PvE DPS Competitions [USPS]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Doctor Suesss, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I said that any melee dps wouldn't have to deal with. Any power that melee have to deal with the same drawbacks as a rage dps who wants to melee, not just rage
  2. Dump Truck New Player

    Possibly, but aside from a select few, I feel like the villain side is the 'B-league' for PVE.

    However, I pug a lot more on the villain side than heroes... that could be why I feel this way... and in general pugs are just bad.
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  3. Incredible Wrecker New Player

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  4. Flightboy New Player

    My apologies I was 100% incorrect it was a two troll run (I was the 2nd troll) and it was against a celestial friend of yours Nickx or something who knows... You didn't wanna run because of the absence of a 3rd troll. So, my apologies on that dude. You have been beat before to say you haven't is kind or farfetched / ridiculous everrrrrrrrrrrrrryone gets beat. Especially scoreboard chasers ;) They get beat by the current FOTM then switch to the FOTM :p Anyways, all of that aside you still haven't answered any of my questions o_O
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  5. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Villain side is definitely not the B-league of pve. The only issue is that there are more helpful villains than heroes so too many new people get walked in and do not learn the game. Other than that, 99% of villains that know how to play well run with leagues almost exclusively. That said, you did admit you pug more on villain side, therefore you explained the issue yourself.
  6. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    wow you got mirin down to a science.....
  7. winter13 New Player

    Whaa?? It is the exact opposite in my experience. Villain pugs are far better than hero pugs.

    Well...villains are just better in general :p
  8. winter13 New Player

    I totally missed the fact that this guy is a hero. That explains everything.
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  9. Dump Truck New Player

    Pugs are bad on both sides. I'm in a huge league on hero side so I rarely pug which skews my perspective. On Villain side I pug most stuff and it's pretty ugly, but so are hero pugs.
  10. Dump Truck New Player

    Yeah. but they are beast, and not rage. It's not any easy challenge to win. not by any means.

    Put it this way, these guys bet real life money on DPS challenges in league for fun. You want your hero alt in an uber competitive league, hit us up.
  11. GunslingerCoat New Player

    you know pve is sad when there's nothing better to do than dps contest lol to be honest it would make raids more fun even from a tanking perspective just to hear all the trash talking. You could place bets with tthe other roles as far as who'd they think would win(though it could alter their performances to favor who they'd want to win).
  12. MirinDaAesthetics New Player

  13. MirinDaAesthetics New Player

    on my phone sorry for the screw up. lol
  14. MirinDaAesthetics New Player

    too bad I don't play like that. I wouldn't be posting on here if I was that type of player
  15. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    I might sub back up just to run with you.
  16. Eventz New Player

    Tbh it's not hard to beat mirin lol. All u haft to be is rage full vestments. Not an idiot. Do melle combos. Don't wear the heal move instead were the one self dot in the rage tree for get the move name lol bc they do two healers three trolls. Tbh ur all nothing. If u still think ur somthing on this pathetic game then do us all a favor..........idk autchally don't do me a favor idc.

    This game will die soon.
  17. Grid Ion Committed Player

    This thread is too good. Too many comedians in here lol..
  18. Grid Ion Committed Player

    LMAO !!!
  19. Flightboy New Player

    Sorry buddy, but you've never dps'ed with me. Why are you attacking me again? For saying I was wrong, apologizing, and stating what actually went down?? Ok. Just checking...

    Secondly, since you have never dps'ed with me how am I a "peace" of garbage?

    Next time try defending with facts because right now you just look and speak like a fanboy. TBH it's kind of cute ;)

    I didn't argue anything fyi maybe you should reread and actually understand all of my posts on this thread before lashing out blindly.

    I'm glad you love people because it seems as if you have a lot of hate in your heart bud :p
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  20. Badname4445 New Player

    “Just a little heads up for who you will be dpsing against since I've played with him a lot.

    His rage DPS is your typical Outrage/Dreadful Blast/Berserk user. I believe he uses Plasma Retch on every rotation as well, and will drop a supply drop/trinket before the fight. This is the one he'll be using.

    His HL DPS uses variations of SK combos. Same as the supply drop/trinket. He will bring 3 trolls in if he uses this power.

    In both cases this will happen in Nexus, since he spends all day rerunning Nexus while loot locked, in "challenge runs" I guess I'd call it.

    Now, the real wrench in it, is that he will run way ahead of the tank in an effort to get more damage. And by run way ahead, I mean he will travel as fast as he can to the next mob even if the entire group is stopped. And he will not pick anyone up ever even in regular runs, so if you dps against him, don't pick anyone up. This is particularly important because if Heaven forbid you do this challenge in AnB, he will attack every single mob in Metropolis without anyone even close to present. Every. Single. Mob.

    I believe he'll also go and attack those two side mobs if he gets locked out of a boss fight (which he never does since for some reason the entire raid scrambles to pick him up) in Nexus.

    Oh, and important to note, but the tank he'll be using will allow him to start every fight, or he'll do it anyway just because.

    What you'll be facing is the ultimate scoreboard chaser. And what I'm describing is just normal runs too. Hope this helps people decide.

    You might even see me in there (if he isn't mad at me for trying to get people to prepare).”
    This guy sound like the people everyone hates playing with lol. doesn't pick people up and always running ahead of the tank. Sounds like a good team player to me.

    “wow you got mirin down to a science.....”

    too bad I don't play like that. I wouldn't be posting on here if I was that type of player

    ^who the **** you kidding mirin that is you to a T not only that but you will fill a raid with your own people and make sure of the other dps goes down that they will not pick him up GG
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