Ps3...Time to bail?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Titans1373, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. GregDawe New Player

    I think you are failing to see the point of this thread.

    Sure we can hang on to you lot who don't wish to update.

    But just know that because of your uproar and unwillingness to upgrade, you also lose.

    The content you will play on your PS3 is not close to the potential quality it could be if we didn't have the PS3 weighing the game down.

    I feel ripped off by the ongoing involvement of the PS3 because it's lesser qualities are being taken into consideration when making content.
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The OP raised an interesting point about the numbers. Are those numbers active players? or just the number of accounts/characters that have at some point played the PS3 version?

    I have 3 real life friends who have played DCUO. If you used statistics to defend the PS3 version using me and my friends as an example, 75% of players (all 3) play(ed) DCUO on the PS3, where as 25% play on the PS4. Of course, this isn't entirely accurate as none of those 3 friends play DCUO anymore, so technically the accurate statistic for me and my friends is 100% PS4 - 0% PS3.

    I would probably hazard a guess that PS3 does have the larger community but this is mainly made up of inactive accounts. Evidence to support this comes from comments made by a developer earlier in the year which said that the PS4 community accounted for a small percentage of DCUO Playstation players but the PS4 marketplace sales were exceeding PS3 marketplace sales.

    Personally, I think it's time to start considering winding down PS3 support. I don't even want to think about what we haven't seen in game due to the policy of creating an equal game across all platforms and the PS3's limited technical abilities.

    Of course I'd rather them build a new game on the Forgelight Engine more than anything, but that's just me.
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  3. GregDawe New Player

    Ladies and Gentlemen, here is member who gets it.

    In red is where I am beginning to feel somewhat ripped off with my membership.
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  4. smoove76 Committed Player

    Ps3 majority rules..... just because you got a shiny new ps4 that does not mean that Sony/DCUO will start catering to the minority of ps4 players. Heck when the ps3 was the new console on the block it took AT LEAST 3 yrs before the ps2 completely phased out. Even That didn't happen till the ps3 came down a off its $600 price tag, so more ppl could afford it. In short you ps4 users still got a bit of a wait time on your hands B4 everyone switches to the ps4..... DEAL WITH IT!!!!!
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  5. GregDawe New Player

    And other poster who is lost from the point.

    A) Majority is not PS3, the revenue is coming from more PS4 than 3, so you're wrong there.
    B) "deal with it" implys that there is no negative effect from prolonging the PS3's involvement here, so again you're wrong.
    C) if you are posting here, it means you play the game (unless you are a troll), the longer the PS3 lives in this game, the shorter the total life of this game.

    Think before you post child.
    You are wrong.
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  6. RitzyDitzy New Player

    Do you really expect them to give up on the PS3 at this point? I think a lot of PS4 users live in a fairy tale world. Also some off handed remark a Dev or somebody made doesn't make something true, show us actual proof of the PS4 players spending more money.
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  7. GregDawe New Player

    Yes, if they are smart, which a multi-billion dollar company should be, they would cut it.
    0 updates on the PS3 post DLC11.
    Incentives for DCUO players upon purchase of PS4 and the DL of DCUO.

    Or you can let a terminal console drag an entire game into the grave with it
  8. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    By your beliefs this game died during beta, and is the worst game. Deal with it implies that there is a minor hold up from ps3 but it is not that major, (which it isn't) just because you buy a new shiny toy you don't think people that have a little less than you deserve a lesser quality version. The game is still better on ps4 and if the ps3 held this game back than you can survive for 2 years or so with higher quality than us.
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  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    No, I don't think any of us really expect them to give up on the PS3 at this point. Which is exactly why this thread is frequently brought up. For discussion and debate amongst players. It's not a thread which is looking for a resolution but rather a discussion on the entire situation.

    For example, I know the sun will rise tomorrow, so there's no point in making a thread debating whether or not it will. I don't know if the developers will cancel the PS3 version of DCUO, but I feel they should and I've explained my reasoning as to why. All I've really seen from the PS3 supporters is "WELL DA MONEY IS COMING FROM THE PS3 VERSION" when it was confirmed by someone who actually has access to the information that, at least at some point this year, sales generated by PS4 players exceeded that being generated by PS3 players.

    So we kinda need something else from the pro-PS3 camp, to be honest.
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  10. smoove76 Committed Player

    Just because you didn't like what I said DOES NOT make it wrong. But ok i'll bite how much ( in actual dollar amount please ) does the ps4 rake in for DCU? BTW yes I do play dcuo I thought that was implied via my participation in this discussion.
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  11. RitzyDitzy New Player

    Right so they are just choosing to lose money I'm sure that's what it is lmao.
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  12. GregDawe New Player

    From a paying players perpective, it is a big hold up.
    I don't pay a membership to be told that the content I will get for my money is accommodating old and outdated technology so it isn't the standard it could be.

    I play on PC mate not PS.
    Meaning I am waiting for my moneys worth in terms of content quailty.

    Just cos you have a busted old toy doesn't mean the rest of us should suffer.
  13. RitzyDitzy New Player

    Maybe you should try a game that's not cross platform then or this will always occur.
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  14. GregDawe New Player

    There won't be figures release here dude, that is private information to a company. haha fool.
    It was mentioned though that PS4 rakes in more than PS3 even though PS3 has a greater population.
    So yes, it does make you wrong.

    They aren't loosing money in the short term, but they will in the long term.

    Maybe you should keep up with the times and buy a PS4 or play on PC where console updates arent a problem for you.
  15. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    The ps3 is not outdated, the ps4 is only better. And this is one thing everyone that says the ps3 needs to be taken off the servers says "the ps3 is the downfall/holding dcuo down part and needs to be taken away" you must not understand that the ps3 ran for 3+ Years and can still go. So by yours and everyone else's thoughts this game died during beta cause the ps3 is so terribly horrific.
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  16. RitzyDitzy New Player

    Again where was this mentioned and by whom 1 person? oh it must be true
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  17. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Number 1 my ps3 isn't busted. Number 2 it's not outdated. Number 3 if your on PC why are you complaining so much? You're on PC which make your arguments towards ps pretty invalid, oh the thing this game was made for is "outdated" go cry me a river. PS3 is still going and the games haven't stopped being made.
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  18. DC-Doll New Player

    I'm on PS3 now too. So maybe.
  19. GregDawe New Player

    Just because the game began on PS3 doesn't mean it should stay on it forever.

    Your PS3 may run fine, good for you.
    What it does lack is the same technology as the PS4 and PC.
    Everything that happens in this games development concerns both servers, so my argument is as valid as any.
    The fact that the technology of the PS3 is inferior to the other 2 consoles involved is the entire point.
    We are not being given the BEST POSSIBLE QUALITY CONTENT due to the ball and chain that is the PS3's limitations.
  20. smoove76 Committed Player

    I was just asking for a figure because for whatever reason you SEEM to be somehow well informed on Sonys finances, and yet you HAVEN'T produced any dollar amount figure or any publication to prove your point one way or the other.... That TO ME SEEMS FOOLISH in itself.
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