Counters in arenas and legends are UNRESPONSIVE is that intended? If so why? - to piss off players ? #Disclaimer - I CANT possibly lag with 100mbps and decent setup.
it could be ur lag, or ur enemy's lag, or the server's lag. all of them can make timing a bit difficult. OR, perhaps u are countering someone who just got a blue immunity? in this case, then yes it is intended xD
No matter how amazing your internet is, if the servers lag for some reason, all responsiveness in the game will suffer.
It's to piss people off. The development team don't care for pvp hence the reason i un-sub due to repetitive absolutely boring pve where every boss is predictable.
PvP counters can be affected by latency aka lag, wonder if they ever considered displaying players ping or would that be too much trouble.
You used to be able to do so, via a simple ping to the forum url. But that was disabled after the Lizard Squad DDOS attacks in 2015 (iirc). After that, pinging the forum url yields no result. Pinging now also yields no result. You can however, get an approximation of your game ping via the simple Task Manager -> Performance Tab -> Resource Monitor -> Network
I'll have times where I'll counter someone like 30 times on my screen and it never happens then I'll go the next person and everything is fine. People say sometime when your controller isn't directly plugged in there is a delay and sometimes people just are doing something on their end that's shady. If you have good interenet and your not on wifi then there is nothing else you can do.
It's easy to test ping to US server. Just go to test and type /perfmon max. It's a little more complicated for EU, but I assume the servers are somewhere in Germany. But if you have anything above like 200ms ping, your counters are going to be really delayed.
Perhaps my experience, 200ms ping is still playable. For 300ms ping and above, if the opponent doesn't hold on to block too long, one basically needs to take chances to counter the opponent. It becomes more of a 50-50 gamble.
I play from Israel (Middle East), so I am "Fortunate" enough to have a wide scale of horrible ping to work with on both servers; 160-180ms on E.U and 290-310ms on U.S. I can tell you even 150+ ms ping doesn't allow you to fully utilize a reactive playstyle. Admittedly my reaction time in general is just not that impressive, but that's my take on things anyways.
Based on the Latency information available from Task Manager, my game ping is also high 200ms to mid 300ms. Unsure of the accuracy there. If I use a 3rd party software to ascertain my true game ping, it could be as high as high 300ms. Take note I play from Singapore (South East Asia). And I play on an average laptop, just enough to play DCUO. Per my experience, before the big Lizard Squad hack that caused Daybreak to disallow a simple ping (via command prompt) to the DCUO url eg or, my game ping fluctuated anywhere from low 200ms to mid to high 200ms. 300ms would be during peak hour traffic local time. I would purposely avoid playing PvP whenever game ping hit 300ms. After the hack, game ping was worse. Nowadays, after the server merge, server lag even during PvE can be irritating. PvP is even worse. As for playstyle, I have always played more predictive versus reactive. More accurately, sometimes I have to play counter-intuitively and make my move by guessing the next move of my opponent, and not counter based on what I see onscreen. Reactive is hard to achieve because after reacting and inputting, after input lag and game ping, I may have already missed the counter window opportunity. Eg if I see a block, I have to repress from blockbreaking. And while I am melee tapping, I have to guess when to blockbreak and when it is safe to go for hold combos. I can play normally if my opponent is slow ie holds onto block a tad too long or performs too many random blockbreakers. Or plays in a very predictable / fixed pattern. But if my opponent is quick, and on good game ping, I literally have to almost block before I even see the hold combo onscreen, or blockbreak before I even see the block. I take more risks, and thus am inconsistent. And imo, the Batcave map is the worst when it comes to lag, the absolute WORST.
Yep, I think after 200ms ping it's impossible to BB tap blocks on reaction unless you have literally lightning quick reaction times.
I usually have around 225-250ms on us and I can still catch tap blocks on reaction consistently, I just have to be more selective than I do on EU
You need to contact your supplier, because I have several friends who play this game from London, and reported around 150-170 ping on the U.S server. Edit: Actually, I just got corrected by one of them, he's saying normally getting 130 ms ping on test.
You obviously aren't familiar with the "how **** clutch's internet is" in joke around here, let me enlighten you: it can vary from this: to this:
Clutch has some of the worst internet I have ever seen in the last few years. We constantly make jokes at his expense in TS throughout the day (out of friendly love of course ). He goes from sounding fine to only being able to understand every 3rd to 4th word he says consistently throughout the day.
I play with 200ms on US and I find it really hard to play reactively. If you take into consideration the minimum duration of a tap block, the minimum duration to hold a ranged attack (BB), your ping and avg human reaction time (250ms would be optimistic), you realize that its next to impossible to reactively land a BB in a tap block with 200ms ping, even if you're careful to not try to BB while you're in a melee tap animation or CC'ed. Maybe your opponent did hold block a few miliseconds after the minimum duration or maybe you're wrong about your ping. I wish the devs could, in some way, make the counter windows dynamically change according to the latency of the player who launched a counter. Like, a block window would increase proportionally to the latency of whoever launched a BB on that player. I don't know, it might be a stupid idea or hard to implement.