PvP wih (only) Iconic Powers

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Tsigalko, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    since they remove one shots and AM from arenas, it become playable again, and i start doin it more often. sure it still has lots of flaws and still haven't live up to the glory of pvp back in the days, but it sure give lots of hope moving forward. still, ppl are still complaining and find any form of reason why they lose.. even if they get countered every 3 seconds.
    i play with mental ppl say "stun abuser". play with HL ppl say "construct spammer". play with ice pppl say "OP ice, fotm chaser". play with earth ppl say "upheaval spammer". play with sorc ppl say "healer bum". come on man what do you want me to do?

    with that being said, sometimes i just feel like re-spec to all iconic power so they have nothing to complain anymore. and then it hits me.. would it be cool if iconic powers are somewhat decent? not to the point that it become OP, it should perform slightly worse than similar power at the original power tree. heres some of my thoughts :

    Already over-used power :

    - Robot Sidekick : nice extra damage, spliting damage
    - Word of Power : probably the best power healing burst power in the game

    Potential powers :

    - Gag Glove : apply dazed PI and deal more dmg on dazed enemies. short cooldown, can be spammed and used to clip ur weapon combo with
    - HL Shiled : well, its a shield. some ppl still use it
    - Amazonian Deflection : reflect damage + stun/knockback. and it had blocking animation making it very good for luring enemies to BB
    - Neo-Venom Boost : give might damage to ur weap combo every few seconds/hits. too bad the boost itself is very useless. i mean who needs weaponization rating???
    - Sonic Cry : 360 degree AoE burst, kinda sorta weak dmg tho

    Powers missing/ what i want to have in iconic :

    - Decent DoT powers (maybe poison ivy inspired power.. not the SC tho)
    - breakout power (maybe batman -inspired with the animation he drops a smoke bomb. kinda like gadget's distract)
    - finisher (superman inspired heat wave could be a finisher. it has a somewhat "finishing" animation, channeling power and lose the dmg if u jump clip, and it can be interupted. it has all the properties of a finishing power, other than the finishing damage itself)

    SO,, thoughts? any other iconic power that have good potential in pvp that i might've missed? any other iconic powers that u want to have? and from which iconic characters? have u ever considered using all iconic powers in pvp? have u ever done it before? if u have, how does it go?
  2. Absolix Loyal Player

    Gag Glove is weaker than PI burst powers from powersets that have had their mid-range updates. Considering every power is going to eventually get this and that Gag Glove isn't even single target, it isn't really worth using it considering the other options.

    HL Shield is a healer type shield, meaning it has a hit limit to how many times it can shield you. On top of that shields only mitigate 25% of incoming damage in arenas and power cost increases make it fairly useless, even by comparison to other shields which as a whole are not useful with good secondary effects.

    Neo-Venom Boost has a very high power cost, a 20 second cooldown, does terrible Might damage, and ony increases your Weaponization rating, aka what determines the damage of when you smash objects in front of you, not to be confused with throwing objects. It is also just a waste of power at this point.

    Amazonian Shield's Toughness boost was already low, but GU47 made it even lower with the change to how Toughness's mitigation was calculated. Considering it's reflect damage is pitiful I would stay away from sinking power into this with power costs being so high in PvP.

    Sonic Cry is very weak, and has only ever been useful in recent memory when people were trying to abuse the bugged breakouts. It also splits it's low damage very poorly on top of that.

    People have sort of dug through the Iconic powers for a while now, and there is a reason only Robot Sidekick and WoP are used.

    Considering Nature already has several plant based DoT powers, I wouldn't espect time and resources to be invested into creating another for the Iconic tree.

    Amazonian Reflection already grants 100% control resistance, not that it matters with breakouts restoring more power than they take in a meta where not having enough power can get you KO'd. There are also a few power that already have access to multiple breakouts, aka all the tank powers, so adding another with easy access in the Iconics tree would start to make it ridiculous.

    All powers have executes, so why make another of what all other powers have? On top of that, it creates the danger of making each power's execute less appealling since they are bottom tier powers that take more pp to get to, and the Iconics tree would only take 1 pp.
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  3. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    TL;DR Absolix post? Iconic powers suck. Word of Power and Robot sidekick are the only ones worth the power points. Hope they get an update, but I doubt it.

    Movement mode powers too.
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  4. Roguester Well-Known Player

    Some if not most of them are completely useless or very weak compared to alternatives,i think it is a great idea,specially adding brakeout in iconics and a good finisher for powers that lack them completely.
    But keep in mind that u are asking great changes that would be very significant in the meta,FOR FREE,lets be serious it will never happen unless u put a price tag on the iconic tree,then maybe they will bother considering it.
  5. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    Iconics are 'the fifth beatle' of powersets (personally I include move.mode as iconics*).. while it's a fascinating idea, and people including myself have had an armory for solely that 'powerset'.. the guys are spot on with what they're saying!

    ..Im not even sure it scales or takes stats above lvl 30 :confused: .. last time i had an iconic, in pvp and pve.. i just got smashed. GS was saying about WoPow and Robot Sidekick..these might be the only two that actually scale properly*.

    I'd like to see these updated, but in truth, we won't be seeing any updates for these for at least a year to 2 years.
    and yeah Sonic Cry has a decent AoE, and should be first to be fixed to correctly scale with cr.

    *the flight ones are classed as kryptonian iconics on the wiki
    *Venom didnt really scale for me, only a little, suppose if you are might or precs based makes a diff. Amazon defl. works OK, but if you take you finger off the button it breaks it. still to try tanking with the lasso. HL Shield is broken now, since couple of updates ago, used to take high damage now, takes tiny amount of damage.