[PvP Tournament] - DCUO US 4v4 Champions

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by KodyDerp, Feb 2, 2016.

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  1. Vaxtin Well-Known Player

    My league hasn't requested anything but 4s, I do however agree that the bug is in fact a pain to deal with but is easily remedied with a breakout or a power that provides a immunity. I'm not against the ban, not even a little bit, we had every intention of switching the Mental DPS' power at least before the tournament.
  2. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Doing fours is incredibly frustrating to solo heal when you get mental bugged and your froze in that animation. I am with you on the earth dps currently but mental needs to the bushes until it's addressed.
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  3. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Don't tell me I have to respec again, no one was complaining about earth before i played it :'(
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  4. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Wait is there something wrong with Earth DPS?

    There is no absorption ability for Earth in DPS stance. That is Atomic.
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  5. Derpina Active Player

    Upheavel is hitting quite hard, but it's not hitting near as hard as shield, or double hard light. I'll get on test tonight and confirm what is fixed, and what isn't.
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  6. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    How do you define hitting too hard? It hits multiple targets, often splits and powersets like fire/ice put out way higher burst but for less power efficiency. The advantage earth has is that it's very power efficient and the damage you get out of upheavel is extremely power efficient even when split.

    Despite this, upheavel isn't even the highest combo power for DPS (and that isn't including HL either).
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  7. Vaxtin Well-Known Player

    Upheaval hits hard and can't be countered it definitely does quite a bit of damage but isn't worth a ban.
  8. Derpina Active Player

    Ah my bad. For some reason, I was under the impression that it was single target. Sorry for the rocky mix-up. Shouldn't take what I say for granite. No need to get all sedimental about it.

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  9. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    It hits in a line and a small cone around the target afaik, it's possible to position yourself to limit the splitting but it still splits most of the time just not excessive amounts as it'll be usually hitting 3-4 targets at most.

    The reason I use it like I said is power efficiency and sustained DPS.

    Get out.
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  10. Vaxtin Well-Known Player

    Is the Mental powerset banned or Mental DPS? Because we have Mental trolls.
  11. Blacson New Player

    Regardless of it splitting damage or not it is still safe damage and it is still unblockable if you spam it up to 8x. If you catch somebody off guard single target it has the ability to hit 6k each upheaval from what I've tested.
  12. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    And it's going to be exceedingly rare to hit <2 targets in a 4v4 or 5v5 considering there's either 8 or 10 targets in both, so it's very rare that you're going to see 5K crits.

    The combos are also slow, meaning that if you don't get unsplit crits then spike damage is likely to be low for while considering an uppercut that doesn't crit will likely equal 2-3 upheavel combos in a third of the time on the focus target. This also means if you do catch someone outside of the group or manage to land some unsplitted damage, it's unlikely you'll be able to get more than a couple of combos off before people group up again.

    And as I stated before, upheavel isn't even the highest combo DPS or safe combo DPS. That also stays true even if you disregard hardlight.
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  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Mental in general. Kody has told me he hopes they fix it prior to the tournament because he has friends who are Mental Trollers but they won't be allowed to participate unless they re-spec.
  14. Vaxtin Well-Known Player

    That's troublesome, has anyone tested what causes this? My only guess would be menace though I'm not sure, double HL is understandable but banning the entire Mental powerset will cause problems and quite a few people will have to respec as I don't see this getting fixed by the 20th.
  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    It has something do with the panic CC since it behaves so oddly in comparison to others.
    Panic is a CC that is meant to make a player or NPC run around randomly and I think once you add in a stun that is meant to stun them in place the game gets confused so you end up in a perma-lock.

    It's like naming your dog Stay. "Come here, Stay"
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  16. Eminence Dedicated Player

    It's not just mental..
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  17. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    haha nah bro it's not bugged or anything I just mean it hits hard lol. How have the scrims been? Until they address it's safe damage not much I can say but it's intended to work the way it does.

    mental on other hand...
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  18. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Karasawa has a video up I believe in a bug report displaying what happens. If I recall correctly when a player becomes panic'd while stunned the chance for them to become stun locked arises. The reason Mental is the scapegoat for this is because of Menace, Mass Terror, & Terrorize. Menace is the only power in the game that allows you to randomly apply panic during it's usage. Take Chompers for example. You can utilize Chompers and apply the panic CC but that panic CC only occurs at the moment you use Chompers. When utilizing Menace you can trigger Panic numerous times as you hit people because of how it works. I need to triple check but I'm fairly certain Terrorize (DPS or Controller), Mass Terror (Controller Role) and Light Claw (Controller Role from Light) are the only powers in the game that applies Panic and Stun at the same time.

    I've known about this issue for years and players (PS and PC alike) have made multiple post about it but the Developers have never addressed it sadly. Until Cross Play I have never experienced it to the extent we have in the last 48 hours or so. Maybe once in a blue moon prior to Cross Play a Mental user would very seldom lock a player up on PC. On the flip side, I'm fairly certain every game we have played where there has been a Mental DPS or Troller on the opposing team they have caused at least 4 or more stun locks at one point or another. In one game last night I called the scrim off after 5 minutes, as the only reason Venge died 4 times in 5 minutes was because each time he was completely locked up and couldn't move or break out. The healers could heal him through the incoming damage for only so long before he got nuked from not being able to defend himself.

    I want to note that I am not blaming the PS players for the actual stun lock issue. I think it might have something to do with the servers not being able to properly register the CC's in a timely manner since Cross Play hit and it is causing for the issue to be pushed to the extreme. But unfortunately the issue does exist and it is pretty extreme at this time. :(
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  19. Savage Mind Committed Player

    What about HL? I can do the exact same thing with HL
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  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Any powerset with a Panic CC and a stun could pull it off.
    So technically with the use of consumables it's possible to do it.
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