[Proposal] - How to address the current state of PvP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lithiumz, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    I think you meant to reply to the post I directed towards you. What you quoted was for someone else. Anyways, I don't want to spend money towards replays for resets to earn my marks in PVP. The majority of us from the PVP community did not like that, which is why they stopped doing it in the first place. If they bring that back, they're going to kill the PVP community that much more. As a hardcore PVPer, I do not support this proposal.
  2. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Good question. I admit to not having thought it out too far. I think it would be easy enough running Legends content as a group. For straight up PVP, I think the highest cr commands an average level of loot between that cr and the opponent. So, lower cr's would be hungry to fight stronger opponents, while high cr's would hunger to fight equivalent opponents until stronger ones came forth. To my mind, what ever cr your current toon is in pve would be the pvp cr. It would eb the same gear as in pve. There would be no difference. This way, someone that devoted a year or more to the game doesn't have to start at the bottom as pvp. It simplifies things. Right now, there are to different combat systems running the game regarding cr, damage and defenses, as well as power effects. It's easier to have one system. Make it all pve numbers. That's about as far as I have thought it through. I would like to see if it works.
  3. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    I feel it could work, yet at that same time I'm a bit on the fence about it because I consider what changes other players would be willing or unwilling to accept in this. As far as getting gear, they could maybe isolate it to vendors with a shared mark system between PVE and PVP instances. I think that's as logical as they could possibly get and I'm pretty sure I just answered my own question, haha. Maybe they could also provide exclusive style drops upon completing instances in respect to PVE and PVP to still give that sense of how a player identifies him or herself. Personally, I'd be open to that if they were to go about it the right way, but it's debatable.
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  4. Morcra Committed Player

    this game has pvp????

    wooooow. never noticed.

    seriously though, i usually like to pvp in games but i havent even bothered in this game for some reason. also, the game tries very hard to make you forget it even exists. wasnt there a pvp quest a while ago whil you were making a new character? where did that go.
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  5. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I think you are the only one in 5 years or so that has ever been kind about my idea. I usually get less meanie-butt replies. Thank you. It is just a suggestion born out of me wanting to jump right in rather than having seperate rules. I play a few games that have pvp, and none of them have seperate mechanics/rules or gear for the effort. It is all streamlined and players just jump right in. Thanks again for being nice. You made my day! :)
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  6. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    I get a lot of "meanie-butt" replies too, (haha) but I handle those opposers pretty well. I'm always going to be open to ideas that can help to improve the game. Yours isn't too far-fetched, it's reasonable. If you've ever played Destiny, that games gear system is similar to what you're proposing and it's something that actually works. I'm a 5 year vet in this game myself and that's quite the compliment you gave. So, you're welcome, I'm glad I could make your day:)
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  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Last Laugh help nake the pvp community small, before Last Laugh and Immunities, almost everyone did pvp. Open world, fight club, and qs. The villain pvp q was instant
  8. L T Devoted Player

    The Last Laugh and Home Turf were both DLCs that focused on PVP... I don't think they were very popular overall--- but thinking outside the box, this might be a redeeming factor of monthly content. If the DEV team could release 1-2 PVP DLCs a year, it wouldn't take much away from PVE overall, but would provide some of the freshness that PVP players seem to be longing for.

    You used to not get immunity after a counter? Did that work well?
  9. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    I feel as though there's some compromises needed.

    This is the thing that requires finishers.. A finisher shouldnt be required imo.
    Single target damage vs AoE Healing is poorly thought out design imo.
    AoE damage should be viable enough to net decent kills in matches, even considering that Rage has an AoE finisher. -_-

    Roles currently arent fine... They're a mess.
    If there is a role update, every power's off role should be throughly tested in everything but a 5v5. If you ask me, 4v4 and 2v2 should be the focus. That way you can properly gauge a power's solo role potential.
    Too many variables that fall in place in 5v5 and 8v8.
    Add in RPS too.


    Both open world and arenas have dismal rewards. Good grief..
    Increase them.

    Id love to see an Unattuned Gear vendor for PvP.
    It'd be that much easier to get gear for both roles that way.
    Obviously people miss the edge gear gave in matches.. While I dont care about that and still stomped higher tiered players, it never really appeales to new blood in PvP. A compromise should be reached there.
    Open world is a different matter imo. CR Differential is what destroyed open world for good along with Advanced Mechanics and Weapon Mastery.
    Open World should be unfair but not a oneshot fest because testing feedback is largely ignored for that mode. Its that train of thought that killed it in the first place.

    Combat options

    Im gonna go against the idea of AM and WM needing to be useless in Arenas.
    Guys, old thinking is not gonna get you anywhere if you cannot adapt the old concepts in with the new.
    Nostalgia is good but shouldnt be the basis of the need for change. Weapon Mastery should be an option for players to play with and so should AM.


    Im of the opinion that immunities are needed in legends because of certain legends dependence on them.
    In Arenas, its not necessarily a problem for me, but it has proved problematic for others espcially with server instability lately and the lag monstrosities.
    Id say to modify it and to evolve the que system. Its antiquated and it needs to change. Lobbies are good idea to consider.
    If no modification, just have it as an option to turn on and off. Im not sure it would be simple, but if you do that,
    you'd have to have queueing based of who has immunities on and who has immunities off.


    After finding out the developers see kegends in a similar fashion of the mid range crisis, then there should be a movement to make certain legends live up to their intended design.
    These categories are High Damage/Low Survivability and Low Damage/High Survivability.
    Of course, there is a big problem.. There are legenda with High Survivability/High Damage, Low Survivability/Low Damage, and.those in with Medium Damage/Medium Survivability.

    Power Reserves:

    PvP has power costs equivalent to cr 158 in Arenas.. Thats insane.
    There should be a revision on that end. And there's small power pools in the gear.. Ewww.
    Needs to be looked at on a case by case thing.
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