PvE Gadget DPS help

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Question, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Question New Player

    So I recently rolled a gadget toon and I'm at that point where I'm about to start running raids. I already have all my dps innates covered but I'm stuck on what I should use in my load out. Yes, whatever fits my play style but what is the ideal gadget dps PvE load out (already have the PvP part covered as well)? I'm using staff/DW btw.

    So this is what I've been working with: Napalm, Fear Gas, Cryo Field, distract, Intimidation, Supercharge

    Some other questions I have,
    • Gauss vs Napalm?
    • Cryo Field vs Neural Neutralizer?
    • Is photon blast even worth having in a PvE load out?
    • Rotations?
    • Suggested load outs?
    Thanks in advance
  2. Azrul Nene New Player

    Sticky Bomb, Fear Gas, Gauss Grenade, Intimidation, Cryo field, Bunker Buster(SC)

    Clip Cryofield(1st) + Intimidation(2nd) ,
    Use Gauss Grenade>Fear Gas>jump>Sticky Bomb [just use your normal attack in between skills to trigger intimidation] ,
    Full SC > Bunker Buster

    FYI - might base loadout
  3. TrueMarvel New Player

    Napalm grenade
    Photon beam
    Cryo field f
    Fear gas
    Bunker buster
  4. BA Baracus Well-Known Player

    1. Fear Gas
    2. Gauss Grenade
    3. Turret
    4. Cryofoam
    5. Photon Blast
    6. Vacuum Bubble

    Gauss is my bread and butter. It is area effect and stuns. Fear gas is a stun and causes burning. Cryofoam is 45% buff and causes frostbite. Gauss electrifies and may cause burning or frost bitten targets to explode. Photon Blast is a 50% buff and a finisher. Drop a Photon Blast before the Vacuum Bubble for extra damage. Amp up your precision as much as possible and clip gauss grenade as much as possible. I like pistols because they hit fast and keep the supercharge up and quickly combo so that I can help keep my own power flowing. Most gadgets like bow or rifle for the slower but bigger hits. DPS means damage per second. To me that means 131 DPS is 131 DPS over many small hits or less bigger hits. Hard Light guys like to melee.
  5. Duragon Committed Player

    I like Napalm over Gauss for the PI with Fear Gas and Cryo-field. I use Intimidate, then go in with one-handed, use flurry, clip that with Napalm, clip Napalm with Fear Gas, clip Fear Gas with jump... while in the air, clip the jump with Cryo-field, then start with flurry. I will use flurry and clip the animation always with Napalm. When Intimidation ends, I will clip flury with Intimidation to keep it up. When Cryo-field runs out, I will start the combo all over again is it puts the DOT from Fear Gas back on, and the Cryo-field DOT back on, with both PI's interaction with the burn of Napalm. Under 35% I will spam flurry and clip it with Photon Blast. If I need to stay away from the mob at this point, I will spam Napalm then Photon Blast... which is normally almost instant death to most bosses. I run with Bunker Buster for supercharge.... I can use it for bosses but tend to use it on trash when I want to clear out hallways or rooms before anyone is dumb and dies. I run with 2049 might and 537 precision with a 131 one-handed, full T4 with all IV mods but 2 (they are III might). I have 90 SP with all damage innates and the rest in defense since I melee up close. I'm normally first dps with equally equipped other powers, depends on the raid itself. Napalm/Fear Gas/Cryo-field/Intimidate/Photon Blast/Bunker Buster. It's a fast combo, fast clip, alot of finger mashing, but it's fun... alot of fun... which is the entire reason we play the game. Enjoy.
  6. TrueMarvel New Player

    This guy expalined exactly how I use my loadout as well. Genius!
  7. Duragon Committed Player

    Thanks TrueMarvel. Also, I've tried alot of powers, so gadget is only temporary but is to date the most fun tied with Mental. But, I run a very high precision with this gadget loadout because of all the clipping. Mental is super might heavy.. thus the reason I am inbetween changing mods.
  8. Question New Player

    This is essentially what I've been doing but I'm stuck between Cryo Field vs Neural Neutralizer. Are the PIs greater then Neural's AoE? I'm unable to do any sufficient testing because running content along fully geared players is leaving me with little to calculate with.