PVE more like PVP; Bad!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by frigginA, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. HeavensMessenger New Player

    The ONLY reason the devs put PVP mecahnics in PVE was to appease the PVPers.

    i PVP alot, and PVE im full top tier in both

    PVP community was suffering a pop issue

    the Noob PVE ers went to PVP and got stomped due to lack of knowledge of the mechanics

    the devs put the PVP mechanins into PVE to "teach" the PVE ers the mechanics, "all of a sudden" to help them in pvp to incrase the population in PVP


    all of this could have been forethought at inital game developement.

    ---all the 'as intended" items, NO ninja looting,

    ---CR req for leveling up so people couldnt skip tiers

    ---NOT allowing PVP gear in PVE insrtances and vice versa


    a little thought process before starting a major project goes a long ways.
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  2. Star Ember New Player


    you could bring a tank into your 4-man instances and actually save aggravation (and in most cases save time) because you aren't getting stunned all the time

    Does the potential to finish one minute faster really matter that much to you
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  3. frigginA New Player

    For those saying "bring a tank into your 4-man instances"... Have you been on LFG trying to find a tank? Also, no they have not been there since the beginning. I've been playing since launch. For the rest, stop trolling and arguing just for the sake of arguing.
  4. BigBadRon Well-Known Player

    Being able to bring a tank into a four man instance does nothing to help when you're running a solo challenge and being countered by a bunch of low level minions who can, between them, use all of the counters simultaneously, and do so constantly.
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  5. Kroye Loyal Player

    That's what I was going to post. I can't tell if that was said tounge-in-cheek, or not.
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  6. frigginA New Player

    You're right. I should spam LFG for a tank for low level content because Tanks are plentiful. It's not about finishing faster, it's about enjoying the game as it was before, when I liked it as it was. When we want to stun something, we have to have a set dominance level above their threshold to do so. We work hard for our gear (at least we did in the beginning) to get as high of CR as possible and being easily stunned by barely lvl 30 enemies, is kind of a slap in the face to that.
  7. krimzonk Committed Player

    When running lower content....I feel like a ****** when several ads surround you and my toon the supposed superhero or supervillan is on their backside more than on their feet. This so called 'combat mechanics' just do not work properly in PvE. And the "It was there from launch" is rubbish talk.

    If the mechanics were already there then we would been used to them, but no in my opinion these "combat mechanics" were just shoe-horned in. Its something the community NEVER asked for in PvE. Just take them out of PvE. Make it so that bosses can ONLY use these mechanics, if you must.
  8. Statman New Player

    I still don't see the reason that these mechanics would all of a sudden bring PvP enthusiasts to PvE, this actually makes no sense. It's still a cycle of moves the enemies go through, which is hardly different to how it was before, they just have the ability to knock them down, and you have the ability to knock them down.
  9. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I'm glad everyone keeps complaining cause maybe with all the complaints they might actually fix them.

    While i don't mind the mechanics they are broke as f%#*. The npc's ability to go from block to range or range to block is way to fast. And the biggest issues is NPC's getting blue immunity and especially annoying when they get it from another npc.

    You want to know how to fix 90% of the problem.......Take away immunities from NPC's, let them block and block break but no immunities for them.

    And not to mention sometimes a npc can counter a persons range attack from across the room without moving and inch. What kinda crap is that lol
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  10. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    What DCUO is doing with combining PVE and PVP mechanics is wonderful! What other game is doing this? Just because you have to actually pay attention to the game now, people want to whine. Wait until a game has a FULL AI system that reacts to your moves. The world will be 90% water with all the new tears coming. To everyone complaining about this, how hard is it to pay attention and actually counter those moves? Weapon trees have moves that counter range and block.
  11. Tre Day New Player

    I think there's no way to get the anti-combat mechanics people to buy into not calling them 'PVP mechanics in PVE', Trex and Liongale.
    No matter how much of the facts that stare in front of them contradict their reasoning.

    But hey, it makes them feel important, I guess.
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  12. EzioNight New Player

    They know it's a problem but act like the octopus from familyguy that everyone just ignores while it makes a mess and just act like it's a ghost as an explanation.
  13. TDSK Committed Player

    You know what could fix this? Using a Tank in Alerts and 4-Man Ops.

    I know, blasphemy. I myself don't care if it's a 4 Role set up or 2 DPS/1 Troll/1 Heal, and with Guardian the way it is now I could see Alerts and 4-Man Ops wanting Sorc DPS so that they can just continue their rofl-stomping.

    I know that using a Tank does make it slower, but honestly, Tanks want to tank and most groups don't want them to Tank things. If you had a Tank, this really wouldn't be as much of an issue.
  14. Archangel Rafael New Player

    played this game since beta. counter system existed the entire time. It has been changed, buffed and nerfed but it's always, always been in there.
  15. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    Learn to adapt.
  16. Baryon Boy New Player

    I can't tell if this post is sarcasm or not. The 'combat mechanics' (pvp mechanics) most certainly were not 'always in pve'.
  17. Myrdin69 New Player

    someone should have bring a tank with him
  18. Archangel Rafael New Player

    were too
  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    It's actually not necessary to have a tank if both dps know how to tank. Me and a league-mate just trade off who does the most damage at a given time based on who has aggro. The player with aggro will pay attention more to counters and try to keep the enemies off balance while the player doing damage does his/her thing. Eventually it switches and the other player gets a chance. It really doesn't slow things down much since the player doing counters is still a dps and gets a nice damage buff for countering.

    The real problem lies in dps players usually being in too much of a hurry. They just want to pew pew pew without paying attention to what they're hitting and whether their hit will be countered. That slows things down because they spend too much time on their backsides. If more damage players would learn to pay attention to the combat mechanics instead of just wildly swinging/firing away, they'd do more damage faster while the bosses were on their backsides instead of the players.
  20. HeavensMessenger New Player

    i have no problem with this, since i am also an avid pvper

    the problem i have is that alot of mis informed members are regurgetating what the devs say without knowing how the game was at launch

    the whole

    "the mechanics have always been there" line which is totallyh and utterly false, i am a day one launvh player and can tell you this.

    the fact that if these mechanics were" always there" then no one would complain,, right ? they would never know the difference ? at all... you cant complain about mechanincs if theyve always been there ? you see what i mean ? so this FACT debunks ANY argueement that these "mecahnincs" were always there, and to add the devs saying they were as intended which also implies that they added it after launch.

    also, the devs say that these "mechanics" were 'as intended"

    well, if they were 'as intended" why not put them in before launch ? why release a game with items, or gameplay, core items, NOT installed ? if you have intentions on how you want to run your game, then by all means PUT them in AT LAUNCH !! period.