PS3 Trophies…….

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Agent Flores, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Agent Flores Committed Player

    I was looking at my trophies and notice that it is updated. Those that are on PS3 you can now see what trophies you need for the new DLC or if you got it all it will show. The New DCUO logo is on there as well. Thanks Devs(or PSN) for getting that fixed.
  2. Twilight Man New Player

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  3. MercPony Devoted Player

    Its finally fixed?! I've had to keep my trophies for PS3 in offline mode to even see the for DCUO. If that's the case, I can put them back on online mode? I been checking these ever since I noticed they wasn't showing like they did on PS4 lol
  4. Agent Flores Committed Player

    Yea so for just PS3. I don't own a PS4 yet so anybody with a PS4 can confirm that the trophies for them are fix post them here.