PvP Feats Unattainable Directed to The Dev Team

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by MyDpsIsBetter, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    A few years ago serious changes were made into the model of pvp area and legends and we begin having a map rotation to make each map in that rotation active. The idea in general practice was a good one for other games but in Dc it is flawed. These feats require you to do the original map using a example 4 v 4 Ace Chemials, the map not only has to be a legends map in rotation and not the area map but it also has to be the 4 v 4 version.
    Which is not ideal, It has been this way for Quite some time now and it is a serious problem. Is their any plans in the future to address this issue? Soon the servers will merge bringing new life into the amount of players on a given server could the rotational maps be potentially removed and replaced with the original all maps open in the Que? Please share your thoughts on the future of these feats and the current rotational system.