Public Domain or Copyrighted?

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Anak Panah, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. Anak Panah Well-Known Player

    Hi there,

    I suspect the game's initial loading screen needs an update? ;)


  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Eh, it's not technically needed to be updated. Usually if one is putting a date range, it's to establish the first publication through the last update. As something that is ongoing, it doesn't need to have an end date until it is done. They have it registered (hence the registration mark), so that they can enforce the copyright to the fullest extent if needed. They don't even REALLY have to have it displayed to HAVE the copyright, but it makes enforcing it a hell of a lot easier.

    The date just says when the copyright is established. Something doesn't enter the public domain for decades after the initial copyright. I'm not a copyright lawyer, so please consult with your attorney before taking my advice.
  3. Anak Panah Well-Known Player

    Ohh, I was not really afraid the game would be in the public domain now, you know o_O

    It's more like "You don’t get a second chance at a first impression!"...
  4. JKwak Well-Known Player

    thanks to disney, the only way something enters the public domain after a short time is the copiright owner dies and there is no heir
  5. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Even then, that "short time" is 70 years after the death of the author. I think the work-for-hire stands at 120 since creation or 95 since publication, whichever is shorter. Disney really did push the time into the stratosphere.
  6. JKwak Well-Known Player

    if there is someone that can and/or want to tacke his heritage, yes then its 70 years
  7. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    I’ve always known Disney was evil, when they did this they gave us solid evidence of it.