PVE more like PVP; Bad!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by frigginA, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. frigginA New Player

    I don't know why I don't see this more or why people aren't saying more about it instead of yelling "WE WANT ANOTHER AURA!" The update that brought the mechanics that allowed bosses and lower enemies that ability to block and stun was a good idea in theory, but it's a nuisance. In Raids and 8-man ops, it doesn't show to well as tanks are mandatory and take most of that problem away. However, in 4-man and lower content it is a PAIN. DPSers now become tanks and it takes 4x as long as it used to because we're stuck in block stuns and counter stuns. Then we end up using half of our power just trying to breakout. It's friggin annoying. Will this every be re-addressed or are we stuck with this crap mechanic? If I wanted to deal with this gameplay, I'd go PVP. It sucks that I now have to deal with it in PVE as well.
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  2. Poo New Player

    There's literally at least 2 threads a day about this.
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  3. Burnt New Player

    It's like talking to a wall. They want the game this way and don't care how we feel about it.
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  4. Liongale Dedicated Player

    Yeah :< Stand back, I'll take care of this! Ahem...

    Those are combat mechanics, not pvp mechanics. They've always been in pve just not in such quantity.
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  5. Van Tooren New Player

    Adds are clipping their blocks with ranges too, i think. There's no winning.
  6. Poo New Player

    Thanks! I didn't have the energy ;)
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  7. HeavensMessenger New Player

    no , ahem ill take care of this..

    been here since day one and they havnt been there. i have video proof of an outer raid i did 2 months into the game launch, with the bat family not usinfg these "mechanincs" black adam never blocked, block broke etc.. nor did any of the batfamily

    let me ask you a question

    IF they were 'always" there like you say

    why then did players notice them " all of a sudden" ? and complain about them ? hmm ?

    if they were always there, no one would notice therefore no threads created about the 'always there" mechanics

    another question, if the mechanics were always "intended" why not put them in to begin with ? i hate the devs using those words "as intended" why release a game with 'as intended" items not in the game at launch ? utterly baffling.
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  8. ManaBaddMan New Player

    i agree and have been trying to formulate a post onthis for a while now.

    i think what gets me about the new abundance of counter mechanics in PVE is the over use of them. NPCs ONLY play the counter system. they dont really 'foolishly' spam a combo. they feint feints with feints and then clip flamethrower with block. i have always felt the only counters that should be in PVE are interrupt (for range weapons) and block (for melee weapons) interrupt will be there for dodge too. block is our only mitigation against NPC damage, why break it? the feint system i thought should have been left to pvp for players to learn and create interesting combos and tricks. the way it is now really is annoying, i absolutely hate TP because it is a counter spam fest in there.

    i also wanna add: i have noticed that right around the same timing that this hit PVE was shortly after the start of FNL, no? i swear the devs script combos they have seen players use into NPCs. sometimes i feel like i am PVEing againt slob, lol
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  9. ManaBaddMan New Player

    because they were put everywhere all of a sudden. with match ranked npcs and new animations that are more recognizable to regular weapon combos. they were in pve always, just not everywhere or with such abundance as already stated.
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  10. Poo New Player

    Btw, frigginA, I totally agree with you. I find it highly annoying in lower tier content. I'm cr103 and a T1 NPC (or lower) has no problem knocking me down or blocking me. Really?!

    I played SWTOR a couple years ago and if you were high level enough, and were around low level mobs, they couldn't even touch you. They could blast away while you just stood there and my Light Saber just flicked around blocking everything. I didn't even have to touch a button :D

    That would make me feel like a Super Hero in this game!!!
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  11. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Thank you Liongale.
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  12. Jake IX New Player

    From what i read, you just want it easy. PvE itself is already easy. All you have to do is spam powers/weapons and avoid 1shots. There's really no "real" strategy to it, except to stay alive, and like i said, avoid the 1 shots.

    If you really detest the combat mechanics of this game, don't step foot in PvP.
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Havent really had a problem with counter mechanics. It just makes enemies not complete pushovers like everyone wants them to be. When I play low level content they die so fast that I dont even notice that they were blocking or lunging. However I am an experienced PVPer so I dont know the struggle for those who dont pvp or are not used to combat mechanics.
  14. Caleus New Player

    To the OP: Everything sounds good On paper, how it actually plays out is a different story.

    I agree with this, sooooooo much. Also would make villains feel like Super Villain too.
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  15. Poo New Player

    No, it should be the opposite for you stinky villains! :p
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  16. Caleus New Player

    Aww, okay... :(
  17. Poo New Player

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  18. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I enjoy the combat mechanics believe it or not. BTW if you don't want to tank as a DPS try bringing in a tank. So many groups want two DPS in 4 man.
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  19. MCAZR New Player

    Are we stuck with this crap mechanic? I'm afraid so.
  20. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Well, according to Jens, et. al, they were there but the messaging was awful so you couldn't tell they were there. This would make your video proof a little inconclusive as you would be showing what could not be seen. Again, this is from the devs own mouths.