pvp arena stats

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by stärnbock, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. stärnbock Devoted Player

    can please someone explain me how the cap for stats work these days?
    how about generator mods, do they work in pvp? are we clamped somehow?
  2. Snuffhim Well-Known Player

    Generator mods do not work for arenas, and you get a buff acoriding to your role, and I'm not sure by what you mean by clamped but if you mean debuffed then hell yea. they also nerf mods depending on your pvp gear I believe(I think so). Personally I have 7.1k might outside of arenas inside arenas I have 5.9k and I'm full 100. If that helps give you some type of estimate
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  3. stärnbock Devoted Player

    Thx. It helps. But i still can not make sense how the arena stats re calculated... I mean: does it even make sense to go full special forced or does it suffice to do VIII for the bigger a stat the more it shrinks? There is no indication for how the stats crumble in arenas (at least not that i found any clue for it) and why, just why would they disable generator mods? I just don't get it... Help me please to understand ^^'
  4. Snuffhim Well-Known Player

    It only makes sense to go full special forces if you are a heavy pvp'er. If not then you don't need special forces because you'll be mostly doing pve
  5. stärnbock Devoted Player

    well, thats what special force removal kits are for, right ^^
  6. Snuffhim Well-Known Player

    Lol if you want too be my guess, I'm almost full 101 and I put special forces in my 101 gear. So if you want to sure lol
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