Psychic Empowerment's sound effect...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TK PUSHA, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    anyone else feel like since the Mental revamp psychic empowerment sounds like nails on a chalkboard? :mad: :eek:

    every time i hear another troller using it in a raid it makes me cringe and then glad i switched to Quantum, lol.

    before i switched it was actually really annoying to me personally and i would even have to turn down my sound for raids.

    never thought of bringing it up before, but was just curious if anyone else gets bothered by it, o_O
  2. NexGenX New Player

    Yeah I hate it when I hear it being used. Luckily in raids most of the time power sound effects glitch out for me anyway. It also seems like the sound is very late as opposed to its animation. That might piss me off more for some odd reason...
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