PVP Arena: Special 5 v 5: Smallville

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Funky, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Funky New Player

    Well remember the final battle at the Kent family Farm? Well here's a twist.
    The Hero team will fight alongside Superman, The Villians fight with Doomsday.
    Here, both Superman and Doomsday are quite invunerable and do an incredible amount of damage.
    The goal for your team is to Defeat Doomsday or Superman.

    To do this you must carry the Dna Amp/or Kryptonite to an EMP generator to weaken the opposing boss to be more vulnerable. You can also just bring the object and place it next to the boss weakening them to the point that they cannot attack, but the opposing team can just toss it out the way or grab it and just keep it from you.

    Once you get your object to one of the four generators the pulse will weaken the the boss, they will still attack but are able to be knocked out. The effect lasts for 15 seconds, after that time is up your object will respawn inside the Kent family barn.That generator will burn out and cannot be used for another 30 seconds.

    Four generators? Can 2 be active at once? Yes yes it can.

    More Additions: You will also be fighting alongside the JLA/Society which will consist of Steel, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Red Tornado for heroes and Bizarro, Deathstroke, Solomon Grundy, and Killer Frost for Villians. They can get knocked out as well. the best thing they can do for you is Keep Doomsday/Superman busy and away from you.

    Well that's it, any thoughts or additions?
  2. Kroye Loyal Player

    This sounds a lot like PVE (not that there's anything wrong with that.)
  3. Funky New Player

    I guess so but after playing though those Last Laugh Arenas for awhile having objective based PVP would be nice to throw in compared to just average capture nodes and death match. Hmm... Just thought of a couple more match types
  4. Kroye Loyal Player

    Good point - I guess it couldn't hurt.
  5. D3athStrik3 Well-Known Player

    This would make an interesting objective based match a race to ko superman/doomsday then the other team before sup/doom get their second wind...