the dmg was fine, the role was also fine ( everyone could win ) I remember days u can win even when more then one person on u. The blocking was 100% amazing All was perfect... Please just check how much ppl ( old members) miss our old pvp
In all honesty I think that was the ideal state: Healer > Tank Tank > Troller/DPS Troller > Healer Dps >/= Healer/Troller There was a really good sweet spot with the DPS right before "Fight for the Light", where DPS could potentially beat any class except Tank, in an equal fashion. (Saying Dps was at a disadvantage against other roles is incorrect, if anything it had a slight advantage in the 1v1 match-up) So if: Dps > Troller/Healer And the only exception is the Tank, isn't that exactly what we want out of a Tank? Tank can take the beating and handle the power batteries. People were upset about what it meant for the 1v1 match-up, and I can relate to it.. like.. a lot. Later on we got Movement mode Debuffs.. and by then if you had any complaints, you could only look for answers in what you were doing wrong. I agree with everything else you said.
If devs today tell me that server down for 48 hours to fix pvp and bring us back old pvp I'm happy like hell!!