Promethium Keys On Sale! Plus, Lockbox Drop Rates Increased!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Oct 21, 2015.

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  1. L T Devoted Player

    Is that ALL?
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  2. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    That's still not going to work given the majority of people that do spend a ridiculous amount of money on the booster bundles are looking to flip the profit by selling the auras. Keep in mind, OG auras are still only existent because of this mentality besides the rare case of someone who quit the game back then and decided to come back randomly. As for being accessible to new players, that's the downside of being a new player that people have to deal with. Previous sales/offers are no longer available, end of story. That works in several other games such as League of Legends. Those items don't come back without a ridiculous pricetag if at all. Examples being being held on to skin codes for League of Legends to sell them later for several hundred dollars and Riot disabled old codes just to get rid of that accessibility even though it's the only way for new players to get them. That's the incentive to taking activity in these sales etc. is because of the exclusivity in the time frame. If the aura is coming back out again later, why spend money on it now when it's going to be cheaper later.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    MP Aura not tradeable---True, but someone who is willing to spend $50 for an aura at the marketplace isn't a hustler anyway, otherwise he'd have hustled up the money to buy one with in game money. I'm talking about people who want to buy an aura to wear. I also beg to differ that most people wont spend $50 on an aura...if it were an exclusive aura. I know LOTS of people who just shelled out almost $30 to have a Batman cowl and 4 bombshell hairstyles in recent weeks. Style is a big part of the game.

    I also agree with another poster. Part of these limited time things is either a badge of honor for those who got them or shows some extensive dedication to the game (lots of grinding, doing specific feats, etc...) If any 12 year old who just got some PSN cash for Christmas can get the same stuff, it takes the 'cool' out of some of the items.

    BTW....I started playing June 2012 and only went legendary the week after the 2012 Christmas present....I don't complain about not being able to get Skeets, Tom-Bot, the Year1 cape or missing out on the 'Survived the hack' 50 point feat......(ok, well maybe Tom-Bot), so believe me.... I get the feeling on missing out on something, but I also understand why I'm missing out.

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  4. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I gotten like 4 today and one was a new hero style.
  5. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Cool beans. One more reason to log on tonight. Thanks.
  6. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    But thats fine if u want to spend 50 cash on any OLD OG aura there is absolutely nothing wrong wit that.. You can buy and OG aura for 50 cash MP but it wont be trabeable aka ACCOUNT BOUND.. BUT... If you were to purchase the CURRENT THEMED 10 cash booster bundle the auras would be tradeable with a small chance to get the CURRENT THEMED OG tradeable auras. for example it would be the OG radiant if it were to come back right now, not the old OG smokes or plasmics. or nimbuses. SO it would work.. Pick your lane my man. As mepps would a la carte . However you choose to support DCUO would be greatly appreciated.. once again i disagree that people who come into the game 2 years from now shouldnt be locked out of certain things. But if they CHOOSE to buy an OG aura there will be a hefty price for it.. EIther way, its a win win for the players and for DCUO. Another solution would be Add an OG aura to the MP a 6-8months after its intial release.. You still could maintain control profits, as most players wont want to wait a that long for the release on MP
  7. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    That's not a win for the community given the actual purpose of the aura. OG auras will just turn into cc hoods eventually.
  8. SuperBell Loyal Player

    :O Another thing Back to the Future II got right!
  9. pyroshade13 Committed Player

  10. Triple Draw Level 30

    Could you guys fix steam payment? When I am press steam in the marketplace it's loading daybrake cash bundles like forever. I can't buy anything :(
  11. hudapak Well-Known Player

    Like I care about these lock boxes and all the crap inside. You'll never receive another penny from me.
  12. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    PLEASE! devs lets keep this drop rate permanently for the lockboxes its making me wanna log in and play more often i love not having to wait so long for a lockbox to pop up
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  13. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    SO.. lol you say it likes its a bad thing.. CC hood shouldnt be the most rarest and valueable thing in the game. The reason why people still stuck on CC HOOD is bcuz DCUO hasnt introduce NEW epic tradeable gear. its practically been out since launch... time to move on from it and introduce new EPIC tradeable gear.. Same with OG auras. Its dope but it shouldnt be the ONLY best.. Like i said release the current booster bundle OG aura 8months later down the line on MP from the original launch dates.. its a win win for the community because ppl can actually get it IF THEY WANT TO support DCUO.. I dont see why you would want someone who comes into the game two years later to, not be able to get a chance to buy an OG aura.. OG auras shouldnt just be for past players.. OG auras should be just that, old AURAS. IF 50dollars not high enough for you on MP then make it 100 dollars then.. lol
  14. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    You're missing the entire point of the system. It's not about being fair. It's not about just money. Screw new players, they'll have their own deals in the future. I'm not even going to continue this argument considering I can't use the terminology I would like given this thread is monitored and I don't feel like being banned from irritation over ignorance.
  15. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    LOL ok.. You're not built for the forums i see. Difference of opinions so we will leave it at that.. My idea is good in the long run thats how i see it.
  16. B00MeR New Player

    2 days in a row and i still have gotten a promo box.. glad this works for most of yall but ive run like 5 instances and i have gottten zero boxes
  17. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Thanks. I'm happy with the extra marks :)
  18. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I just got one. opened it. it had Street style chest in it.... STREET style??! The one available for both factions from style vendor in HQ for in-game cash. /facepalm
    I'm not expecting all lockboxes to have enemy faction style items in them, but Street is in the loot table??? Any style items that are available from HQ style vendors should be removed from the loot table.

    PS: will Vault ever get an updated loot table? I suggest adding Base items to the Vault. (especially the ones that count toward Base Feats)

    PPS.... CR112 MA weapon seems to be a rare drop rate because i've been doing content for weeks and have not seen one. I do see lots of helms, pants, boots, rings.... sometimes two rings in the loot selection window. :(
  19. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    then if the lockboxes were reverted back to how they used to be you would think they were just fine. Because you still get a mark.
  20. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Naw. My post said I'm happy with the EXTRA marks. That doesn't mean I want them to change the boxes back. At least now I get something I can use, even if it's just a consumable.
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