Proposing some changes with Celestial AM

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Xibo, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Xibo Loyal Player

    Hello, i'm creating this thread just to propose for this year if you can make some changes on Celestial AM so that your performance be improved:

    1) If your Celestial Combo is interrupted after triggering Advanced Mechanic (AM) damage, you can have a three second window of time to restart comboing without losing the AM damage increase.

    2) Let Dark Pact or Anoint or Benediction trigger your AM instead by Celestial Combo.

    3) Healers take advantage of advanced mechanic damage from Celestial Combos.
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  2. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    1. Sadly we do have a grace period but this is longer and longer is better.

    2. To be fair, I think it should have to be two of them

    3. That was done with the mid range update a few months back.

    The other two issues that need addressed are better CC/stuns from well everything and the power regen is horrible especially being so susceptible to counters/lunges. A decrease in power costs wouldn't hurt either.
  3. DCspawn87 Well-Known Player

    Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like every troll power has the best AM. Once HL gets its damage update, it's gonna be a duo and 4 man monster. But I digress. If a gadgets dps can pop BD, or when a Quantum dps can use Time Bomb to start it's power back, why can't celestial use one of its buffs to get started instead of praying to get an entire combo off?
  4. 2nd Circle Level 30

    You know what I truly wish for for Celestial dps? So there's this lovely little that happens where if the add you have targeted dies after you press your power but before you get your next combo input in, the combo stops altogether and you have to start again. That genuinely makes no sense to me; the combo should be regardless of if the one add you happen to have your target on in a big group of 7 adds dies. It's a huge momentum killer, and normally by the time you realize your combo stopped and start it up again your AM's already gone.

    Please address
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    For number 1 you are asking them to double the window pretty much.

    For number 2 you are asking for a shortcut which in a way would make celestial the fastest way to get into the AM thus making number 1 change pointless

    And for number 3, this has already been done, several months back.
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  6. Xibo Loyal Player

    Regarding number 1 and 2, number 3 we can ignore:

    I'm not asking for a OP power, only the issue is: If you can't refresh your AM after interrupted you loss damage and on duos, alerts and raids you're constantly interrupted and if you don't have any another ability to active your AM instead by multi-input combo you loss damage and the results of that we all know.

    Ice and Fire already work in this way and can you imagine if Ice had your AM activated AFTER apply AG? This is happening with Celestial right now.

    For this reason i'm asking these 2 things: Refresh your AM after interrupt and a simple ability that trigger your AM instead by combo.
  7. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    2. It seems interruptable when going into a celestial combo vs. a one button press kind of thing with other powers, especially Rage power
  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You just don't give up do you?
  9. bmce84 Loyal Player

    wonder how long until Mepps locks this, specially because Celestial isnt even being tested.
  10. Jupiter Ross Well-Known Player

    Gadgets got quality of play changes in gu 55, dont see why Cel cant...these simple changes will greatly reduce the frustration level f Celestial dps' while making the power more competitive...and ditto on the targeting thing...I think the dmg aspect of Cel is fine just need these minor adjustments to make the power flow better...power issues that some have are due to having to reset AM everytime they get if AM dmg can be given a continuation window regen should remain active as well so thst you regenerate power from your interruptions...i would also suggest that Cel players spec into breakout mastery it will help alleviate some of the power issues as well
  11. Xibo Loyal Player

    In terms of damage, was already tested when was added mid-range. The changes that i'm proposing has nothing to do with damage and the Celestial damage is fine.
  12. Pults Loyal Player

    Healer AM damage boost could be instant - as soon as you activate a power it starts.
  13. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    Can I add something to the end of that sentence?

    ... when you can complete combos and have the necessary power.

    I've made a similar argument in the HL thread. HL generally doesn't have issues with power supply but like Celestial is at a huge disadvantage versus Ice and Quantum at least for one big reason. Crowd Control.

    Ice's Avalanche does good to great damage and AT THE SAME TIME renders the add completely helpless for the duration of the channel. Quantum DPS stuns and lifts are better than many Troll CC moves. RcW stuns long enough to maybe do the buffs or get to the first input of the next combo but not always the second. HL at least has a few different stuns, knockbacks and juggles to ultilize and is better off than Celestial but shares the pain.
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  14. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Only 2 things:

    1. Give it an AM revive window like all the other powers that are getting revive times in mid-range update.
    2. Make it so your combo doesn't crash on you when an enemy dies, thus resetting the AM boost. This really ticks me off!
    A few other things maybe nice but they aren't really influenced by the AM or Mid-range. Poor Celestial got it's mid-range first, but really was a below average prototype. Still competitive although its AM breaks easily and has no shortcuts.
  15. Shifty Committed Player

    1. We do have a grace period if interrupted, though it is short. So I would agree to extend our grace period slightly.

    2. Technically you can use benediction to start the AM, just use dark pact -> Anoint -> benediction into malediction combo. This is by far the fastest way to start up the AM.

    3. Isn't it already a thing that healers can take advantage of AM damage? If not correct me here.
  16. Xibo Loyal Player

    Ignore option 3 because i no more can edit my first post now. You're correct regarding option 3.

    Talking about the option 1 and 2:

    1) Then, the grace period need to be extended to at least 3 seconds otherwise is loss damage.

    2) Comparing to other powers: Earth is 1 button while Sorcery is incorporated, Ice is 3 buttons, Fire is 3 buttons and Celestial is 3 buttons along BcM and i say 3 because we can't ignore Dark Pact.
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  17. Shifty Committed Player

    I agree, extending the grace period to at least 3 seconds is a good idea, and I see what you mean, celestial compared to powers like ice fire earth and sorcery, just makes it look to weak.

    Quick question, do you run WotPcCS?
  18. Xibo Loyal Player

    Yes, is the best Celestial burst but have the same problem with interruptions.
  19. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    I agree with you on the first change (increasing AM windows, like they did on gadgets...). But this will benefit the PvE side only. It'd be a dangerous change for PvP. Imagine this... Weapon combo > clipped with Consume Soul > combo into WotP > weapon combo > clipped with Smite > combo into Haunt and then a vulnerability icon pops over your head. That is what would happen if our AM windows were extended. And activating the AM in PvP now offers an almost nonexistent reward.

    Celestial being now the most vulnerable power to interrupt in PvP would be even more vulnerable. So do I want it? Yes and no. Yes for PvE, not for PvP.
  20. Xibo Loyal Player

    Just for PvE, PvP is untouchable.