[Proposal] - How to address the current state of PvP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lithiumz, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. Lithiumz Well-Known Player

    Hello everyone!

    Currently, I feel that PvP is neglected because the developers do not have a true way to monetize it. I would like to propose that Daybreak return to the checkmate era ways of earning marks. I know a lot of people will say no but I believe that in order for PvP to continue and get the attention it needs, the funding needs to be there. At this point, I believe PvP is in dire need of attention and this may be the only way to really get pvp fixes. If anything, a hybrid system could be put in that if a person doesn't reset at all, he or she can at least get 1 or 2 marks per win, while someone resetting gets maybe like 6 to 8. I believe that if you have this sort of monetization, you can at least cater to paying and non paying customers who want to PvP.

    This is just a thought to get the ball rolling on PvP changes. The game desperately needs it.
  2. Lithiumz Well-Known Player

  3. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    This whole situation would just turn off what members you have left in the pvp community.
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  4. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    And you don't think the ones who Fotm, doesn't do it for pvp as well, look at those powers atomic, hl, and other op powers and you tell me if pvp is bringing in revenue.
  5. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I think PVP and PVE content should be stream-lined into one. Seperate worlds for pve and pvp could remain, but no seperate gear. It would work, imo, if pvp content was equivalent to story in terms of battles and rewards. PVE maps would make great arenas, with different starting points for vs. Granting everyone a loot table assigned to tier or cr would make winning somehting worth striving for. The tougher the opponents or mission for pvp, the greater the reward.
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  6. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    could not care less about pvp!!! if there is no feat. I don't pvp.
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  7. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Cool story
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  8. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    I thought so. :)
  9. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    If they bring a leaderboard in PvP will flourish.

    Just need some balance first.
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  10. Lithiumz Well-Known Player

    The current state of pvp is a huge turn off. This would provide funding to actually fix pvp.
  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Pvp will never get better, because the devs try to improve the gameplay for current pvpers, when they should make it more attractive to the pve crown
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  12. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    You bring up a proposal to change PVP and you only choose to touch up on the mark earning system??? I'm sorry, that is the very least of the problem.
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  13. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    I see where you're going with that idea, but my question is how would players ultimately go about obtaining such gear? Especially, if certain players don't like to run PVE content.
  14. Lithiumz Well-Known Player

    Resetting would allow a reward box of marks. You can still get the 2 marks per a match. If you go with the hybrid approach. This would actually make the pvp grind less of a hassle.
  15. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Ok so let me get this straight, your solution is to raise taxes for the few PVP players, that don't play it being free because you think it will make more money for PVP, even though they don't have a separate bank account for PVP, if they wanted they could put more money into it. The issue isn't money, is that there are not enough PVP players to really devote any time to it, and even though people say "but if they fixed players will return", no they wont, most left 2 years ago because of Season 3, by now those players probably don't even remember how to play DCUO, and would need to get used to mid range (btw imagine those that where electric). The only way to fix PVP is to balance it, but they are still not done with PVE balance, so don't expect PVP to be balanced for a long time.
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  16. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The PvP community was only "huge" in the beginning of this game, you could even argue that the days of last laugh was the "height" of it's base. That being said most long time players hated the pay wall that was caused by the last laugh dlc and the old system also made it so casuals couldn't truly get into it (they would get slaughtered back than because of the gear distance) because you had to win to progress.

    What you're proposing wouldn't be the thing that fixes PvP, not by a long shot.
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    1. PVP leader boards
    2. New PVP feats
    3. New PVP Maps
    4. New open world PVP events
    5. Balancing of powers/ weapons for PVP
    6. New PVP gear styles
    7. Exclusive PVP vendor items( base items, auras, vanity pets, etc)
    8. New PVP game modes
    9. New PVP titles
    10. Friday night legends return.

    All of the above will get people back into the game and into pvp.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    1. PVP leader boards
    2. New PVP feats
    3. New PVP Maps
    4. New open world PVP events
    5. Balancing of powers/ weapons for PVP
    6. New PVP gear styles
    7. Exclusive PVP vendor items( base items, auras, vanity pets, etc)
    8. New PVP game modes
    9. New PVP titles
    10. Friday night legends return.

    All of the above will get people back into the game and into pvp.
  19. Wildboy Committed Player

    Especially balancing IMHO.

    Also, I hated the removal of RPS.
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  20. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    1 - Leader boards are pretty useless as long as content is widely ignored. Also, leader boards will incite more unhealty competition of the kind community already displays in overdoses.

    2-4 and 8 - That's what contentwise can and should be done. However: PvP community should make clear upfront if they want to play content (which I'd prefer) or run tournaments (which is in a content driven MMO a major letdown and should not be done). Elsewise, the new content may fail to satisfy the target audience - that is, if the self-declared PvP community was actually large enough to matter.

    5 - Most important step and should be solved before anything else. There is no use, no matter if low-self-esteem-teenager-"let's compare size of manhood"-tournament or actual content, to add something new while surrounding environment is still broken. And no step backwards to any point will provide an actual fix since it always was sorta broken, just "broken" wasn't perceived as that as badly. My suggestion: find a way to get PvP in line with PvE in points of damage, combat behavior, powers etc. so it is a) more open for more players and b) fixing the power balance PvE needs in the same approach. It will also make combining content more easy and enjoyable.

    6,7,9 - just incentives to get people back into it. If the content is done well, they should return on their own because it's actually making fun (and possibly more fun than the monthly content schedule).

    10 will have no effect IMO since there were too few players actually interested in it. It's like catering to an elitist minority ans thus behavior that badly needs to stop on the devs' end. Prove me wrong by getting thousands of players to post here how they enjoyed taking part in friday night legends ;)
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