pvp glitches

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by DeadSteel, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. DeadSteel Active Player

    So I've been playing pvp a lot lately and I've run into a couple game breaking glitches. The first Invisible opponents, now more often this happens in 5v5 death matches, the match will start and everyone save for myself vanishes from site, it makes it very hard to compete if I'm still visible to my opponents but they are out of site completely. Another variation of this seems to be more the result of hacking than anything else, and that's an opponent literally leaving there body behind say in a safe zone, it not only makes them in combat invisible but its disables lock on and anything cpu controlled will not attack the but they can still attack and use their powers. The other issue also happens in death match particularly in the temple of Isis, players including myself are sometimes spawned behind the metal door and unable to join the fight or even attack from behind it this leaves teams at a numbers disadvantage especially when two or more players spawn behind the door.
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  2. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    All of this has been happening during months, pure fact. And instead of fix it, they add new booster auras, pure fact. So they won't fix it, I guess.
  3. DeadSteel Active Player

    Well I posted something in bug report so hopefully it will be addressed, it's sad though because its clear some of the issue is due to people cheating.
  4. speedster1981 Committed Player

    a league mate and I tried to run pvp the pit and the game glitched where we had invisible players..... this seriously needs to get fixed
  5. DeadSteel Active Player

    well bug tracker tried to dismiss my statement as one that had already been made but when I read it there were a lot of things left out
  6. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    I doubt it, I've never seen any hacker on PS and I've played PvE and PvP during years, doing all kind of content and instances. IMO it's just a glitch.
  7. DeadSteel Active Player

    when they leave their bodies behind, its a hack, you can tell easier in a group because sometimes its just one person, and everyone else sees it as it the same way.
  8. Graviton Well-Known Player

    It's not a hack....their body is always left behind. It does suck , and I've complained about this more than anyone on the forums , but it's a glitch....not a hack. Happens in both pvp and pve. My leaguemates that are unable to be picked up in raids are not hacking.Their bodies are usually shown at the start of the map or just outside the room we are currently in. This results in them relogging and leaving the instance.....a lot of hassle.
  9. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    Just joined to tell. This is going even worse. I've seen invisible players so many times lately. In duos, alerts, raids, everywhere. This is completely out of control. Also today the game is lagging bad, queuing doesn't work propertly sometimes, power bar is stuck completely red sometimes, and it takes like 10 min to log in.
  10. DeadSteel Active Player

    yeah that happens sometimes, there's been a lot of issues but this game feels like its a non priority to day break so nothing we tell them about seems to get worked it, they worry more about how much money we give them than if we actually enjoy our experience but that's been their biggest practice in all their games.