Ps3...Time to bail?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Titans1373, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Recently my ps4 died. Won't turn on, not even in safe mode. Didn't buy the store warranty either (dou!) . So I sent it to Sony for a warranty replacement (on day 15, ps4 just arrived in Texas). Being a junkie, I fired up the old ps3 which I haven't used since Nov 15th. All I can say is wow. The ps3 version of this game is almost unplayable. Went through some precautionary steps to try to prevent this( cleaned up memory, adjusted to proper settings ect.). Still freeze, DC, fall through maps, lag, have massive rendering issues and all the other great things that come from ps3. Can't even confidently run sm without a fear of screwing my team.

    It might be time to hang up the gloves for ps3. Now I always hear the majority of players play on ps3. Are these current players? Or are they players who made a toon 2 years ago and haven't logged in since? The way I see it is about 80% of the people I know play on ps4. This is based on league members and friends. Sure its a controlled survey but the numbers don't lie. If there was truly more players on ps3 I'd imagine these forums would light up daily with hate threads but they don't.

    I think the clock should start counting down on ps3 soon. Just based on what I've seen gu39 and the new dlc is going to wreck the ps3 for good anyways. I wish there was a way to prevent this because I still have good friends who play on ps3, but I dont see this happening. We've swallowed some heinous changes to this game for the good of the community (gu36) but noe its time for the biggest one of them all, cut ps3 loose . Thoughts?
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  2. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    I dont have any big problems with DCUO on my PS3. Yes i lag but not as bad. I rebuild my PS3's database a couple times a week and adjust my settings in-game so that i dont freeze or lag.
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  3. Delta795 New Player

    Wow what a completely original thread.
    Answer is still no. Until then majority of PS base moves over then all you are doing is essentially killing your game cause no way in hell PS4 and PC could support this game (Yet).
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  4. Koolandria New Player

    if You want you can spend about $80 (maybe even cheaper now and upgrade you ps3 to a solid state drive. You wont have anymore rendering issues from what ive heard. Someone with a slid state can you post here to help how much installment problems and results
    Man that sucks about the ps4 man that would be a sad day for me. they do have a pretty easy teardown process from everything ive seen. Call sony try for warranty. If they dont and your pretty handy Look around for some vids on ps4 breakdown and see whats wrong most the time the parts are pretty cheap and easily installed if your familiar with that kind of stuff
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  5. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Yup, ideally DLC11 will be the last one to hit PS3. From there, all of the development should be PS4/ PC only. Keep the PS3 servers up minus updates for another year after that then call it a day. DCUO doesn't need to be hampered by ancient technology anymore.
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  6. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    See that's what I have a hard time believing. From my own experiences the majority of people I know play on ps4, not 3. I don't want to kill the game. I don't want my ps3 buddies to go away. But there is a huge problem. If you don't believe me fire up your old ps3. If anything is killing the game its the ps3 experience. Probably lost a lot of people because of that.
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  7. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    No not yet. They probably won't give up on it until the end of 2015.
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  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm going out of town the next few days for work and will be dragging my PS3 along so I can log in when I'm bored outta my mind in a hotel room...

    We shall see how bad it is. HAHA
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  9. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Make sure you update it first! Good luck.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I just did all the updates this morning... I have an SSD in my PS3 so hopefully it's not too bad. The only downside to the SSD in the PS3 is it forced me to put one into my PS4. HAHA
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  11. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I think this game is great, so much that I convinced my bf with me to upgrade to PS4. (We went half)

    I know what the OP means about the game really feeling somewhat broken when u go between the systems.
    All the things that I remember being an issue remain, only now it seems worse.

    Imagine riding a bus somewhere everyday.
    Yeah it's kinda whatever, you get there when you get there. Nothing special just an ordinary trip. The more people that ride this bus makes it rather uncomfortable and it takes longer to get where you want to be. Being as that's what you normally do, you never even think twice about a better way to travel.

    Suddenly you get handed a set of private Jet keys. You make the same trips only 10x's as fast and it's a private jet so no worries about someone plopping next to you and passing out on your shoulder. You get very little interruptions and the trip easily accommodates extra passengers. You have the capacity to go wherever but there is this rule that you can't leave the airfield because the bus riders can't get to the same places you will go.

    Yeah it's kinda like that.
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  12. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I deleted DC off my PS3. It's too hard to go back after experiencing the glory of 60fps PS4 DCUO.
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  13. No thx New Player

    ps3 player, High SM goer, 106/105 roles.
  14. kasino007 New Player

    I think the OP explores valid issues concerning the PS3... even more than some are willing to admit. As someone who has recently upgraded (about a month with my PS4). I have not had a single DC or freeze. Every raid I have ran has had multiple disconnects from other players and it's starting to get really frustrating. When that new DLC hits I think it's going to be a "Rubber meets the Road" moment. I wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing "PS4 only" pop up in LFG or even worst... PS4 only leagues. Please don't get me wrong, I feel every player has a right to enjoy any game of their choice on any platform of they choose, but it's a problem that's going to continue to grow with every new DLC unless they do something groundbreaking concerning DCUO & PS3. I hope they do.
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  15. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    It is like that. I was always a lucky ps3 user. My internet is top notch. I rarely ever dc'ed(once a month). Now I DC multiple times a day. By cramming more content in(dlc, GU), I only see the problem getting worse. That's the only difference from Nov 15th of last year and now and my ps3 is way worse than it was.
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  16. Delta795 New Player

    Basic math should tell you where we are at...
    How many PS4s have been sold worldwide vs ps3 and you think a niche game like this has a big turnover?
    Our league is probably 50/50 at this point on the 2 systems so I do see a trade, but they won't do anything until the adaptation ratio is MUCH higher. Look at PS to PS2 to PS3, the largest jump is normally 18 months before the new system has it big transition.

    Look to 2015 and then this discussion (if the numbers are there) is viable. Until then you are kidding yourself because statistics and trends don't lie.
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  17. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    Hmmm. Yea dc not worth me paying $400+ just because s3 holding "progression". Only way id upgrade immediately is if theres a guarantee that dlcs or something of the equivalent would be coming put at a rapid pace. (2-3 months)
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  18. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    After summer 2015 I could see them possibly leaving the ps3 solely because then I see people having ps4s due to all of the releases coming out then.
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  19. Miggly Committed Player

    I don't think Sony will kill DCUO for PS3, but I do think they will phase it out.

    I won't kill you... but I don't have to save you.
  20. SkullGang Devoted Player

    PS3 will disappear but not until the devs are certain.
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