Purchasing Mastery Trait reduce the weap damage

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Tsigalko, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    idk about pve, coz dps in pve doesnt use much weap damage anyway, but ppl at the pvp forum have been noticing this since it happens months ago, and I just want to know the progress about this. is it considered a bug? or is it as intended for some reason?

    the problem :
    so the weapon mastery trait at the upper right corner of each weapon tree, the description said that we need to purchase 20 skill points at that weapon tree, including few mandatory combos. and when u purchase that mastery trait, the said combos will deal more damage, just like the description said. but the reality is the other way around.
    i.e : the 1h weapon tree. it needs air launch, spin chop and flip slash to purchase the mastery. and purchasing the mastery will cause focus blast, air launch, spin chop and flip slash to hit for increased damage. but in reality, my flip slash damage go down a lot after i purchase the mastery traits. in my current cr and stats, my flip slash hits around 45k to the dummy, but it goes down to 18k-20k after i purchase the mastery. that's more than half of reduced damage. and the description said the damage should be higher, not reduced to half.
    and this also happen with other weapons, not just 1h

    my question :
    has this been looked into? or is it intended? if this is intended should the description changed? coz it is very miss-leading.
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  2. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I might be wrong, but I think they made a change some time ago, tho some attacks are still hard, I personally don't use WM, just regular combos and mostly to recover power, but again I might be wrong as I don't follow PVP much and the last weapon change for PVP was a year or so ago.
  3. bagofboom Committed Player

    *working as intended

    (JK, i have no idea)
  4. motionsick Well-Known Player

  5. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Its working as intended. Yes it affects PVE also. I made a post about this several months ago.

    Without Weapon Masteries your using normal combo's so they give them a small bump to damage. AFTER you take weapon masteries they mistakenly assume that you will take Weapon Mastery Combo skills. So they drop the damage, and or disable specific combos.

    If you did follow up to gain the WM combo's then you will do more damage performing those than you did your normal weapon combo's.
    Even tho Weapon Mastery is suppose to boost ur crits and damage unless you plan on taking Weapon Mastery Combo's you might want to go without them.

    In my thread I came to the conclusion that damage should not drop, combo's should not get disabled UNTIL you actually purchase the WM Combo skill that uses that combo!!!

    My thread awhile back: