Promethium Keys On Sale! Plus, Lockbox Drop Rates Increased!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 21, 2015.

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  1. NicoFilippo Level 30

    I hate this update! My inventory is spammed with those lockboxes, that I cannot open! It is unfair that PREMIUMS get everything, and FREE-S can just delete lockbox, and turn off game forever!
  2. NicoFilippo Level 30

    Make random rare drop of those keys!
  3. cassi Well-Known Player

    Omg it's awesome....I have been getting 2-3 per day instead of the 1 every 3 days...thanks guys! Made my $15.00 worth it this month :)
  4. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I feel for you. I have been lucky with the lockboxes and have been able to finish off not one but 3 styles on my primary. I have two more styles left to complete and both require 1 piece for the T1-T4 styles that you could not pick and choice gear. After that I will have 4 styles from the solo content where you pick a piece after 5 completed events. I'm working on those ones nice and slowly as I want to get all my styles but I'm in no rush what so ever.
  5. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I killed everything in my daily runs due to this as boxes come from kills. It's been great and I gotten about 10 hero styles from the boxes. I also gotten 4 stacks of omegas and 200k from selling two auras. I hope you guys do this later on next year during every seasonal event. KEpt me playing much more too and farmed old content.
  6. Zenith Well-Known Player

    I had planned to spend some time playing a different game at the weekend. Instead I've been in DCUO replaying content, thanks to the increased drop rate of both the lockboxes and "Bad Luck Limiter" loot.

    Well played Daybreak.
  7. ACEMcFly101 Well-Known Player

    Devs, Pleeease extend this. It has been awesome and everyone is saying they wish it was permanent. But honestly, with the amount of time this lasted and the typical player's average playtime, the promotion is not long enough to put a dent in all the styles collections and everything you guys have added to the game. Please at least extend this a little longer. It should have had a longer date to begin with.
  8. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    yes please devs make the drop rate permanent i played so much more knowing i was getting more lockboxes
  9. ACEMcFly101 Well-Known Player

    A lot of people keep posting things here with the same implication. It's supposed to end today, so it's a little late for me to clarity, but just in general I am very surprised at how many people seem to not understand how lockbox drops work. If you got a lockbox 45min ago, and you kill 10 enemies, each one has a 0% chance of dropping a box. If you got one 6 hrs ago (playtime) and kill 10 enemies, the very first one will have a 100% chance of dropping and the 2nd-10th will have 0% chances. It is not something you can farm for. This is common knowledge. They drop based on playtime. Once x amount of hours go by, you make a kill to get one. Typically it is 6 hours (I'm pretty sure). I'm not sure what it is during this promotion. It seemed to me like it's 1-2 hrs. Someone else on here said they ran every single instance in On Duty because of this. It makes no sense. That won't get you any more boxes. UNLESS they've changed that concept specifically for this promotion, but in my experience it does not appear that they have.
  10. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    All they did was change the how long it took for a lockbox to drop it went from 6 hours to 2 hours during that increase was the 1st time in a long time that i spent more then 2 hours in 1 play session and i was loving every minute of it lol
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  11. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Agreed. This made the game a lot more fun to play since we could always get lots of new styles and surprises. I'd really like it is always like this for promethium. Don't reduce the drop rate, please devs!
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