Psst, Hey you, yeah you, over here...Virtual Synergy (USPC-Hero) is recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by MrHoiPolloi, May 23, 2013.

  1. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    If your name is XXXITEABAGYOURMOMXXX, NOOBSTOMPER69, or Th3R34L420 this isn't the league for you.

    If you are still reading...

    Virtual Synergy is a veteran USPC hero league that was founded on the principle that we are here to have fun.

    Many of us are longtime MMO gamers with experience in a wide variety of games. DCUO has become our mainstay and we are looking for like-minded individuals.
    For some of us DCUO is the only MMO we have ever known. So, if you aren't sure what LFG, PST, or QQ means don't worry about it, we have a nice cozy spot saved just for you.

    We are actively recruiting mature and respectful players levels 1-30 and all roles.
    to join our active league for Missions, Duos, Alerts, Raids, Ops, Bounties, PvP, general fun, events, and whatever the future may hold.

    You probably have a few questions, so here is a little information about us:
    1. We have all levels of friendly and helpful players who have been successfully enjoying all levels of content from T0 through T6, including Nexus, Paradox Wave, and Assault and Battery, TD (we DO NOT exclude healers and tanks).
    2. We believe that combat rating is not the end all and be all of success. The real skill lies in the player behind the controls.
    3. We want to help and assist our members. That being said we will help you take the initiative in forming groups as well.
    4. We have a Teamspeak server,

    And here is what we are looking for:
    1. Players who are mature, friendly, helpful, and respectful of others. (This is only a game and doesn't define your existence or worth)
    2. Players who are willing to learn if needed in order for the team to be successful.
    3. Players who are more likely to point out solutions than to point fingers when things do not go so well.
    4. Players who keep the drama out of the game.

    Thursday Nights are our normally scheduled – T5-T6 Ops/Raids/Alerts. This night is designed for our higher CR, higher geared folks who are up to the challenge of Origin Crisis, Assault & Battery, TD, etc.
    We usually run some of these raids on other nights for those who missed Thursday or who want to run an alt through some of this content.

    We usually run on West Coast time. So 6PM PST onward is our most active times during the day/night.

    How to get in touch with us:

    If you are this kind of player and you think we are your kind of league then please send an email to
    We can arrange to answer any questions you may still have, provide more details and even get together in game.


    Contact one of our officers in game, Honor Guard, Coup Detat, Abra Cadabra, Srgt Solar, Einine, Fishpunk, Sgamingmad or Stryx Oblivion.
    (we may be on an alt. at any given time so you can also look for Scorcher, Quantress, Frigidoom, Ipsy, ElBumpo, Norval Eugene if you can't find the others)
    Most of our members have invite privileges as well so if you see one in game don’t hesitate to ask.

    On a related note: Please be patient when sending a message in game.
    We may be in the heat of battle and not notice your /tell or we may possibly be afk.
    We will respond as soon as we can or as soon as we see the message. If you don't get an immediate response, wait a few minutes and try again


    You can visit our website at
    • Like x 6
  2. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Recruitment is open to all levels and all roles regardless of cr, but we are especially looking for a high cr healer for T5 raids. We have no issue with helping someone get to that point as well.
  3. Kroye Loyal Player

    /like'd solely on because of "XXXITEABAGYOURMOMXXX".

    Epic. I see a rename token in the future.
  4. Appolos New Player

    lol yeah, that name is #1.
    I don't even need a league, but your post has drawn me in. I hope all goes well for you!
  5. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Thanks! There is a lot of league recruitment competition but we have a lot to offer a veteran player or someone brand new
  6. Abra Cadabra Active Player

    Just want to say welcome to our new members. We are still looking for more people.

    Guys, Gals Levels 1-30 CR 1-99. We still need a high CR healer for attempts at T5 raids but accepting anyone.

    We can help you level up...our contact info is in the original post.
  7. Knight Sidious New Player

    Nice post, nice site. Hope to catch one of ya'll in game for an invite. :)
  8. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Hey Knight, Thank you for the compliments! I will be on this evening after 6PM PST so add me to friends and keep an eye out for me logging in.

    -Honor Guard
  9. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Welcome aboard Knight and all the other folks that have joined us recently. We are still recruiting. So if you are looking for a nice laid back league that is made up of people who enjoy each others company and don't allow drama to get in the way of a good time look us up!
  10. herosol New Player

    very interested in joining. let me know when you guys are on :D

    ign: Gecko Verde
  11. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Hi Herosol, We will watch for you in game. Please feel free to send a /tell to anyone listed in the original post if you see them online.
  12. IceFire New Player

    Hi, interested in joining an active league. Please invite me, Thanks!
  13. goodngreat New Player

    i'm picking up DCUO for the second time around and having a lot more fun with it this time. i've gotten my light character to 30 now and constant PuG alerts are becoming mentally draining so i hope you're all still recruiting! a nice group of players that know what theyre doing or are at least pleasant to be clueless with is just what im looking for.

    my IGN is HAGWITCH, ill try to contact one of you ingame (cant right now as the servers are down for maintenence). just posting here to let you know that im interested.
  14. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Welcome to Gecko Verde. Also, Welcome aboard Hagwitch, I had fun running alerts with you yesterday.

    If you are on the lookout for a friendly, active league then please look our way.
  15. Diclosis New Player

    Nice league hope to see you guys in game for an invite.
  16. Thrillion New Player

    HI, Im Thrillion in game, please invite me, Im sick of being waiting for someone to help me with those missions
    Hope we can all be friends
  17. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Glad to have you aboard Diclosis, thanks for the kind words
  18. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Recruitment is still open. We are accepting all roles but would especially love a few more T4-T5 healers. Of course, we are happy to invest in helping any up and coming healers...or any other class for that matter.
  19. Cosmic Praetor New Player

    I'm a new DCUO player and I'll be reaching out to you via your website. Hope to meet you all in game.
  20. DTPxWildcat New Player

    I added you buddy im looking to join I just started today my ingame name is IronmanMK15