PS5 Version

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by midnight2248, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. midnight2248 New Player

    How is performance on ps5 still awful despite many updates? Its been 8 months since release & performance is still bad (fps) any news if theres ever going to be a fix? or make performance better?
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  2. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    tell me about it ... i dc so much on ps5
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  3. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    I just stick to the PS4 version. It runs much better on the PS5 than the PS5 version.
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    If people are going to willingly buy episode currency on the market place and these new ultimate white mods on the market place … just tell them you’re willing to pay for an update to the ps5 client so it actually works as good as the ps4 one …
  5. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Same here. Both of my main's bases have max base items which means LONG load times and yet I still prefer the PS4 version.
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  6. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    I also stick to the PS4 client.

    The PS5 client has tiny HUD details that don’t scale properly - making healing a horrible experience.

    It also has issues on Remote Play where it inverts L1/R1 and L2/R2.

    Raised it multiple times, ignored on each occasion. Of course.
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  7. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Cool idea but I'm not spending anymore. Besides, the PS4 client is superior. The PS5 client was laggy, buggy, and too shadowy. I honestly saw no benefit after running each version, the PS4 version was superior.
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  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I mean the original dev team who were working on the PS5 client left and it took them like four years to work on it when it was the main selling point of EG7 to their investors so yeah not surprising it’s a big heap of coal. Hopefully they get it right before the release of the PS6 :D
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