this actually has been happening to me since years ago, but its getting more frequent lately. usually i get this when im at low HP, i pop a soda, the cooldown starts and activate in my loadout bar but it doesnt restore my hp/power and i get knocked out. i used to think that its because of the delay or my bad ping/connection so i receive the damage before the soda effect occurs. but lately i get this even in the middle of the fight. i pop a soda, the cooldown starts to activate in my loadout bar, but it didn't restore hp/power, and i kept fighting normally. usually this happen while i get knocked down, countered or even when i clip the soda to my power/weap combo. i dont know if this is a known bug, or is it purely just because of the delay, or maybe because of the new battle respond applied in GU47. i just thought i put it here, maybe other player experienced the same issue.
I've seen this happen. It has to do with the adds countering or interrupting us....see the thing when I'm in a fight, let's say my health is half way and power is almost gone. The second I stop to pop a soda, and the adds jump me while I'm popping thw soda it won't register. I'm not sure if it's a bug or its intended but it's one annoying thing I hate during a close counter specially when ur tanking and ur doin ur best to stay alive yet soda don't register