PvP scoreboard messed up

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Beard Maaaan, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    I just did the 2x2 Batcave instance and the leader board scoreboard says I had three enemies knocked down but the summary scoreboard says zero.
  2. Roguester Well-Known Player

    I can say that anyone that will ever read the problem that you just brought up will know that it is the least of DCUO PVP problems atm,in fact we could argue that this is the very last problem needed fixing apart from the other 99%.
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  3. BestPlayerAfrica Well-Known Player

    true. funny and sad at the same time
  4. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    One could argue with Pvps existing luck this would be the first and last problem they fix.
  5. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    I know PvP is screwed up but since the summary scoreboard is new, I thought, perhaps, they were still debugging it and might want feedback.
  6. Roguester Well-Known Player

    no,hahahah they never want feedback,they have a little group that decide how pvp and pve should be played,eventually they will end up with just that little group of people on the whole server.
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  7. Bantos2 Active Player

    I think you should change this thread's title to PvP is messed. Wish it was only the scoreboard:)