Ps3...Time to bail?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Titans1373, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. No Aywok New Player

    If I could see the Paradox Warrior energy balls 100% of the time then I'd personally have 0 issues with staying on my PS3. Right now it's, "Okay, I'm for sure being targeted; count to 2, begin movement/roll on 3".

    There have been plenty of suggestions to improve performance on the PS3; Gunny's tips on a different thread being some of the most useful and over-looked by the majority, in my opinion.

    The league I am in is about a 50/50 split between PS3 & PS4 players. The only HUGE advantage I've ever noticed is the lack of hardfreezes on the 4. In fact, I'd go so far as to make the claim that the people I know on PS4 disconnect more often when running instances back-to-back.

    This of course has nothing at all to do with rendering/visuals; if you "prefer" a 13" black and white TV over a 32" color TV, then you're in serious denial.
  2. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    Your forgetting I have a membership for dc on psn. Not pc. Also, my characters wont just port over. If It were that easy, (and I tried) I would have been/stayed on pc.
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  3. Chilog Well-Known Player

    Although I knew PS3 and PS4 were on the same server, I didn't really think of the affect that happens to PS4 players like when PS3 players DC. Thanks for helping me realize both sides of this argument
  4. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

  5. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    To all the business tip people. You guys do realize ps4 shares what like 95% of its games so far aside from infamous, killzone, and a few downloads. Point is, theres no real reason for ppl to upgrade being that their system will only be running 1 game or collecting dust because everything comimg out can be bought on last gen as well.
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  6. GregDawe New Player

    This point is currently true.

    It won't be in 6 months time.

    Defend the PS3 all you like.
    Truth of the matter is, it is going to go, if you think otherwise you are wrong.
    The matter at hand is when.
    My opinion is that the sooner the better.
    -it unties the hands of the creative team
    -PS4 players don't have to suffer for the PS3 players crashing
    -PS4 wasn't released for the fun of it, the PS3 is OLD TECHNOLOGY < meaning inferior and unable to keep up with the products to come out.
    -PC & PS4 can actually get excited about a large scale content release because the worry that PS3 can't handle it won't be an issue.

    Continue living in the stone age ladies.
    In the short term, the PS3 makes more money, but in the long term, dropping it now makes more again.
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  7. GregDawe New Player

    I does to a point.
    You are speaking as if the PS3 can actually have the potential to play DCUO forever with each coming release of content.
    If that is what you think you are wrong.
    This games evolution is being help back by what is now an outdated system.

    Money or quality.
    What is more important to Sony?
    Without quailty, you don't make money, so eventually the hard call needs to be made.

    This game has failed with meeting expectations of late, and uncuffing the devs of the PS3 gives them a better chance to make the content we know they can make, the kinds of stuff that makes us want to pay them for the game.
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The only thing the ps3 has going for it is actually it's population. According to Spytle the ps4 version is earning about twice as much as the ps3 version.

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  9. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    Now your trying to put words in people's mouth it's obvious it won't last forever but now is not the time so stop harassing other people
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  10. GregDawe New Player

    If that's the case, then offer the current PS3 players a couple of free DLC's or a month or 2 free membership when they buy a PS4 and DL DCUO by the end of August.

    We should not be babysitting this system going into WotL2.
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    No idea if this is true or not, but someone (who I didn't have reason to doubt) told me that the ps3 was promised the entire trilogies of WoTL and Amazon Fury.
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  12. GregDawe New Player

    The correct time is as soon as possible mate.

    The longer PS3 hangs around the longer everyone else who want to get quality content has to suffer through releases that are designed for an outdated system, therefore not getting our value for money.
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  13. xXSUPERDAVEXx New Player

    ArFor almost a year I was complaining about same stuff that everyone in here has been saying. Then i did some research and found a fix for 90% of them. The one fix i cant rectify is the slow loading of scenery and time between loadscreens. I have both ps3 and ps4 and thats the main differance. I was disconnecting and freezing all the time on ps3 and on ps4 i would disconnect if i stayed on for more then three for hours. After not much help from anyone here or my cable provider i spent a week researching nothing but mmorpg gaming connections and issues. I found most problems are due to the all in one modem and routers your internet provider gives you. The only reason ps4 doesnt seem like its disconnecting for some of you is cause of how it operates it doesnt notice the small disconnects or lags of your modem. But like i said i can make it happen if you own a ps4 and have one of these all in one units. I switched to a standard modem and am using astore bought dual band wireless router and now my ps3 and ps4 are lag free and disconnect free with standard settings and for your info im still using the ps3 fatboy almost full memory. Hope this helps boost the ps3 hopes and help some peeps
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  14. GregDawe New Player

    I sure as hell hope not.
    We shouldn't have to sit through any more DLC's after #11 with the PS3
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  15. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    If Destiny and Final Fantasy can deliver high end graphics, smooth epic gameplay and deliver more content while playing on both ps3/4 then there is a work around for this game ya'll need to be patient.
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  16. kasino007 New Player

    Right, but DCUO's competition (won't name drop, but feel to free to Google) will not be on "cross-generation" servers. DCUO is and that is a problem with PS3 players constantly DCing. Frustrated PS4 players will leave DCUO if this continues and I am hearing that PS4 players generate more revenue for DCUO. I'm not in the "Scrap your PS3 boat." I am in the "I didn't pay $400 to have PS3 players consistently DC in a raid/alert and then wait for them to relog boat." I know it sounds harsh and I'm truly sorry.
  17. kasino007 New Player

    Destiny (hate to name drop) will not have PS3/PS4 servers. They are independent of each other so no problem there.
  18. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    Like I said work around lol but Final Fantasy plays on both
  19. kasino007 New Player

    This reply is complete nonsense. I am expressing my opinion on a topic in a forum like everyone else. I have done so in a manner still respectful to PS3 players as well. Please stop trolling trying to create an issue that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Thank you.
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  20. Blue Bailey New Player

    So you admit you don't know any actual numbers, you admit your sample is bias, and you still say "the numbers don't lie"? That's like me going up to 20 homeless men, asking if they own a car and my concluding statement being "0% of Americans own a car" and my defense being "the numbers don't lie". Unless you're friends with an overwhelming majority of all DCUO players your "number" are complete bollocks.

    Why would there be hate threads by PS3 users? What would they be hating? PS3 users don't complain because we don't have to much to complain about its the PS4 users who light up the forums with hate threads.

    And I'm guessing you're not a programmer so what is it of GU39 and the new DLC that you have seen that the many professionals SOE hires have not?
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