First for the players who claim pvp does not make money u simply have no clue what u are talking about. Any serious pvper desires to be as strong as possible meaning they want as many skill points as they can get which puts them in pve. My villian league in t5 only pvped. New content dropped (pve) and they instantly began feat hunting. The moment all dlc feats were obtained and they cleared each dlc feat it was back to pvp and pve was an after thought. Each player was legendary for crafting reasons and such so yes pvp does %100 make dcuo money My pvp questions as si.ple as this Cant we just start over and reset back to the very early days? Role gear super low stats on said gear. Basically allow pvp strength to be influenced by skill points. I am unsure how pvp got so awful but if a solution moving forward is difficult i wonder why not scale everything back to a day it was working. During FNL pvp was decent as an example. Personally i miss pvp and especially role gear pvp. Yea there was some chese but isnt that always?
I use to have hours of fun a night doing PvP with my league, I know a bunch of people who would come back if a PvP fix was made. I used to love grinding out the checkmate gear.