Ps3...Time to bail?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Titans1373, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Well considering the ps3 came out 5 years ahead of dcuo, those numbers aren't relevant. By that logic dcuo should solely be focused on PC because do you know how many PC have been sold?
    I hope they continue to support the ps3. Heck I'm glad they do or I wouldn't be playing it right now. But at what point is the ps3 hindering the game or the community? Imagine the extra man hours that go into trying to make the dlc work on a outdated system. If I remember right we can't have any new powers either. Dcuo has outgrown ps3. Maybe its time for separate games. Dcuo 2.0
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  2. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    This may sound egoistic, but for example for Survival Mode I don't run with PS3 users, happend to me three times already getting to round 7 and PS3 players DC'ing. Too much time inside for wiping due to PS3 limitations. As I said in the other threads, every tech gets outdated, and PS3 is not an exception, it will come to a day that we will need to say goodbye to it, and i'ts going to be sooner than expected.
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  3. Multiverse Creator League

    Last winter in an interview... Larry Liberty did mention how since PS4 has been launched... about 70% of DCUO revenues come from PS4 players.

    There probably are many reasons "why" that would explain this.
  4. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Can I get a source on this? I don't doubt your word. Its just that I don't remember hearing this.
  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Sorry... I don't remember in which interview Larry mentions this.... would have to do a lot of digging to try and find where Larry did mention this.

    Maybe someone else remembers in which interview Larry did mention this and can post a link??
  6. dcuo gamer Committed Player

    Not gonna happen. 60 million ps3 owners vs 8 plus million ps4 owners.

    By the way, could you imagine how good this game would look if this debut on the ps4 and pc only??

  7. rival exe New Player

    If they stop supporting PS3 I won't be supporting SOE.
    also unless the 80% people you know make up 80% of the game population, then yes your numbers are lying.
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  8. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    You're going to have to consider the prospect of this being the majority of where the player population is going to be stationed before DCUO shuts its doors down. The game has aged badly and the gameplay experience and feel is pretty dated. As more titles release on the PS4, fewer people are going to want to waste more than a random week playing DCUO (for the first time before sidelining it, or out of boredom until the PS4s game library increases).

    There are so many bugs, limited design elements, and too much time between updates and fresh content for people to feel the draw to stay plugged in for long. While it's true the PS3 holds the game back, the game only survives because of the support from PS3 players. If there are plans to scrap the PS3 client, it must absolutely include another overhaul of features for PC and PS4 users. It becomes a cost vs gain situation. There's only so much you can get out of the core technology. Any actions may be pending review of the console launch of Planetside 2 and H1Z1. I think those games will be successful enough on their own, but it may highlight what can't be done with DCUO.

    In short, I think that until DCUOs servers are shut down and repurposed, the PS3 client will stay afloat.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

  10. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Nothing to apologize for, that's just being pragmatic.
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  11. Bokugo New Player

    Well what if they just restricted new DLC to PC and PS4, but PS3 still gets updates and is able to focus more on fixing bugs? This is by no means dropping support, but more or less putting you on life assistance. Would your opinion still hold?
  12. rival exe New Player

    It's not an opinion. It's a course of action I plan to take. If I can't play anymore why would I keep paying?????
    But yes, I would still cancel my subscription.
  13. dcuo gamer Committed Player

    With all do respect, the ps4 version of this game runs a lot smoother, but graphically, it's dated. Take the in game detail of the adds vs the iconics. The ps4 could use another graphical upgrade and the operating system could use an upgrade.
  14. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Kinda the reason why I want people to move to PS4. The whole game would go under huge make over and would take advantage of PC and PS4 resources. Gives me tingles just thinking about it.
  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Your perspective is seriously warped. I too know a lot of people playing on way do I even think for one second that that begins to cover the majority of DCUO Playstation players. Plenty of people in my league are still on the PS3. Plenty of friends are still on the PS3. Fact is outside of a few DCUO Diehards (who won't switch to the PC because it would mean starting over from scratch and giving up friends and leaguemates) and early adopters, there aren't going to be too many who would dish out $400 plus tax just to play DCUO. There many people either waiting for Holiday sales or for there to be a valid reason BESIDES DCUO to get a PS4. Not everyone is rolling in that kind of money.
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  16. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    A graphical update on DCUO focused on the PS4 engine would be awesome.
  17. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yeah there is no questioning that a PC would be better run the long wrong but the sweet spot between PS4 and PC for graphical and UI updates would be a very sweet spot indeed.
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  18. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    That's what i'm getting at. I'm on the PS4 and I cannot go back to playing the game on PS3. Even on the PS4, it looks horribly dated. And now that pretty much everybody and their mothers has had a look at the Destiny beta, more people are more than willing to jump ship (on the PS4) to hop onto Destiny and take their daily fill of grinding over to that game. Comparing the visuals is a no contest slaughter where DCUO ends up horribly disfigured and stuffed in a metal barrel to be found washed ashore in Gotham's East End. Looking at dropping the PS3 client, and then giving DCUO another overhaul is going to cost money, and there's only going to be so much that can be done with DCUO before you have to rebuild it from the ground up to get into the ballpark. I don't see SOE doing that, so just the same don't see SOE ditching the PS3 client.

    It doesn't help that the PS4 has so few games, that everybody with the console is primed to jump into the next big release in unison, crippling PSN in the process. Businesswise, DCUO activity is going to die down on the PS4 side come October. Player retention after that month is going to require review as well. With the PS3 client still being active in that time, it's certainly going to bolster reasons not to take it off life support for a while.
  19. sterl320 New Player

    It's sad to say, but the PS4 simply doesn't have the player base the PS3 has to support the game. Just think of how many PS4's have sold to date compared to the PS3. Financial advisors, shareholders, and the like won't support the idea of getting rid of the PS3 just because of quality issues if it means a potential lost of money for them. Yes there will eventually be a time when the PS3 will be obsolete, but that time is not here. It hasn't even been a full year since it's been out yet. Let more PS4 bundles come out, maybe even the initial price drop happen first. Just let more PS4's come to more homes. Then you will see the plans (and not just from Sony) to leave the PS3 alone and move on fully.
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  20. Vyltran Loyal Player

    I do see people still buying ps3 consoles nowadays (obviously, business with deposits).. ps4 too but in a small &... i think psn plus thingy affected a bit choicing between ps3 & ps4..

    i play on ps3, so i'm happy to play on it and not hurry to acquire a ps4 lol.. if i want to stream out, i can use my dvr...
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